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misc_model question

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Okay, this is the deal. i know how works with MD3 for create misc_model and misc_model_static.

But i discover also that radiant and JKA can manage too 3DS and OBJ format. expecially 3ds.

and this without Any-Editing-Of-Models inside blender or 3d studio max.

if the material name of a 3ds file is the same name of the texture file, radiant, and JKA too, can read the texture without problem. and also, 3ds works on game also better of MD3 for what i see, because they have not limitation as 1000 vertexes errors.

i ported into game really GIANT scene with thousands of vertex without problems with this tecnique. and just into one 3ds misc_model.


how do that.

i discovered that with some stuff ripped with 3d ripper


- i converted dds textures ripped into jpg textures.

- i placed into a 2 pk3 folder the jpg textures

- need two pk3. a pk3 with textures renamed with .dds as sufix in that case, because radiant reed the textures images for be displayed into the editor.

but game read shaders, not textures, so sufix name is not necessary.

the pk3 files with *.dds texture rename can be placed into the base source folder of GTK radiant.

the pk3 files with textures without renaming, can be placed into the mod folder on gamedata.

is possible also, using blender, with a rename object addon, to change material and textures name (on the case of ripped stuff by 3d ripper, the name are matching), adding a prefix. 

i see that engine of JKA and radiant not read a texture name if name is more long of 12 character. with if you add a little prefix like 01/ to all texture and material name with the addon of blender 2.68, you can place without any problem textures also into a subfolder of a pk3 (just for avoid to overwrite other textures or other problems like that).


to this point, all is perfect.

and so, what is wrong?

Well, i have found a large asset of some thousand of model. they are low poly, very miscellaneus and with nice textures, but they are into MOX and BMD format. i found a program that convert MOX and BMD into 3ds  (3d object converter) but there is a little problem: the converted files have as material name "material_1 , material_2, material_3, material_4.

if i open the original file on his folder, with his textures into the same folder, i can easily convert into 3ds.

after that, the obtained 3ds have not any problem of textures loading on blender. 

(and on 3d object converter there is also a batch convert function on 3dobjectconverter for convert with a one click hundreds of models ) i have already tryed on radiant and JKA these and they 3ds working on engine without trobles-.

so, what is the problem?

the problem is: material mismatch with textures name.

so for example:

i have an object called table

with 4 textures: table_1, table_2, table_3, table_4.  i had a 3ds

that has material name have "material_1, material_2, material_3, material_4.

Ond Blender material slot, they are in that way, and also on radiant 3ds texture are readed with material name, not with textures name.

normally i not ask a so annoying question but manually re-assign textures for 80K of models is really a madness. @-@

so... i ask that mainly to blender user. 

There is any possibility, any workaround to have some script or addons for blender 2.68 that can rename each material with his texture name?

(but also  in that way is crazy... but i not think someone know if there is some way to force 3dobjectconverter to convert the 3ds with materials named like textures. OR if there is another program that can convert MOX and BMD 3d file formats.



The alternative should rips stuff i want by game (buildings basically), but i not like much to rip with 3dripper if is not extremely necessary.

also because the wireframe quality of ripped stuff are really missed up and also meshes can be heavily deformed into the ripping.

Thanks for every answer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I made a tool for warzone to convert between model formats, which may (at least partially) do what you want. It will rename the material names to the texture names, but as warzone checks the model's directory for textures by default, i don't think I made it add the path itself. Anyway, it may save some time by at least filling the texture names, leaving you to only have to add the path at the start of each material.


NOTE: I'm too busy working on warzone to really spend any extra time working on or supporting this little program, I just made it for my own use on warzone prefab models. It may help with your needs as well.

             It is a command line tool, you will need to use it from the command prompt. Hope it helps.


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I made a tool for warzone to convert between model formats, which may (at least partially) do what you want. It will rename the material names to the texture names, but as warzone checks the model's directory for textures by default, i don't think I made it add the path itself. Anyway, it may save some time by at least filling the texture names, leaving you to only have to add the path at the start of each material.


NOTE: I'm too busy working on warzone to really spend any extra time working on or supporting this little program, I just made it for my own use on warzone prefab models. It may help with your needs as well.

             It is a command line tool, you will need to use it from the command prompt. Hope it helps.


