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Everything posted by Asgarath83

  1. ah, i little add: FP_VALOR can be used not only for get a lot of protection for teammate of NPC, bot or multiplayer, but for Nullify all effect of aggressive force power as FP_STASIS, FP_POISON, FP_FEAR and all effect that not do damage directly like grip, drain or lightning, (not defende by the old powers. defend by the new dark powers, is like an force absorb that can be casted on SP on the player and the teammate and in Multiplayer on the own team. ) but do affection of alteration of the behavour of the NPC \ players \ BOT. FP_BREAK, instead, can be used for BREAK the power of ALL protective power of light side, incluse FP_VALOR, FP_BATTLE, FP_PROTECT, FP_ABSORB and FP_RAGE Do you like the idea? Can yu image what can become JA with all that's powers? O.o
  2. Well, this is my idea. Maybe i am madness, a mad alone cannot do. need an icon for every force power and a complete knowledge of c, c++ and ja code, and months of work. But if there is a workteam of the more able programmers, that's shoul be one the best mod for JA. the idea is: The series of Kotor. there is not a series of game of Star wars with a so complete vision of use of force for player. In particular, Kotor 2, that's have pratically all power of the Force knew in the saga. this is my idea: the idea is to hack the code for create, for SIngle player (so they act on NPC and can be used by NPC, player and by icarus for every future mod) and for Multiplayer (tha's can create a WONDERFUL series of mod like JA++ or maybe also a future JA++ upgrade for do the perfect JA gameplay that everyone dream) well. are you not boried of the power of the JA? only 8 for neutral, 4 for light and 4 for darks + teamheal and teamenergy my idea is... Create ALL powers of Kotor 2 game! I prepared a preliminar list based on a guide of the power of this game for every power, and how should work on jedi academy the equivalent. I know, is a MADNESS do a similar work. i think is not many difficult for create on MP following eezstreet tutorial, but for seeting force power effect and sound there anyone tutorial for the new power. also, for SP ricreate the power can be very difficult. :\ but this can be a nice idea i suppose. i can only image the lot of fun that all ja players of the world can have with a similar... power. That’s the list of all powers of Kotor 2. are more that kotor 1 and i think is the more complete game about use of the Force. I edited some field so can do an idea about damage and functions. What do you think about that? I think that a Kotor force mod for JA can becone famous in all the web! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Light Side Powers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------- Battle Precognition Requirements: Handmaiden Learned from Handmaiden and allows Jedi to add their wisdom to their defense. This power is always active. <- Really not need: force speed 3 + sight 3 is a preognition, yu know: avoid tenloss sniper shot. -------------------------- 1 FP_PROTECT Force Aura Requirements: Level 1 Adds +10 to defence and Saving Throws and lasts 20 seconds. Force Shield Requirements: Level 6 Adds +20 to defense and Saving Throws and lasts 20 seconds. Force Armor Requirements: Level 12 Adds +30 to defense and Saving Throws and also lasts 20 seconds. Well this is the force protect. Not problem. 1 FP_PROTECT Force Barrier Requirements: Level 1 Absorbs 15 points of: Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing Damage. After 15 points, damage is dealt normally. This lasts 30 seconds. Improved Force Barrier Requirements: Level 9 This is the same as before but absorbs 30 points of damage and lasts 45 seconds. Master Force Barrier Requirements: Level 15 Same as before but absorbs 60 points of damage and lasts 1 minute. Same, force protect. No need alteration -------------------------- 2 Force Enlightenment Requirements: Level 1, Dantooine, Light Side Gained on your second visit to Dantooine as a light side Jedi. This power activates highest level of Speed, Armor and Valor powers (assuming you already know these powers). Mmm, i suppose a power like thaty can activate is like use protect + absorb at same time, cool. O.o -------------------------- 3 Force Valor FP_VALOR Requirements: Level 1 This power gives +2 to all attributes and saving throws, affects everyone in your party and lasts 20 seconds. Knight Valor Requirements: