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What is constructive criticism?

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I'm all for the idea of respect being shown where it's due and people generally not being a dick in general. However, I think you've taken a bit of a strange turn with this. Instead of suggesting some ways that people could be nicer or offer constructive criticism as opposed to unconstructive criticism, you've taken the approach of lecturing people about the subject, and proclaiming that your way is the best method. This may seem patronizing or offensive to other members as @@Xycaleth pointed out.


(rather ironically, you also got very defensive in response to other peoples' legitimate concerns and feedback regarding this subject)


I'm going to go ahead and unlock this as I feel that this is still a valid discussion. I have hidden several posts (but none of yours as I recall) that don't contribute to this topic.

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Here's an easy way to put it:


Don't act like an absolute dick whenever you criticize someone. And don't overreact if you can't handle fair criticism. I've seen both of these problems here and I seriously don't see what the problem is in being tolerant of others, or nice to others. If some people think this is asking too much, then I think that's a little stubborn. Also, I don't see how Cerez is trying to push beliefs on other people or trying to control their thoughts. He's simply sharing his own beliefs and hoping people can try and see the logic of them.


Chances are people who feel this way might be overreacting themselves, but I'm not gonna put words in anyone's mouth. I just don't see what's so hard about understanding Cerez's message. :P

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I don't like the fact that a certain admin is abusing his power by removing comments he may not agree with, comments that do not insult others or take sides but merely state that this topic always seems to cause conflicts.


Freedom of speech, look it up.

Now here is what I don't understand, and frankly makes me really tired of being a moderator for you people. When someone disagrees and causes trouble against you, you spend a good 2 pages derailing a thread arguing and finally report it so we can intervene. But when you aren't the main one in the argument or are the offending party, we aren't supposed to intervene? There's no middle ground for you guys at all, I see.


We are hiding posts that are trying to turn this thread into a flame war, which from past experience, is extremely easy to do. Even the slightest comment can tip someone off. All the posts we've hidden were either blatant attacks or comments asking for retaliation because apparently people love to argue and cause others to join in.


I'd personally love to just close this thread because I've never seen one like this stay civil, without us hiding posts. 

Kessno, Omicron and therfiles like this
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If the this thread was dedicated to a flame war earlier, that's just more evidence of the senselessly bad behavior here, and it goes beyond mere criticism.


Come on, this is a little much in this case. Can't anyone be a bit more mature about things like this?

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It seems that the JKA community in general has always ended up getting into arguments and flame wars over the smallest things. Unfortunately, that's what has driven away a lot of the old modders. I think it's safe to say that most of the more serious modders here are married and just starting families and they're part of this community working with a hobby that they enjoy. They don't come here looking to start arguments or participate in them.


I think respect is something that is earned within the community. Sure, when you make your first reskin or open up gtkRadiant and create a hollowed out box, you feel pretty good about it and immediately want to go post your latest creation online to get feedback on it. There will probably be that person that likes it or says it looks great. Then the next guy might come along and says, "What is THAT? It's the worst garbage I've ever seen!" Granted, I haven't actually seen anything quite THAT drastic on the forums here. The difference, I believe, between flat out unhelpful criticism and constructive criticism is the guy that might be that harsh on you, but then offers feedback on what you could CHANGE to make it look better.


We all have different ways of expressing criticism, whether it be constructive or not. What's probably set most people off though is attempting to explain what it is to them. That generally doesn't work out well for anyone.


At this point, it probably would be good if someone closed the thread before it gets completely out of control.

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