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tempary GoldenEye gun pack

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Im piecing together a weapon pack for the GoldenEye 64 maps, this one will be on my mediafire account soon, since there was a lot of people wanting the guns from the early screenshots, such as the shotgun etc.. these guns will only be temp till someone models some originals


PPK Silenced (default gun) (may change sfx so only makes silence shots)














Assult rifle/grenade launcher combo







Rocket Launcher







eezstreet, Barricade24 and Omicron like this
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I remember working on the one for Source.  I made the RCP90 and the grenade launcher, was fun but they were kinda lazy so never really got finished lol.


They mainly made re-imaginings of the classic maps, and such for MP.  I always wanted to re-make the maps as they were but meh, i do consider doing it for this engine though.

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@OmegaSigma yeh that's what i wanted to do as well.  The levels they made were good but it was more about "what would these levels look like in real life/modern day games?" and not really about bringing nostalgia.


I even had to re-invent the grenade launcher and make it a cross between this game and reality, turned out pretty well but yeh. 


I see what you mean, this engine does seem to yield pretty close results to the one RARE used on N64.

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The One And Only was working on a hud which would give the sway effect of the original game, kinda like Metroid prime 3 did

I plan on possibly making a "Surface" map from SP and make it a CTF gameplay map due to its large size or a "big team" style map, with prob updated effects giving it actual slow instead of just a fog


Gun wise im working on the trip mines to be proxy mines

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