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[WIP] James' Multi-Bladed Lightsabers

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Hey everyone!


So... in the past I've created various different Lightsaber hilts, ones that focus mainly on multiple blades! Numbers ranging from 2 to 8! But I never released them before because they are technically not finished, mostly cause I'm a beginner at modeling and I'm lazy with texturing lol! Despite the ugly/lazy looking hilts, the main thing I cared about was the concept of multi-bladed Lightsabers... especially because I always found it odd that almost no mods exist that fully utilize the built-in ability to have up to 8 blades for a single hilt! Only ones I've ever seen have been "x" shaped sabers here and there, and then of course there's those 4 Lightsaber hilts that go with that one General Grievous mod with 4 arms (you know the one I'm sure, lol). Sure there's also a decent amount of two headed hilts but other than that, not much else..... until NOW!!!


For this first Lightsaber, I actually lied lol... because this one I did upload! (but this is the only one I released so far) I guess I'll start with showing that first!


The Vinesaber: https://jkhub.org/files/file/3151-the-vinesaber-vinesauce/










That was just a random idea I had one day, and relating to the Vinesauce Twitch stream! Starting off with two blade heads is pretty standard so far, right? But now... I shall reveal a never before seen hilt! Behold!!


[WIP] Hydra Lightsaber:










Magnificent isn't it? Yet utterly stupid, lol! But that's precisely why it's so fun right? ^_^ I'll show off more of my creations later but this shall do for now heh, and one day I'll also get around to uploading these once they have proper looking hilts! :)



Here's another one I made once... something a bit more stylish!


[WIP] Handfan Lightsaber:








z3filus, Noodle, krkarr and 3 others like this
  • 3 weeks later...

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