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Louis Tomlinson skin

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Alright, this is going to be my last topic for a LONG time lol. I know I'm probably going to get a lot of hate for this but my final request is for a skin of Louis Tomlinson from One Direction... Just thought it would be cool to do a walkthrough of the game as him lol. The hair is brown and the eyes are blue. Thanks, guys  :D




I was highly expecting someone to say something like that...  :unsure:

I'm not saying it to discourage you, but encourage. Learning things like this is great and will help in the long run.


Doing that sort of thing takes a lot of time and effort to do. Everyone here is busy with other things. When you make a request that nobody else really has any interest in, the chances for it to be made is extremely slim. Even things everyone is interested in have really slim chances to being made.


Maybe someone will be able to pick it up and do it for you. You never know. ;)


Making a skin isn't too difficult. Considering he looks quite similar to Rosh you already have a base to go on. First thing I recommend you should do is download GIMP. Preferably the 2.6 version. The 2.8 version makes saving rather complicated. However if you don't like the look of Rosh you are better off searching for a model/skin that already bares his likeness. I don't know who exactly that would be. I'll keep my eyes peeled for something that might work. But I think what you really need is a tutorial on skinning. That is probably the best place to start.


Try going through this and see how it goes: http://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/79-keys-introduction-to-skinning/

Circa likes this

First thing I recommend you should do is download GIMP. Preferably the 2.6 version. The 2.8 version makes saving rather complicated.

... In what way? I use 2.8 and I haven't found saving problems.


... In what way? I use 2.8 and I haven't found saving problems.

I've heard that the default saving for 2.8 is to an XCF file or whatever GIMP uses and you have export the image you are working on if it is a JPEG. I've also heard that when saved as JPEG from 2.8 it can't be used without saving it as JPEG from another type of image editior.


I've heard that the default saving for 2.8 is to an XCF file or whatever GIMP uses and you have export the image you are working on if it is a JPEG. I've also heard that when saved as JPEG from 2.8 it can't be used without saving it as JPEG from another type of image editior.

You don't have to save it before exporting. You can just export it instead of save. I haven't had that issue with JPEGs.


... download GIMP. Preferably the 2.6 version. The 2.8 version makes saving rather complicated. ...


Worst suggestion ever.. the benefits of 2.8 far outweigh the small change they did to how file formats are saved. And seriously.. it's just a different key stroke. If you want to use ctrl S so badly you can just change the hotkey.


FYI, this is exactly how Photoshop has worked for a long time. 

Omicron and Circa like this

I've heard that the default saving for 2.8 is to an XCF file or whatever GIMP uses and you have export the image you are working on if it is a JPEG. I've also heard that when saved as JPEG from 2.8 it can't be used without saving it as JPEG from another type of image editior.

False, they work just fine, you just need to turn off Optomize and Progressive (as you always had to, in both GIMP and Photoshop).

Omicron likes this

Worst suggestion ever.. the benefits of 2.8 far outweigh the small change they did to how file formats are saved. And seriously.. it's just a different key stroke. If you want to use ctrl S so badly you can just change the hotkey.


FYI, this is exactly how Photoshop has worked for a long time. 

I guess my knowledge on 2.8 is rather limited. I was just repeating what I heard. Having never personally used 2.8, or if I have I don't remember, I guess I wouldn't really know this for certain. Just wondering, what kind of benefits does 2.8 have?


ok I give up. I worked for about 6 hours on this and then my computer crashed or some crap like that and all of my skin files I had are gone. Everything I worked so hard at... Well...I'm not doing it over again. GRRRR!!!!!! Well if anyone else wants to give it a shot, be my guest. I tried though...I tried...


I guess my knowledge on 2.8 is rather limited. I was just repeating what I heard. Having never personally used 2.8, or if I have I don't remember, I guess I wouldn't really know this for certain. Just wondering, what kind of benefits does 2.8 have?

Quite a few changes actually.  docs.gimp.org/en/gimp-introduction-whats-new.htm outlines everything.  Although...hmm....looks like gimp.org is down at the moment, I can't ping it.  Will probably be back up in a few hours.

JKG Developer

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