Level 9 Same as before but gives +3 instead of +2 and also makes party immune to poison. Master Valor Requirements: Level 15 Same as before but gives +5 instead of +3. Well this can be done by doing an energyze team \ energyze NPC, hacked + some protect and absorb protection. Neutralize Tthe FP_POISON -------------------------- 4 and 5: una is the classic force heal, the second is the FP_TEAMHEAL for MP and FP_NPCHEAL for SP. Requirements: Level 6 Heals all party members within range and heals 5 + 1 point for charisma, wisdom and character level. Improved Heal Requirements: Level 12 Same as before but heals 10 +1 point for charisma, wisdom and character level. Master Heal Requirements: Level 18 Same as before but heals 15 +1 point for charisma, wisdom and character level. -------------------------- 6 FP_BATTLE It’s like a force rage upgrade for BOT , Multiplayer\ NPC, but without invincibilidy and health decrease. Inspire Followers 1 Requirements: Level 1, Jedi Master Give +1 to hit, damage and will saves and affects all party members and lasts for 45 seconds. Inspire Followers 2 Requirements: Level 5 Jedi Master Same as before but gives +2 to hit, damage and will saves. Inspire Followers 3 Requirements: Level 9 Jedi Master Same as before but gives +3 to hit, damage and will saves. -------------------------- 7 FP_REVITALIZE Revitalize Requirements: Level 9 Brings closest party member to life and will have 5% of their max vitality points and does not affect droids. Improved Revitalize Requirements: Level 15 Same as before but brings all allies back to life, instead of one. Master Revitalize Requirements: Level 21 Same as before but revived character should have 10% of their vitality points. This power can raise by dead a NPC or bot, or a teammate of multiplayer, if casted in a short count of time. (few seconds, no more) -------------------------- 8 FP_STASIS: Stun or block enemy , NPC, of bot. in first case he cannot move like in a grip level 1, in second case freeze animation and movement, in third case, freeze nearest enemies. Stun Requirements: Level 1 This power stuns and opponent for 9 seconds. If they save they are slowed for 9 seconds. Stasis Requirements: Level 9 Same as before but stuns and slows or 12 seconds. Stasis Field requirements: Level 12 Same as before but has a 10 meter radius effect from the target opponent. -------------------------- We have demp2 for this... i not count. stun Droid Requirements: Level 1 Stuns droid for 12 seconds inflicting some damage. Disable Droid Requirements: Level 6 Same as before but also has a 5 meter radius around the target droid. Destroy Droid Requirements: Level 12 Same as before but has a 6 meter radius and 1-6 points of damage per characters level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Universal Powers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Universal powers include both defensive and offensive powers. Powers like Affect Mind and breath control are very useful, but for more offensive powers, powers like Force Push or Mind Trick are very useful. -------------------------- 9: FP_POSSESSIOn like mindtrick level 4 is possible to posses an enemy. (Working only on NOT Jedi classes) Affect Mind Requirements: Level 8 This power give the main character extra dialogues in conversations and does not always work. Dominate Mind Requirements: Level 12 Same as before but has more dialogue options and higher chance of success. -------------------------- 10 FP_MEDITATION a rage version with not health decrease, but health regeneration and NOT invincibility. Battle Meditation Requirements: Level 6 Adds +2 to attack damage and will saves and speeds up health regeneration and affects all party members. This power lasts 20 seconds. Improved Battle Meditation Requirements: Level 12 Same as before but any enemy that fails a will saving throw suffers -4 to attack, damage and will saves Master Battle Meditation Same as before but adds +4 to attack, damage and will saves and speeds up health regeneration. -------------------------- 10 FP_BEASTRICK yu can possess the droids, the jedi classes and the monster like rancor, wampa, etc. Yu cannot jump, just control the movement. Beast Trick Requirements: Kreia This power is learned on Dxun by Kreia and only affects beasts. This power distracts the animal but become undistracted if the player gets to close or interacts with the beast. If used in stealth mode, this power won't take you out of stealth mode. Beast