Version 1
---- The following was created on 8/2/2008. I was going through my cold storage and rediscovered my work. Here is that creation. Please enjoy. -- I originally had this on filefront but apparently that site went down years ago. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install the pk3 file in C:\\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData\base folder. If you installed the game in anther location, the file still needs to go in the "base" folder. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To play the map in single player mode do the fowlloing. 1. Install the map as told above. 2. when in-game, bring down the consol and type "devmap planetary_base" or "map planetary_base" with out the quotes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Facts: Map type: it is capable of ffa team_ffa duel however i built this map for single player. Map bsp name: planetary_base.bsp long name: Planetary Base ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- History. Hi Im Dan. I am the maker of this map I made this map becuase i wanted to try a difrent style of maping. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To come: The next map will be more compatible with multiplayer. The next map will be simular to this map. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits: I Used part of t2_rancor JKA Singleplayer level in this map. The part I used was part of a hallway, a door, and a 4 feet (x) by 2 feet (y) by 6 feet (z) room. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If there is an error with my map send a measege to do not expect a responce an there will be to much mail to go throuh. ALSO SEE MY WEBSITE THAT WONT BE COMPLEATED UNLILL JULY 2009 Map made by Dan Pecoraro Thank you to all mapers who have good ideas in whitch ive incorportated into my maps.