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MD3 without texture... WTF? O.O

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I using 3dstudio max for make and export my md3 and export to quake3 arena format.

after i using md3view for apply a skin to md3, exporting to another .md3, so can replace the untextured with the textured, and also i convertt to glm without 90 degrees rotation for JA.

yesterday i have used on an effect of my mod an emitter. ina  shockwave attack, be shooted 4 sword that run in 4 different directions to straight the enemy, yes, a cool effect, really LOL.

problem: md3 model of my sword are with NO texture. but if i use the glm model created with md3view i have the textured skinninbg model. same with charaxcters.

so, becauyse md3 textured the converted glm model but not the md3 (with me not work for that -.- ) there is another fast way, tool or utility for fast apply material \ texture in a md3 model without become crazy with material\ textures function of blender of or 3d studio max 5 ? (also in that case i need to convert model, import, rescale to blender... aaaaargh! i have hundreds of md3 models!!!! How can i solve this textures missing trouble?





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If you are using 3d studio max 5, make sure you are assigning the texture from the correct texture path example "base\models\weapons2\yourweapon\yourweapon.jpg" it should write the texture path in the .md3 if you tell the exporter to do so. The alternate way is to import the model in md3view.exe, create the .skin, import / apply it to the model and re-export as .md3

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If you are using 3d studio max 5, make sure you are assigning the texture from the correct texture path example "base\models\weapons2\yourweapon\yourweapon.jpg" it should write the texture path in the .md3 if you tell the exporter to do so. The alternate way is to import the model in md3view.exe, create the .skin, import / apply it to the model and re-export as .md3

My md3 plug in of 3d studio max 5 has not the option for specify path for the texture ._. i think the problem is that. simply specify a frame by export and i switch off the *ignore mesh starting with *bip"  there is a good plug in for 3d max 5 that can set the path for the textures for the mesh? I do the second things, but for a strange motivaion i not understand, if i open with md3view the model after i export and replace in md3 the original notextured model with the skinned model, it loads again me with no textures.

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Mmmm that's bad. I have tryed the more complete plug in of quake.md3 exportter for gmax and 3d max 3-5 of turbosquid but when i import on md3view the tool crash and close. so the uinbique is i am using the old md3  export of psykopat site for max 5 that's ever worked for me, and i need to assign manually materials on all my models md3 on max. O.o terrific! THere is any good tutoral for how i can assing material and path on 3d studio max 5? what path i need to specify for work on JA?  only a patch called base/mobels/map_objects/"Folder"/?

because i am ever used the .SKin importing function of md3view for assign material and after i reexported but not ever that's work.

So, any suggestion? O.o

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I've had some trouble exporting textures correctly before. When it's not working, I select a new, clean and empty material slot in 3ds Max and assign the material again, apply it and now it works, for me.

In my experience, if I've done something fancy in 3DS Max, such as using alpha maps and playing with various settings within the material editor, it won't export the texture correctly. So when I assign it from a clean slot, it seems to work.


@@DT85 says, about this exporter:




- make your model
- texture it and apply your texture using the 'standard' material only.
- make sure the texture folder has 'models' in it (see below for example).
- export it with 'smart paths' checked, and make sure the destination folder has 'models' in it (see below for example).
- for a static model (no animation) just put a '0' in for 'following frames'.

(example: 'models\map_objects\MD3OBJ')



You have to use the 'standard' material only, anything else won't work.  



By the way, why the old 3DS Max 5?

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Thanks Very much Gnur! When i end my efx, i will fix my model using that's tutorial :)


mmm, because i love it. XD no, i have too the 3d max 2010, but not the 2012 or better, after the 2012 versiojn 3dmax run on windows 7. i use Windoes XP for operative system for problems of heal (photosensitvite, the seven has incandescent lighting in the screeen of load, desktop etc. i tried the seven, for my eyes and my brain is very tiring, so i use XP, old graphic, but for my eyes and brain is relaxing, i can stay all day to pc at work without bad consequences.

In my real life i am a disable and i live in a lonely place, there is not much to do in my home for me, i pass my time on PC modding and writing fantasy \ science fiction stories, for the moment.

Okay, now i save and print your hints.! Thanks again! i never used 3d max for the material \ texturing, because i am ever worked with glm skinned and glm never get me trouble, also for weapons i use the glm model for my sword, not for md3.

But radiant map want ONLY md3 format for map object. if radiant should accept the GLM, i not have that's trouble.

uff, i need to retexturing something like an hundreds of map object models...




OOOOh, yes! I use the same exporter for 3d max 5! maybe i can download and use the newbest with 3dmax 2010 for solve my problem! Thanks again! :D

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The fixed misc_model_ghoul (GLM) entity will have the same texture method as MD3, it won't work with animation or .skin files. I would just do what Psyk0Sith said as a fix, or use the MD3 exporter for 3ds Max 2010/2011 32bit.

Well, is very strange, if i export an md3 by max with md3 exporter of psykopat and apply the skin file with md3view of SDK and i export for GLM for JA, and after i load the sword with sab file with the glm model as sabermodel, the saber is textured correctly.

If i load a Md3 Model, also after i skinned it and i re exported with md3 overwrite the old unskinned md3, the md3 stay again without texturing. if i load again the new md3 textured and skinned, md3 show me again all white, with no texture, like the skinning operation was not putted into the exporting., only in same times, the skinning work fine with md3view md3 re exporting, but are very rarecase.

i had never understood why my md3view does this madness.

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I open my ventshaft.md3


Here is textured by skin file.


Overwriting the old untextured ventshaft not get me any error.

Here there are the parameter of textures: how yu can see they are applied correctly.


I reopen the file


and... is not already textured! Is like first time! If i import into a map, i see the object with grey and white boxes!


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