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Blender LOD help

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I know, that I have asked for this before and tried to find it, but since I can't find the old thread no where in JKHub, I am in a need for help with Blender exporting and some LOD issues.

I have a certain model that i work on (it is a frankenstein). After I attached the new head on the body, that I want to use and hit the GLM exporter, Blender simply gives me the well known Error message:



Could not load surface head_0 (LOD 0) from Blender: Vertex without UV coordinates found!

OK, so here is what I have tried to fix so far:

I have added the Ghoul 2 properties. The head DOES have it's original texture and it works (nothing missing from there). Check out if anything is missing, but nothing seems to be out of order.


@@Kualan have told me to try this steps, but it seems, that "CTRL + H" is for the Hooks in Blender, so I found out the option to hide the surface is just pressing the "H" button on my keyboard. I have done it just as mentioned below:




Turn on Face Select, then select the entire affected surface in Edit Mode.
Then hide the surface (CTRL+H I think), it will look like the surface has disappeared.
Then change to Vertex Select mode and select all. This should highlight a few loose vertices that you can then safely delete.
Return to Object Mode and your hidden surface will reappear and you can export.

But after this steps, when I go to File/Export/JA Ghoul2 model (.glm)  it simply gives me again the same Error message, that drives me crazy and I can't deal with it. (Could not load surface head_0 (LOD 0) from Blender: Vertex without UV coordinates found!) Please, if anyone is able to help me out and explain me how to fix this problem in order to fix it and make the model to be exportable without problem so I can check it in ModView before testing it in game and in order to avoid future problems with the same error.

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It has to do with your UV map.

Either something isn't UV mapped or you have a seam in your UV map where the mesh is joined and you need to separate it at all the seams.

The problem is in your LOD0 object (the highest quality level of detail) so basically the problem is in an object which name ends with _o

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You can isolate the problem by removing your added head model and trying to export the GLM to see if the problem goes away.

You can split the mesh by making a selection of faces and sending them to a new object (P) only to then rejoin the objects with control J. The mesh will remain split at the edge of where the objects was separated and rejoined.

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You can isolate the problem by removing your added head model and trying to export the GLM to see if the problem goes away.

You can split the mesh by making a selection of faces and sending them to a new object (P) only to then rejoin the objects with control J. The mesh will remain split at the edge of where the objects was separated and rejoined.

After trying to make it as you say, now after exporting the entire model as "model.glm" Blender's error says this:




Coud not load surface head_0 (LOD 0) from Blender: Could not load a vertex: Could not retrive vertex bone weights: head_5 has no armature modifier!

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I'm on mobile, so can't actually look in Blender right now, but to fix the no armature issue, select the head_0 object, go to modifiers, and add an armature modifier. RENAME the modifier to skin, and in the next field, you need to attach it to the skeleton (completely forgot the word for it, just click the field and it should come up). I think 'head_5' is somehow named wrong anyways, but it looks like you also need to reweight that mesh.


Sorry if that's too vague. I can explain it better later if someone else doesn't try first. xd

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I'm on mobile, so can't actually look in Blender right now, but to fix the no armature issue, select the head_0 object, go to modifiers, and add an armature modifier. RENAME the modifier to skin, and in the next field, you need to attach it to the skeleton (completely forgot the word for it, just click the field and it should come up). I think 'head_5' is somehow named wrong anyways, but it looks like you also need to reweight that mesh.


Sorry if that's too vague. I can explain it better later if someone else doesn't try first. xd

Thank you! Now I only need to fix this and hope that this time it will work:



Could not load surface head_0 (LOD 0) from Blender: Could not load a vertex: Unweighted vertex found!

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Thank you! Now I only need to fix this and hope that this time it will work:


Just like the error says, you have unweighted vertexes. You can find which ones by moving your rig to the side in pose mode, whichever vertexes doesn't follow are unweighted. Watch a blender tutorial on weight painting / rigging.

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