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Application for map design

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Hello everyone. I found this mod by searching on the internet and I've noticed that nobody has been posting from quite a while, so I hope that my application as a map designer is still worth something. I am interested in creating maps from the original DFII obviously, but I'm no pro or anything like that, I started using radiant just for fun and sometimes, out of mere luck, something decent comes out of what I do. I'll show you a few bits of what I can do and I hope you enjoy it. These are maps that apparently have already been completed by someone else on this forum, but I didn't know that, so here you go:




















Also, I just want to say that I am only interested in the brushwork of the level, I am no expert in coding, scripting, using photoshop for better textures etc...

SomaZ, Lancelot, Psyk0Sith and 2 others like this
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