Confusion Requirements: Level 12 Beast attacks enemies for the character and won't become undistracted if player gets to close. If used in stealth mode, this power won't take you out of stealth mode. -------------------------- 11 FP_BREATH: nullify FP_POISON Breath Control Requirements: Kreia This power give immunity to poisons at the cost of force points. You learn this on Nar Shadda. -------------------------- 12 FP_SPEED: force speed, already in game, not need. Burst Of Speed Requirements: Level 1 The characters speed is doubled. This power lasts 36 seconds. Knights Speed Requirements: Level 9 Characters Speed is doubled and gets an extra attack per round. This power also lasts 36 seconds. Master Speed Requirements: Level 15 Same as before but character gains two extra attacks per round. -------------------------- there is already the FP PROTECT FOR THIS. Energy Resistance Requirements: Level 1 This power absorbs 10 points of, Cold, electrical, energy, fire and sonic. After 10 points, damage is dealt normally and lasts 120 seconds. Improved Energy resistance Requirements: Level 9 Same as before but absorbs 15 points of damage. Master Energy Resistance Requirements: Level 17 Same as before but absorbs 20 points of damage. -------------------------- 13 FP_BODY can be interessing, split maybe can fill with a power like force rage the force bar and the armor with subctracting health? And get some invincibility time O.o Force Body Requirements: Level 1 Force Powers cost is split 50/50 between health and force points and lasts 30 seconds. Improved Force Body Requirements: Level 9 40% of force powers cost comes from Force points and costs 20% less than normal. 40 more percent comes from health points. Master Force Body Requirements: Level 15 30% of force powers cost comes from Force points and costs 40% less than normal. 30 more percent comes from health points. -------------------------- 14 FP_MASK Make invisiblre to NPC bot eytc eyc, is the mind trick level 1 – 2, the different is that level 3 not fight enemy each other but can be invisible to all enieies in the area. Force Camouflage Requirements: Level 1 Sith assassin or Jedi Watchman Allows character to be in Stealth mode without the use of a stealth field generator. Improved Force Camouflage Requirements: Level 7 Sith Assassin or Jedi Watchman Same as before but adds +4 to stealth. Master Force Camouflage Requirements: Level 13 Sith Assassin or Jedi Watchman Same as before but adds +8 to stealth. -------------------------- 15: FP_DEFLECT a defence power very interessing: deflecting blaster and energy shotr (not flechette, concussion and rocket and thermal or explosive) with the hands, can be used in a fight with weapons for defending without a saber! Force Deflection Requirements: Level 6 Allows Jedi to deflect blaster bolts without a lightsaber but character cannot deflect bolts back at enemy but is always in effect. Force Redirection Requirements: Level 12 Same as before but character can deflect bolts back at enemy. -------------------------- FP_16 FP_PUSH Difference: at level 4 FP_PUSH push all enemy around, also the back enemies. Force Push Requirements: Level 1 The enemy moves back 5 meters and gets stunned and suffers damage equal to the attacker's level. 17 FP_WHIRL enemy be blocked and rotaate on heself! LOOL Force Whirlwind Requirements: Level 9 Enemy takes 1/3 of the attacking characters level in damage every 2 seconds for 12 seconds. When the target is caught in the whirlwind, he cannot perform any actions. 18 FP_PULL at level 4 abtract all enemy around, also the back enemies. Force Wave requirements: Level 15 All enemies within 15 meters are pushed back 5 meters and are stunned for 6 seconds and suffer damage one and a half time the attacker's level. -------------------------- 19 FP_SEE Force Sight Requirements: Level 3, Visas Learned from Visas and allows character to see the alignment of NPC. -------------------------------------------------------------------- FP_20 FP_BREAK Remove by an enemy protect, absorb, rage, valor, battle and all that’s powers XD. Force Suppression Requirements: Level 9 This power cancels the first and seconds levels of any powers on the enemy. Force Breach Requirements: Level 15 This power cancels any powers active on the target. -------------------------- FP_21 FP_HATE / A power that forced NPC to fight each other like mind trick of level 3... but start to do that by level 1 Is amodification of FP_MINDTRICK Mind