This is a small list of available cvars if you have the rend2 renderer installed. Open the console and use the following commands to configure rend2.
cl_renderer = {rd-vanilla, rd-rend2} # Use the vanilla OpenJK MP renderer or rend2 (OpenJK MP only) cl_renderer = {rdsp-vanilla, rdsp-rend2} # Use the vanilla OpenJK SP renderer or SP rend2 (OpenJK SP only) cl_renderer = {rdjosp-vanilla, rdjosp-rend2} # Use the vanilla OpenJO SP renderer or JO SP rend2 (OpenJO SP only) r_hdr = {0, 1} # Disable/enable rendering in HDR colorspace r_floatLightmap = {0, 1} # Disable/enable HDR lightmaps and skies on maps with hdr lighting support r_toneMap = {0, 1} # Disable/enable tonemapping r_autoExposure = {0, 1} # Disable/enable auto exposure r_normalMapping = {0, 1} # Disable/enable normal mapping r_specularMapping = {0, 1} # Disable/enable specular mapping r_deluxeMapping = {0, 1} # Disable/enable reading deluxemaps when compiled with q3map2 r_deluxeSpecular = [0, 1] # Disable/enable/scale the specular response from deluxemaps r_parallaxMapping = {0, 1} # Disable/enable parallax mapping r_cubeMapping = {0, 1} # Disable/enable cubemapping r_cubeMappingBounces = {0, 1, 2} # Renders cubemaps multiple times to get reflections in reflections r_genNormalMaps = {0, 1} # Disable/enable generating normal maps from diffuse maps r_ssao = {0, 1} # Disable/enable screen space ambient occlusion cg_shadows = {0, 1, 2, 4} # Disable Shadows, blob shadows, stencil shadows, shadowmap shadows (4 requires a vid_restart to take effect) r_volumetricFog = {0, 1} # Disable/enable volumetric fog r_volumetricFogSamples = [16, 128] # Set the number of lightgrid samples to take per ray (the more the better, but eats performance, default should look fine) r_smaa = {0, 1} # Disable/enable SMAA antialiasing (MSAA should not be used at the same time, but works too) r_smaa_quality = {0, 1, 2, 3} # 0: LOW | 1: MEDIUM | 2: HIGH | 3: ULTRA r_dynamicGlowBloom = [0, 1] # Scale a bloom effect on top of dynamic glow (good default value is 0.5 for a medium bloom effect) EXPERIMENTAL CVARS r_dlightmode = {0, 1, 2} # Disable/enable dynamic lights, 2 will also enable shadow mapping for dynamic lights NICE TO HAVE CVARS r_ext_multisample = {0, 2, 4, 8} # MSAA multisampling (also works in vanilla renderer) r_marksOnTriangleMeshes = {0, 1} # Disable/enable saber marks on triangle surfaces of the map
If you don't want to fiddle around with the cvars manually, you can also use my UI mod which maps most of the cvars to ui elements.
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