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Looking for a coder for small job

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So I just released this...


... And I am looking to do another version. Right now it's just an overlay that's part of the base JA HUD, replacing those blue backings behind your stats, but I'm looking for a coder to do a small bit of work to make this more functional like the actual scanner from Star Wars Bounty Hunter. Here's what I would like to do:

- Add a feature that changes the to another image when looking at an enemy (similar to the crosshair turning red/green/yellow based on who you are looking at, this feature is already in JA so I imagine some copy/pasting and slight tweaking should work fine)
- Turn off the scanner entirely by pressing a button
- Turn off scanner when in third person
- Make the scanner overlay it's own entity (right now it replaces the background of the base JA HUD) so that it is compatible with other HUD mods
- I don't know how this would work, but right now there's still a crosshair there since it moves depending on where you aim (mostly in third person but in first person too) so if there's a way to eliminate that so that the scanner acts as a crosshair too that would be awesome, but then that also means finding a way to turn the crosshair back on and turning the scanner off in third person. I suppose tying the scanner on/off to a button would fix that though

NOTE: If you can even help with just one of these features I would be very thankful!

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I couldn't imagine this would be too hard. I could almost imagine myself doing it, but I don't quite have the expertise. I couldn't see this being difficult on the whole however, especially for an experienced coder...

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I couldn't imagine this would be too hard. I could almost imagine myself doing it, but I don't quite have the expertise. I couldn't see this being difficult on the whole however, especially for an experienced coder...



Yeah, I mean considering the majority of the code is already in JA to some extent (like the R/G/Y crosshair system changing the color of the crosshair depending on who you look at) I would assume much of it would just be copy/paste, shouldn't require much more than that I would think. Fingers crossed, I would really love to implement this.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'll think about it...and give you a bump while I do. I need to practice using the crosshair los to trigger things anyway.

Thanks man. Gimme a shout if you manage to find the time.


I'm busy with my own projects unfortunately.

No worries man, I understand. Hopefully I can find someone to do it but if not I may see how busy you are in a few months.

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  • 4 weeks later...

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