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Any Interest in a DF2 Remake?

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A good point was brought up about Gorc, Pic and Maw.

Maw might not be that much of an issue, existing models for him work pretty well, though it is slightly awkward. Gorc and Pic however, that'd be a pain in the ass to pull off.


Getting the other stuff to work would be next to no problem. Beat DFII:JK and JK:MoTS just recently, most of the mechanics are almost exactly the same. Here's the real question though.


What about the weapons? The gunplay should be as similar to the old game as possible, but what about the models? Just use the JK stuff or brand new ones? And an even better question, what about the fact that the weapon designs were likely far more intricate than the game would allow?

I offer my hand in assistance regarding the weapons. While I am indeed utterly unskilled in terms of actually working with JKA itself, I will very, very gladly draw concept art and do all I can regarding weapons. Just tell me what you need and I'll get to work on it.

Also I wouldn't be too afraid to ask the Dark Forces mod team if a few of their assets could be used- particularly their Bryar Pistol. Far better than the JKO./JKA model.


And one last tidbit. The Crow may or may not need a new model. Always liked Darksaber's that got used for the vehicle mod, never was a fan of the late stage Dark Forces Mod version. If I can get into modeling, that's also one I'd very happily make if I can- and I do intend to model once I get my new rig running.


'Til then, if this is actually getting off the ground, I'll gladly work on the gun concept art to figure out how exactly DFII's original weapons -should- look.


Maw should be easy enough, half a player model. I'll be fixing up any models that don't look right or could use a touch-up, including Maw.


Gorc & Pic will just be two NPC saberists with a few force powers, hopefully they can be rescaled in SP. If not, then I will have to go through all the trouble of remaking some jedi anims for the lil guy. :\


New weapons can be coded in provided OpenJK is stable enough to mod with. It's just finding someone who can do it.


For weapon models & moldy crow, I'm waiting to see what (if any) assets I get from the first incarnation of DF2Mod.


Alright. But you want any concept artwork on what the weapons can look like? Because I'd be very very happy to make some "Spiffed up and still quite familiar" versions of the weapons. I won't stray too much if really at all. :P

But just enough to ensure that it looks new, yet familiar.


If DT85 wants I can make some run and jump animations that will make maw look like he is floating.

You can scale npcs within thier .npc file with the scale command. So no problems with the dark jedi.

Tempust85 likes this

@Captain Lackwit


I'll certainly keep you in mind for designing weapons if DF2Mod hasn't already made them of course (and I get the files). :P




Awesome, was a tad worried about that lol.


Yeah I was thinking of having a special GLA just for Maw, will be fun to animate. 


I could all sorts of bones for cinematic GLA's on standard player models, but will have to see if there's anything I'll need to make ingame cutscenes for cuz AFAIK the live action videos cover it all. :P


Noted! Already working on the Imperial Repeater. Likely going to tackle the Rail Detonator next, too.

Main thing I'm reworking is the Repeater's silly, silly stock. Though if you want the standard that's far from out of the question.

Barricade24 likes this

I'm going to also see if I can have proper holding + firing animations for each weapon, not just a "one animation fits all solution" raven did.


If I get those source files from DF2mod, I promise you guys there WILL be a demo. The only thing that will stop me is if:


- my pc dies

- I die


From what I've read, DF2mods version of narshadda is like 99% complete and quite a lot of other maps are well underway.

katanamaru, Circa and Barricade24 like this

I wonder if the DF2 team still has some of its assets that they never finished? I also know that JKG has the Sequencer Charges and I believe the DF2 Concussion Rifle. I wonder if they would mind letting you borrow them?

hhunter6 likes this

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