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Female Mandalorian/Tat Sith stalker.

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So been thinking I'd remake these older skins of mine so figured i'd ask what you guys would like to see done with it and I'll do my best to make it happen


Likely going to start on the Mandalorian skin first..she needs more work imo.


(please note I can't change the model so stick to things i can do with the skins not the models)

Omicron, Stoiss, Circa and 2 others like this

Where can I download that Fem Mandalorian reskin from? I know you are working on a newer version, but I would like to have it nonetheless


@@Lizfizz, you should probably take the time to upload your work here since there are many countries that can no longer access the filefront network, hence why we all moved away from that site (along with other reasons).

Omicron likes this

Yeah I have been meaning to do that...I just have not hung out here much til recently. but ill do that now thanks for reminding me


but the sith stalker one is here already atm at least lol.



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