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SP Ideas


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** UPDATED AUGUST 20th with few more things **


Make JK2SP actually work with cmake builds!!!


Make SP game code more moddable.


- Make netfields customizable in the mod dll. (entitystate/playerstate/usercmd)

- Make holdable buttons be customizable in mod dll +attack etc.

- Allow some jka and jk2 specifics to be removed easier?

- Make it so that weapon and force power systems are more generic so mods don't have to rely on the forced defines. (this could allow you to actually remove lightsaber and others for example, from dfmod maybe)

- Make a mod option maybe some new text file that says what your mod supports { Use tri-part model+skin (jaden) , use singular model with model_default like JK2 (kyle) }  Could possibly be used for some other things.

- Maybe at a later time split the UI portion into a DLL so that JK2 and JKA can have separate UI codes without having tons of if JK2 all over the place in UI.

- Don't load base auto saves/checkpoints from a mod in menu.

- Don't display base saves in menus when running a mod.

- Don't allow blind deletes of saves without confirmation.

- Disable load quick button from default config and possibly add confirm quick load to avoid accidental quick load presses mid-game.

- The whole save/load menu is a bit confusing to me -->  and -->    <-- doesn't really mean anything.

- Would like to revamp the save system entirely.  Possibly a named campaign so you could have multiple campaigns going.

- Sandbox mode that doesn't save to affect your checkpoint progress etc (even loading some custom map or MP map will trigger a save in SP heh)

- Mission screens can get bugged if you've loaded a map from console.

- No return to main menu / quit from mission screens.

- Investigate the force lightning tossing of NPCs all over the place if this is in original.




- Fix up mind trick 4 or replace it with a new power even.

Circa, CaptainCrazy and katanamaru like this
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Hooray, that already exists, so we don't need to code it...? :P

see the way that the datapad is attached to Jaden's hand on hoth2 start cinematic or comlink is attached to Kyle's hand on artus_mine start cinematic in JK2.

Can it bolt to the hip?

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You can bolt to any bone or tag on the model...so yes, you should be able to bolt exactly the same way that mods do it via an ICARUS script.

I just wish sabers would bolt to the hip when not being used (when guns are being used) in SP.

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I don't want to be pushy or sound ungrateful to any coders.


Would a little bit of work in the beginning that make the task easier for others later be worth it? If not then don't do it. I am just thinking that the easier it is for the layman like me to get things in game the less I'll have to bug people later. 

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OpenJK isn't going to do it. It's against the original will of the project, to preserve the gameplay and not modify any of it. It isn't OpenJK's job to cater to people to want to add that sort of thing, it's just not going to happen. Sorry.



This will have to be their own mods I guess.

Tempust85 likes this
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Ok. I knew OJP wasn't going to modigy any of the gameplay, but I wasn't 100% sure if this would fall into it's area since it could easy acceptability of future mods and reducing possible future bugs.


It's cool though. Just keep up the great work with everything else ya'll are doing!

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Ok. I knew OJP wasn't going to modigy any of the gameplay, but I wasn't 100% sure if this would fall into it's area since it could easy acceptability of future mods and reducing possible future bugs.


Nope, if anything holsters would add more potential bugs by sheer principle. The more systems you add, the more potential you create for bugs to happen. Plus you have to consider all the visual glitches that could ensue, such as minor clipping issues, which might be unintentional and ugly for some mods.


OJP? You mean OJK right? OJP added several gameplay things and didn't really have the same vision behind it.

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