Trick Requirements: Level 1 This power can distract a target but will become undistracted if character gets to close or interacts with the target. This power lasts 30 seconds. If used in stealth mode, this power won't take you out of stealth mode. Force Confusion Requirements: Level 12 This power will make the target fight for the player and lasts 30 seconds. -------------------------- 22 FP_SABERTHROW well, is egual,no alterartion. Throw Lightsaber Requirements: Level 1 and a lightsaber Target must not be within close range of character and light saber always comes back. Only attacks one enemy. Advanced Throw Lightsaber Requirements: Level 9 and a lightsaber When the lightsaber is throw it hits up to three enemies. Enemies must not be close range. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dark Side Powers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dark Side powers are used for harming others and focus on destruction. Powers like shock or Insanity are very useful in the middle of a fight. The Light Side Users don't know what they're missing. -------------------------- 23 FP_CRUSH all enemies in the area suffer a dmg of a value of health there is proportional to level of power. 10-20-30-50 at level 4. Original kotor power: Crush Opposition 1 Requirements: Sith Lord Target suffers -1 to hit and will saves Crush Opposition 2 Requirements: Sith Lord level 5 Target suffers -2 to hit and will saves Crush Opposition 3 Requirements: Sith Lord level 9 Target suffers -3 to hit and will saves Crush Opposition 4 Requirements: Sith Lord level 13 Target suffers -4 to hit and will saves Crush Opposition 5 Requirements: Sith Lord level 17 Target suffers -5 to hit and will saves Crush Opposition 6 Requirements: Sith Lord level 21 Target suffers -6 to hit and will saves -------------------------- 24 FP_DRAIN Like force drain, 2 alteration. level 4 drain force of all enemy around, also the back enemy. - Drain IGNORE the force bar. Drain Life Requirements: Level 9 This power lets the character hurt others to heal himself. The enemy is done 1-4 per level of character and the character is healed the amount of damage done. Death Field Requirements: Level 18 Same as before but targets all enemies within 10 meters of the character. -------------------------- 25 FP_FORCEDRAIN The power is like drain but drain the Force bar, not the health bar, for regenarte force of avversary. Drain Force Requirements: Level 1 Draws 10 Force points from enemy. If saved they only lose 5. Improved Drain Force Requirements: Level 9 Draws 20 Force points from enemy. If saved they only lose 10. Master Drain Force Requirements: Level 15 Allows character to steal Force Points from all hostile creatures within 10 meters of the target. It draws 30 points from each opponent but if they save the only lose 15. -------------------------- 25 FP_FEAR this is a in interessino power.: in MP enemy shotted if not cast FP_VALOR can do the BOTH_COWER1 animation and no fight for a few second. In SP can happen the samething to NPC. At level 2 enemy drop the weapon and at level 3 enemy escape in BS_FLEE modality XD Fear Requirements: Level 1 Enemy is scared for 6 seconds and take -4 to defense. Horror Requirements: Level 6 All enemies within a 5 meter radius of the target is affected and scared for 12 seconds and take -4 to their defense. Insanity Requirements: Level 12 Same as before but all enemies within a ten meter radius is affected. -------------------------- 26 FP_SCREAM well, is like the jedi become an Howler. All nemies in the ranged be stopped of their attack and do the BOTH_SONICPAIN animation XD. At level 1. at other level, they also lose health in gradual mode. However is possible to move , so is possiblre to get out of range of sonic wave \ suffering area. Force Scream Requirements: Level 1 Hurts all enemies within 10 meters in from of the character and deals 3-18 points of damage. Improved Force Scream Requirements: Level 9 Same as before but does 5-30 points of damage. Master Force Scream Requirements: Level 15 Same as before but does 7-42 points of damage. -------------------------- 27 FP_RAGE well this is egual... Fury Requirements: Level 1 Sith Marauder In Fury character gains some temporary level ups to some of thier attribtutes. Improved Fury Requirements: Level 5 Sith Marauder Improved Fury character gains higher level ups to some of their attributes. Master Fury Requirements: Level 9 Sith Marauder Improved Fury character gains even higher level ups to some of their attributes. -------------------------- 28 FP_LIGHTNING. Shock Requirements: Level 1 Hurts target by 1-6 per characters level. Lightning Requirements: Level 9 All enemies 16 meters in front of the caster get hurt by 1-6 per characters level. Force Storm Requirements: Level 18 Enemies within 10 meters of the target gets hurts 1-6 per characters level. Also damages the targets Force Points equal to the damage to their health. 