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Great work!


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OH MY GOD!! You guys fixed the rain in MP!!

I LOVE YOU!!! ♥♥♥


I've been waiting forever for this, and all the Mac retail versions of the game seemed to get it wrong. They still do, to this day. Now the ambience on this map (my favourite) is just right.


I want to donate. ^_^ How can I? Does the team have a PayPal account?

DarthStiv likes this
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On behalf of the entire JKHub team I am very happy to tell you that I was just appointed First JKHub Collector of Donations. Feel free to email the phat dollarz to uniqor at web de. The team thanks you for your generosity.

Edited by AshuraDX
you're kind of a jerk , Ping XD
Omicron and AshuraDX like this
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I don't hate all of you Darth, but I'm beginning to really dislike a certain few and their attitude here -- you know who you are.


And unfortunately the management seems to fully support their immature and ignorant ways, and tolerate the hurt they cause to others, so I'm not interested in being a part of this community anymore.

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And unfortunately the management seems to fully support their immature and ignorant ways, and tolerate the hurt they cause to others, so I'm not interested in being a part of this community anymore.

I know the discussion on this had been locked, but could you please explain how only two people seemed bothered by this? Plenty of people receive harsh crit (take a look at Chalk's Starkiller, he's a great example), but when one person has some critique on the work they do, they take it as an offensive attack? If anything, THAT is immature and ignorant. If it's hurtful, then it probably means a good lesson can be learned from it.


So basically:

That's too bad. Internet is a rough place.

Jeff likes this
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That's too bad. Internet is a rough place.

If you make it so. It doesn't have to be... :/


I know the discussion on this had been locked, but could you please explain how only two people seemed bothered by this?


The ones hurt have already left you.


I'm not going to go into a discussion again, Omicron. I was just answering Darth's call to confirm that I don't "hate" you all, and despite our differences I still appreciate this project.

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Yes, let's please keep this from starting up again and please if there are any complaints toward the staff, I would be happy to hear what you have to say in a private message. So if anyone wants to try and work this out, I'd be happy to listen.

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