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Galactic Legacy is an ambitious mod, but we are but a small team. Many areas of the mod are covered, but there are other areas where we need help! That's where YOU can come in!

We are currently hiring for the following roles:

Translator: Currently all of SWGL is written in English, we'd like to provide text in other languages! The following are a list of languages we would like to offer translations for:
- French
- Spanish
- Italian
- Czech
- Turkish

Even if your language is not listed, we'd still love to have you! German is already covered

Mapper : We have one mapper, he is overworked. We need moar!

Texture Artist: Whether creating promotional art or creating textures for models, we need your help!

Modeler: We are in need of talented modelers for SWGL, if you think you have the skills necessary, show us what you are capable of making.

If you're interested in helping us out, please send me a DM letting a member of the team know your interest! Additionally, if you're interested in a role not listed here, such as MODELING, MISSION DESIGNING, and UI/MENU DESIGN, please let us know!


Edited by Circa
Updated discord link
OCD2, DARKNESS, Droidy365 and 3 others like this
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  • Lancelot featured and unfeatured this topic
  • 9 months later...
On 9/7/2023 at 5:26 PM, Basil Bonehead said:

New role has been added, feel free to contact us on discord if you wish to join the team.

The Discord link is no longer working. I tried to join in order to offer help but it's not working.

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25 minutes ago, DarkAutumn3D said:

The Discord link is no longer working. I tried to join in order to offer help but it's not working.

I updated their link with their current invite 👍

Linken likes this
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