29 FP_LIGHTNING2: this power is like the lightning buyt is more nasty: ignore the armor and hit directly the health. Can kill very fast. -------------------------- 30 FP_POISON: the effect is like the interrogator droid puncures of poison. At better level is possible to poison multipole NPC \ players. FP_VALOR can save by poison. Slow Requirements: Level 1 Enemy is slowed for 30 seconds, the effects are -2 to defense, reflexes and attack rolls. Affliction Requirements: Level 6 Enemy suffers from this power as if it where poisoned and has -7 to all physical attributes. This lasts for 21 seconds. Plague Requirements: Level 12 Same as before but takes -12 to all physical attributes and is impossible to save. -------------------------- 31 FP_GRIP well is lthe force grip but... should be beaity if the jedi can move by first level (but not fight) Wound Requirements: Level 1 Enemy is chocked for 6 seconds and takes 2/3 of the characters level every two seconds. Choke Requirements: Level 9 Same as before but suffers ability drain for 24 seconds. Enemy takes 2/3 of the attacking characters level every two seconds in damage. 32 FP_KILL the more devastating power: is like a multiple force grip of all enemies in the area. The caster can move and combat during the casting. All other cannot move. For nullify: FP_VALOR, FP_PUSH, Kill Requirements: Level 12 Enemy is chocked for 6 seconds and are damaged equal to half their maximum health points. Ok i launched the Idea..., pity i not know how to encode. ._, If someone can do that... well, i hope this idea can birth some mod project on the big scale, cool as JA++. I will can help for sound and efx, but for coding i am not good for C++ sorry. :\ my skill is only about icarus, mapping, NPC making, Saber making.. well, every thing but not the code. :\
  3. Well, i am doing a fantasy mod for SP, so the holster part of the code for me can be very interessing for the use of the melee weapons. not for the ghost swords... they act like the classical sabers. Oh, damn. where is my education? >.< Thanks for the release!
  4. Good luck!!! Will be very funny! When mod is read, share in the downloads! mmm, and if some mad man do the something with skywalker to the place of rosh? XD luke has already a cutted hand, now has a cutted arm or die, in the final... oh my... no no, is too nasty, poor Luke. LOL. mmm, maybe replace rosh with jar jar?? LOL lol, jar jar! YES! ahahahah XD and Luke as teacher instead of Kyle, and an Howler at the place of luke, ,,, iok: Luke -> Howler... or maybe a old ghost of Kenobi... AHAHAH . Kyle -> Luke. Jar jar: Rosh. Player: Kyle katarn Result: a madness!!! :D :D
  5. Pity JA++ code was never relased. or no? I see in an old trailer there was also a power like "force paralysis" very cool.
  6. Thanks for the suggest! i have a some trouble, but is possible to solve, if yu replace the NPC of original game with your owner... but.... original game will do some bad crashes if in a level there are more of 5 NPC with a saber in the load of level, yu have a crash of level. i hope Openjkcode can resolve this trouble because is one thing that become me... CRAZY! >.<
  7. I am italian, men. Happened me, too. it's not so fun, when i am posting XD. I hope is a temporally problem.
  8. Thanks to everyone. Set vampire can be interessing. i am doing a mod about legacy of kain and i am a disaster in coder, so i think i never can do some of some complicated like the force power i need, otherwise someone of good hearth not teach step by step how to create a force power in single player, with file, address and command line to editing to. set shielded maybe can control the assassin droid assets of the shiled. is useful to program a command with a fierce boss of this class of enemy in sp map. for example: for a certain time the enemy use shield , after shield down and attack, after raise the shield... loop -1 LOL. yes, nice combat script. mmm, if cover an enemy and enemy become temporaney unklillable is very cool as script!
