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[WIP] Jetstream Sam's Murasama HF Blade

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Well okay , I spent over 12 hours at this today, the last 2 of them on some effects stuff which is not done yet and therefore not visible on these images



I really like the way the textures turned out , even though thry could be higher res at the handle, sadly I noticed this too late and was to lazy to redo everything after adjusting the UV maps

ent, Omicron and Boothand like this
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You made THIS in 12 hours? :o

Okay, it's "just" a sword (Hight Frequenzy Blade to be exact), but the details are just f***ing amazing.


Are you planning to make more of these things, like the Fox Blade?

yup, I only have the regular HF, the wooden and the Fix Blade in MGR sofar so I can't take screenshots as reference material for the other high Frequency blades, like the armorbreaker or the stun blade

but I plan to create those I have, except the wooden sword

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