Download Link

Yep i understood that warzone project is prioritary. Thanks i try. i get also another solution into the last day, and i was too busy for write on this thread about it. i thanks you however. an another way for convert mox and bmd respect a 3d object cvonverrer can be really of help. :3

i am also very busy because i finally managed the dogfight of my fighter NPCs and i am anxious to finish that for share with JKHUB community, but miss again somethinfg like flight evasion manouvre (but i think i can manage with arial and cartwheel animation, my fighters are rigged to humanoid skeleton LOL but only to pelvis bone but if they executre a cartwell, they rolls! XD) and other stuff like avoid collisions with other NPCs or grounds and brushes and map geometry.  (maybe detecting GROUNDENTITYZERO check and mantain a certain distance by brushes and worldspawn. also i need to end the player class of fighter and the ucmd for flight (i think it will departure \ landing like a tie fighter vehicle and flying like the "noclip" command cheat and the UI HUD of the fighter. 

after that i will share with all JKHUB the basic code, and i think creating other AI classes will be full customizable for create a large amount of fighter flight behavours. (so, maybe a NPC CLASS_AWING will be more versatily and fast and with more better evasion and moving manouvre of a CLASS_YWING or CLASS_TIEBOMBER ... but i want this is possible alto to customize with NPC files with evasion \ move \ aggression field, yawspeed, walkspeed and runspeed.


Ending our projects, JKA can gain much! you can create a rendering engine that allows rpg and open world game modes and i hope to allows a starfighter battle modality like x wing alliance and rogue squadron 3d into SP client. (For MP there is already the asteroid and siege_destroyer mods) 

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ehm little question, how i use this program? i need to use prompt line command or i simply put the models inside the folder and run the batch process? i see also on batch file that it manage just the dae converting into OBJ, but i am working on a conversion about MOX and BMD to 3DS... otherwise, i have also some DAE models (map areas) of legacy of kain soul reaver 2 that are a pain of the ass to retexture and convert into blender (at the point i ripped area by game, not exactly nice solution .-. ) maybe i can use for that for my lok mod.

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@@UniqueOne sorry but not works. i create a batch windows and i go to folder of the program and i wrote

"wzModelBatchConverter dae obj" but not works because i have a Windows XP SP3 old system so "invalid win 32 application"

that concerne me also about warzone, i hope it will be a XP SP3 support and not cutted out my OS like all entire world is doing with obsolescence programmed of informatic tecnologies. is really a shame.

i cannot upgrade to win 7 or more for my personal motivation and at the end, if only microsoft instead of kill WIn Xp released something like a SP4 package update for allows XP to be like windows 7 a lot of people that use again this loved OS can avoid a lot of pc stress .-.

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danm dude xD u need to get a way from WIN XP :D or by any lock some day get a new pc that can take something higher or at lest win 7 

 im not sure xp can run with warzone

feel free to not believe, but i go on win 7 some years ago. unfortunately, after a lot of days i experimented a lot of trouble.

i have serious heal problem and i am photosensyble. on XP monitor frequence i got is ever setted on 60 Hertz. On My seven version, it silly change automatically to 75 Hertz every reboot, with monitor become insanely brightness and i got a lot of nausea and sight problems crisis. so i am forced to take XP for thas motivation (and also because i hate to lose weeks to reinstalls all my programs on seven... obvius i not escape from that painful in case of formatting argh XD), however, my OS are also 32 bit, today alls use 64 bit system. so i am asking if warzone run also on a 32 system.

about my machine, my processur is enough powerful to run games like Skyrim and Saint Row 4 so i not think shoul be problems with warzone related to CPU powers. it's just a question of OS.

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from what i heard from @@UniqueOne we don't compile warzone for XP support. but u need to ask about that stuff with him :)

why not one love more the poor XP? ç_ç well, in every case, i think it cannot works howeverr in my case because i have did a long and personal code editing of OpenJK that change JKA gameplay adding starfighters battle with NPC (wip again) and a gameplay more like an RPG game or a legacy of kain game (with force fall, 16 new forcer power, many with AOE attack and a complex system of custom damage of weapons by class of victim, like DEMP2 against droid, for create better fight against monster and elemental creatures )

so example: fire balls deals more dmg against a frost monster that against a fire monster, that resist to the weapon.

and also a lot of other minure changes for expand NPC \ SAB limit, do dmg customization for sabers and expand fxscheduler effect buffer size. because it also is separately by rend2, well, i tryed to use rend2 some years ago, but game become unlookable with some absurb aberration chromatic effect of all meshes. i suppose because the vanilla rend2 dll are not compatible with my personal dll.

so also, if you end warzone code and share on github i fear i need to.

- download entire source code of rend2 and warzone

- edit my code for add all modification for making compatibility of dlls.

but my code is builded on Microsoft visual studio 2010 on an up-to-date unsopported open JK, because i start to code on 2013 year. so i fear will be incompatibility of code also for different version of Open JK we managed it and relative stuff missing on my code functions...

so... i am little concerned about that. time ago i see a thread with an utent that i not remember the name, that work for a plug in for radiant for do terrain maps very large. i asked about that and for me it was sufficient and ashuradx told me about warzone existance. i love your works, but i am not sure that i will use for all this tecnical troubles. .-.

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