  9. It's a pleasure. Share with ALL community!
  10. Ehm, do you have gtk radiant 1.5.0 + behaved working? is not necessary to encoding the source for making that. it's a function that yu can make building your maps and putting NPCs in your maps. O.o for the binding changing team, instead, i have not idea of how do that for the teammate, yu need to see the cvar command list of menu, if there is something about the teammating, but i never heard nothing about that. for the binding function is better to ask to other. for the change of teammetes, is very easy, yu need just gtk radiant, your builded map and icarus. is not coding, is scripting. and scripting is very very easy with Icarus. .
  11. i Never used this commands with Behaved, but i am curious. What do exactly? O.o
  12. you can do the first thing with icarus. simply make the spawnscript of NPC allied of your map as BS_SLEEP or BS_CINEMATIC or BS_WANDER and set they for not walk with icarus. set walking false, set running false. as Usescript of your entity make a Script that tell: set behaviour state: BS_FOLLOW_LEADER SET_LEADER: player SET_FOLLOW_DIST : specify the distance of following you can also switch the teammate in the same things, using icarus script: aSET: PLAYER_TEAM and yu chosse what team you wanna NPC become in a script. SET_ENEMY_TEAM: and yu can choose what team NPC will fight WIth Set ENEMY, Set Target and SET_CHASE_ENEMIES: true, yu can surely force NPC to fight the target you want in your mod. For binding command, is little hard. i suggest to do on the Menu of game, before starting a level. is possible to set a binding value for make saber of different kinds selectable quickly with f1-f2 etc etcm key with ui_saber command i not know if is possibile to do that for teammate, yu need to code the menu code code maybe, or the code itself, i not sure about the last request, it's the more complicated. i not know if there is a binding cvar function in UI menu that can be setted about the TEAMMATES, sorry.
  13. Hello to alls! As an old modder and mapper of JA (for my mod i am maked actually... mmmm... i builded\edited a dozen of map in my life. I wanna share with all modder, mapper and coder of JA of this community someone that can be very useful for the modder. http://www.sendspace.com/file/sck308 Entity Viewer! Maked by an Unghery man called Biro Laszlo many years ago, these tool can be little helpful. What can you do with that? You can open a JO\JA BSP file and see some information very useful without decompile and studyind a decompiled map. the tool show: - brush used - wordspawn parameters - entity list - spawnflags of each entity, script used, address of scripts, - misc models list. - origin of all entity in the maps. - all textures and shaders used in the maps. that's can be useful for many modder for see the BSP map without decompile that, just for learn how are set, or how work. Is very useful about the original game map. i have all decoimpled JA and JO map for study reason about that, becuasde that's was the ABC of mapping \ modding of jedi knight. Well, that's all. I hope that people can enjoy that's gift. i have that's tool by six years, and i think should be useful to share with other mappers and modders., contact the auctor by all that years i think is pratically impossible. in every case, is not the resolution of all problem, is just an help, an utility for showing map quickly without do a boring decompiling\ studying work about that with radiant. i advide the tool NOT SHOW the map structure. is just for a vision of shader, textyres, and entity. I found it very useful in the years. I hope can be of help for many people. oh, i checked. no virus.
