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Improving the npcs' AI in JKA?

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Did anyone ever try to improve the npcs' AI in JA to be at least more like that of JO, if not better?

I remember playing JO, the npcs, especially with ranged weapons would run around, attempt to dodge the player's attacks, and even use alt fire. In JKA, they just stand there, shooting at you, only sometimes trying to flank you (at least, if they're not using a saber or other melee weapon). It's embarrassing.

I think there was a mod that tried to improve the AI, but I don't remember what it was.

Smoo, Tompa9 and Droidy365 like this
  • 2 weeks later...

Did anyone ever try to improve the npcs' AI in JA to be at least more like that of JO, if not better?

I remember playing JO, the npcs, especially with ranged weapons would run around, attempt to dodge the player's attacks, and even use alt fire. In JKA, they just stand there, shooting at you, only sometimes trying to flank you (at least, if they're not using a saber or other melee weapon). It's embarrassing.

I think there was a mod that tried to improve the AI, but I don't remember what it was.

That´s the issue I always wanted to be fixed but it won't probably ever happen. Npcs in JO are "clever" because its maps have set waypoints for them. JKA developers concentrated only on saber combat and they expected you to use only Jedi so you would just run forward and cut them one by one but never added this waypoint system. I doubt anybody will ever add waypoint system to every map. The best solution might be if somebody create mod that replicates/fakes waypoint system on any custom map but it is really just my wet dream :(

Smoo and the_raven like this

Did anyone ever try to improve the npcs' AI in JA to be at least more like that of JO, if not better?

I remember playing JO, the npcs, especially with ranged weapons would run around, attempt to dodge the player's attacks, and even use alt fire. In JKA, they just stand there, shooting at you, only sometimes trying to flank you (at least, if they're not using a saber or other melee weapon). It's embarrassing.

I think there was a mod that tried to improve the AI, but I don't remember what it was.


and @@Tompa9

a lot of years ago i wrote a little AI that merge Boba fett AI with Reborn AI. the foes are also more smart thatinto JO. they switch weapons randomly, all weapons sorted into they NPC file scripts.

they run continus and iperflank the player. if they lost the player, they tele port to closest combat points for try to make an ambush.

they use also alt fire.

if they are a saber in they NPC slot and player is near, they switch from ranged weaponm to saber and engage combat as cultist. if player go away and is far, they chase player and use shooting weapons.

can you imagine what does that foes with all weapons stored into inventory? :D

They use also force power aggression when they shoot. i mean that they can grip, lightning and drain player when they

the class for use this AI are CLASS_SITH and CLASS_SITHTROOPER, is sufficient to make a NPC file when NPC use that class.

The mod that should be use this AI coded for single player use openjk and add also 3 new weapons (clone rifle and 2 blasters )

to the weapons used by player and NPC and new saber colors.

is Epic Challenge Mod IV .

i really hope that author has already posted with updates executable of single player.

so, if you find this mod and ask to his author @@RJA you can get what you want. ù

if he has not more the exe and dll i can host here  with sendspace.

Just one issue with this AI that i never fixed up: enemy shoot also they teammates and have a low range sight (you need to be really close to they for be detected or be aggressive shooting you)

but for the rest they are perfect and there are not crash or problem with this little coding mod.

i really think that a day i'll need to replace the AI files of Jedi Academy shooterrs Foes with JK2 AI files

that's should be boost the AI to JO level. 

the_raven, Tompa9 and Smoo like this

Just one issue with this AI that i never fixed up: enemy shoot also they teammates and have a low range sight (you need to be really close to they for be detected or be aggressive shooting you)

but for the rest they are perfect and there are not crash or problem with this little coding mod.

i really think that a day i'll need to replace the AI files of Jedi Academy shooterrs Foes with JK2 AI files

that's should be boost the AI to JO level. 

Sounds cool! But a bit over the top, no? Mercs with lighstabers? Stormtroopers with the sniper desintegrator?

Also, why didn't you fix said issue?


Sounds cool! But a bit over the top, no? Mercs with lighstabers? Stormtroopers with the sniper desintegrator?

Also, why didn't you fix said issue?

heal problems, no time for do that again.

howeer, no, i not think is bit over, cause you can choose if apply or not to an NPC this AI, and decide every weapon sorted and every kind of saber used, also force power used and force level.

if you not wan that, just make a normal NPC with STORMTROPER AI.

if you use on a merc, simply not put any force power, and get a saber a vibroblade with low damagescale + a shoot weapon and a grenade. the result should be awesome i guess. :)

the_raven likes this

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