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Team Heal

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Hey again i wanted to request a mod or at least a suggestion and this seemed like the right place to be. So my suggestion is which could be very interesting thing to do is if you are familiar with coding also the force power team heal could be use for single player the reason why this question come to were because of all the clone wars episodes i recently watched but also the reading i did recently but i am not a coder myself i think it would be really cool to have the feature and perhaps a medic a non force user can have something similar however this is just a request but i thought it was really cool idea in addition something new such as the facial expression looking forward to more progress  


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Interesting idea! A bit confused on how it would work though. There are just a handful of missions where you are even in contact with good guy force users. I can just think of Byss and Vjun off the top of my head. It could be easy to implement though using scripts. Add a script that checks the player's health, and if it gets too low, Kyle could do an animation and a heal sound with a "Take this, Jaden" or something like that and Jaden gets 50 health or something. I just don't know if you are with allies enough to really warrent that.

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Well npc are easily included in the game especially with the npc spawn function also i get your point and do not forget Korriban it is crawling with light side users as much as dark-siders second thing that came to mind is not something i believed can be implanted into the game but resurrecting dead npc something that is missing but your addition to my idea was really good. Hopefully this could also be used by the player to give for example Kyle more health however this is just my thought and enjoy what other people think of this as well     

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i was thinking the same things for my fantasy mod, but at moment it's possible to heal and resurrect Dead Npc only with icarus.

2 new more force power for that on SP code. the problem for make the teamheal on the SP code it's that: the Teamheal code of MP

works for Bots and other players, NOT for NPC, npc are not supported much in the MP game. for this reason making an healing power of Npcs is strong to realize because there are not example on the code of how that can work. it's a heavy request to satisface. i am a noobie for coding and i cannot help,. i hope that some one more expert take care of that request a time. : \

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Perhaps if there was a good reason to create it. As @@Asgarath83 pointed out, it would take a lot of scripting work to make this happen.


I think I get where you're coming from. RPGs have such interaction where team members (even NPCs) are able to heal each other.


Not sure how useful something like this would be in the default SP game, however, and how much it would unbalance the game. If it can be balanced, perhaps it could be included in the enhanced edition of JKA SP?


I suppose it would be nice to have Kyle actually take care after his Padawan(s) for once when on a mission together.


EDIT: I may have a look at this at a later point in time when my plate is not so full.

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Perhaps if there was a good reason to create it. As @@Asgarath83 pointed out, it would take a lot of scripting work to make this happen.


I think I get where you're coming from. RPGs have such interaction where team members (even NPCs) are able to heal each other.


Not sure how useful something like this would be in the default SP game, however, and how much it would unbalance the game. If it can be balanced, perhaps it could be included in the enhanced edition of JKA SP?


I suppose it would be nice to have Kyle actually take care after his Padawan(s) for once when on a mission together.


EDIT: I may have a look at this at a later point in time when my plate is not so full.

Yes, for making mod of RPG stamp it's very useful. the other 2 powers are missing is a neutralpower to freeze \ stasys the victim that can be avoided with push and absorb and a dark force power that can poison enemty. there is an example on vjun3 map of how it need works when the 2 twin reborn dkothos and vkothos heal rosh ponin in the fight against him. i think studying the script of this battle can be a start point also for define the code of a teamheal power. for the poison the procedure is reversed: the entity lose health after time instead of adding. but poison is already prsente on the interrogator droid and in the noghri stick, so tha'ts easy. heal is a istantaneous effect, is more hard to do, need to do like the FP_HEAL, but acting not only on the client but also on the temmate. mmmm... i get an idea: there is force effect that with the traceent paramter into the cod, act on the NPCs touched by it: the Mindtrick!

i have an idea: make a new force mindtrick power that NOT confuse the Npc touched . but heal theirselves.

it's possible, in theory.



I thinks the heal other power can be useful for the vjun1-2 level with the acid rain. so kyle katarn can heal jaden by the dmg of the acid. Yes, i know force protect can avoid damage, but if you are with no force point on the rain, with low health, and with force protect that ending effecting... well... i think the player need really to RUN to the more near rock for survive And for many mods, however. the game is balanced only becasue JKA have the quick saves functions, witbhniut they considering that only 1-2 hit of enemy saber can slash the player and take down, the gameplay was really more difficult. otherwise, in a shoot combat against troops with FP_FLECHETTE the jedi is really in trouble and a little healing support can be useful.

i play ever at padawan difficult for that. XD

should be interessing, but need a lot of balance of gameplay , a lot more dmg of blaster in the easy difficult, maybe, that can be eaisly done editing parameter on weapons.h


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