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2 Screenshots

About This File

Inspired by this post. Another DIY-looking set of lightsabers. Enjoy!




Single Player:
1. Enable cheats;
2. Type saber marauder1, saber marauder2, or saber marauder3

This file is not developed, distributed, or endorsed by Activision Publishing, Inc., Raven Software, Lucasfilm Ltd., Disney, Inc., or any of their affiliated entities. All trademarks, copyrights, and intellectual property rights belong to their respective owners. Star Wars®, Jedi®, and Jedi Knight® are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd.™ and Disney, Inc.™. This file is intended for educational, non-commercial, or fan-based use under the principles of fair use. No copyright infringement is intended. Any claims of ownership or DMCA takedown requests can be submitted here.

Iron-Wolf98 likes this

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The Punisher


Marauder 2 looks really cool.



They look like makeshift lightsabers out of blow torches, its awesome :D

the_raven likes this


such high poli, oh dear! :o

cool sabers though, the first one does look like a blowtorch :D



There's quite a bit of stuff that could be optimized and getting the vert count down. It's no biggie - about 1000 verts should be the max limit of verts for sabers for vanilla JKA so that it wouldn't eat up a lot of transformspace. 1.5k later converted probably ends up being near 3k verts, once it's split by smoothing groups and UV islands. Think of how far away the saber is always viewed - you can model in everything if you wish but i'd skip the geometry that does not make any difference in visuals from far away or near. Delete all unseen faces, weld verts together to minimize triangulation extras, replace cylindric meshes with less-sided ones etc. Also, you seem to be getting a hang of Painter - now try creating your own materials. Some of those on these on the textures remind me too much of the pre-installed ones, like bone or scratched steel. I was taught that in case i do use smart materials, i modify the heck out of them, replace stuff inside them, remove or add layers/masks with additional effects, reverse engineer them with my own preferences etc.

​But i am not a fan of kitchen/household tools becoming sabers. I find it too wierd.



the first one does look like a blowtorch :D

Well, now this is a true LIGHTsaber



The second one looks great for a Sort of Sith Marauder or Dark Assassin!

Also, you can tell me how find that sith playermodel? Looks awesome too!

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