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How to compile JK2 source code?

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Hi there. I'm trying to do a test build of the Jedi Outcast Solution that came with the full source code and no joy. Which version of Visual Studio or what do I have to do to clean those errors and be able to build the entire solution? Thanks.





PS: I'm not using OpenJK. I want to use a clean source code to start testing ideas.


why not useing OpenJK as it has been clean up and work with VS 2008, 2010, 2012 ? and test it from there, i realy don't see why not useing the clean code instead of a messy one


Well... I tried running jedi outcast on openjk and ran badly. So I figured I would just go for the clean jk2code.


Well... I tried running jedi outcast on openjk and ran badly. So I figured I would just go for the clean jk2code.


Can you specify the issues you were having? I'm sure they'd be able to help you out.


Well, I managed to run JK2 with the jasp.exe but the game ran slow, I couldn't see any vfx and some menu items where missing.


1. slow running: compile in Release/FinalBuild, not Debug.

2. not seeing any VFX: fixed

3. menus items missing: run with +set com_jk2 1 in the commandline


If you're going to do just a clean slate, it's going to take you around 8 hours of solid changing things (or 6, if you're fast) before it even compiles, no guarantees on it working. OpenJK is much quicker, but it isn't really JK2 friendly yet. I can understand why you wouldn't want all the goop though.

Master Ridley, therfiles and Corto like this

Great, compiling in Release. What do I do with VFX code? Do I have to replace parts of the code I downloaded from that website? I'm running with the set com_jk2 1 already and I can live with a few menu items missing. I'm going to use this code instead as you advised.


Update: Compiled the .dll in Release and I'm still getting a terribly laggy performance when I had a flawless gameplay with the original dll. I guess it's because of what you said about not being 100% jk2 friendly.


Replace tr_main.cpp (code/renderer), that should be enough. As for the lag, I'm not sure on that but it should be because the Debug stuff has like zero optimizations while release has significantly more. FX gets really laggy in particular.

Make sure you're grabbing release stuff from bin/Release, not bin/Debug.

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