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Original trilogy style guns

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I was just wondering, before I accidentally would try to make something myself - has anyone made or attempted to make guns that feel like they have the massive impact as in the original trilogy movies? It has become a thing that annoys me every time I play Jedi Knight, that the guns don't seem dangerous or powerful. These things made holes or powerful marks and impacted with a lot of smoke and fire.


As for the request - if someone hasn't made this, does someone have some good sound effects of blasters making impact? @@Circa




Also the scenes from A New Hope, when they escape from the stormtroopers, but couldn't find footage of it!


As a side note, this could possibly be achieved quite well in rend2 with parallax normal maps!

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The Ultimate Weapons Mod does quite well, especially with the  E-11 blaster and the DL-44. There are two weapons effects pk3's (low and high) that have fire, sparks, wall marks, ect... I prefer the low quality one since you can blast a door, open it, and it still has the effect going when the door opens.. lol.


Give it a try and see if you like it. Personally, I love it. 

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Ah that's a lot of cool things there actually! I like what they did with the blasters, which is what I wanted, although I'd love some more shooting sound variations.

As for the sabers, they weren't quite optimized for JK2, the wall mark sound didn't seem like it was intended to loop. But sabers are a different project altogether :)

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