  14. I know how to do cinematic, scripting, etc etc, is very easy use icarus. yu need just the SDK and a lot of experience building some working map. for coding, i am again a rookie, me too WANT to create desperately new force power and want edit SP code for thats. i am doing a mod about legacy of kain and many of vampires skills need to be reprogrammed in the force powers. however i am sorry, i cannot help you doing your work at your place. i am alone with my mod and no one help me. but... i have a little tool that can be VERY USEFUL TO YOU! is a unique thing! i share with entire forum, i thinks is useful to more people. was done years ago by a man of Unghery called byro laszlo. Is VERY RARE and PRECIOUS. is my ace in my hand! is a tool that read BSP files and show ALL BRUSHES, ALL TEXTURES USED IN A MAP, and ALL entity with spawnflags setting and with linking to targets, to the script of icarus etc etc, Without open a map. for see and use map of JA, yu need to decompile, but decompile the bsp of the game is not hard. need simply to do same little istruction in a batch file creating in gtk radiant folder. NOTE: Decompiled Map LOSE ALL LIGHTS. - Some brushes be deformed, if yu recompile a map, the brushes becom,e invisibile in the game or bee removed, a map decompiled and rebuild is full of a lot of crack and holes >.< and the bad things is: yu CANNOT SEE in map file what brush is damaged, so yu need to rtake screenshot of breaks and correct manually the problem creating new brushes. but tha'ts can create an entropy trouble: you can resolve an hole craps, and another hole appear in another place. is veeeery frustrating. so i suggest you to use decompiled map only for see how work and be programmed, okay? For coding. the only thinbg yu can do is to study c++, make patiente and wait some months for some mod with single player coded hacked with force power edited. and you ciontact the auctorss and ask of learning. in this site there is some tutorial about creation of weapons of new force powrer make by eezstrett and in the weapon tutorial thare is on a mr canseco repository that show accurately how to create a new and working weapons in MP with visual C++ and openjk.,. for the few things i learn at moment, create a weapon is not much bad. but force power are NASTY. eezstrett tutorial's are for MP code, NOT for SP, yu need to wait the SP tutorial. :\ i hope, that, if eez or another make a tutorial about sp force power and sp weapons, explain with more detailed alos how to change the sound, efx and animation maked shooting weapons \ force power. for me is very important that. But ... look, people can learns to you, but i think no one can do your work at your place. it's your project. for my mod i never got much help. trust me. if yu want to fing help, maybe yu need to make some forum about your project and find people that can and WANT help you and have time and will of make this. otherwise, your work is only your.
  15. WOW! thanks friend! you have not idea of how many things i can do with that! ... mmm so let me understand. 1 place misc_model 2: cover with physical brushes noclip 3: replace misc_model with misc_model_static. 4: convert the physic clip brushes into a func_door, rotate, bobbing, usable, blablabla. 5: link the misc_model with control+k to the func entity. So, model follow entity movement! That's is great! Thanks for explanation friend! Now i know how to make interactive the little hundred of magicals artefact and map object i am doing for the mod in these days with md3view. O.o instead, if i wanna do a breakable md3 mdel, i place a misc_model_brekable md3 and i set the propers spawnflags as told eez! well well, is not much complicated. Thanks Now i learn one of the few things i not know about mapping. ty!
  16. I never tryed that on gtk radiant, so i not know if is possible. a md3 model of map object can be set as breakeble or animated with func_bobbing, func_rotable etcc etc? maybe also with scripting of ICARUS? or is possible only for brushes converted in that mode with func_ functions? .o i think of yes because in a kor1 map of JA jaden can push some statues of sith lord for open a ground door that lead to a crypt.
  17. Eh? i do the mod for hobby, passion, challenge my brain and for do a sequel amatorial of defiance. i have already all game of Lok saga in my pc, in english and italian language. Is not possible, however to rip a lok map, also using the toools of thelostworlds site like modelex, that can be used for rip map object, or NPC or map of soul reaver 2 and 1 game. in the case of game of soul reaver 1, of 1999, map can be easy converted by 3ds exported with model ex 3 into blender, and by blender to quake 3 map format. i do a try with the old raziel castle of razielhim clan, and this work nice. pity is all triangulate and need a looong texturing work LOL. O.o also because texture of sr1 are really of baaad quality if confrontation with modern graphic. Soul reaver 2: map can be exporrted ion collada format by model ex 4. also artifact. for map object blender, can convert after in glm format, and so i import in 3d max, fix the objescts, convert in md3 format or in case on NPC, after root and skinning with JA skeleton, in XSI -> carcass -> GLM. this work very fine! For map of soul reaver 2, the trouble is: the map are all structural and triangulated, so have too much vertexes., also, in converting in Quake format map, they .... and, become devastated LOl, all triangles and primitives go a part and map is a chaos of triangles in radiant LOL. this is because the maps of soulk reaver 2, but also defiance and bo2 (of that last 2 game not exist a ripping program, is possible to use 3dripper, but rthe result is not much good, 3dripper is good just for take the enemies and the objects, biut the NPC need to be rooted and this is a very BAAD work, for my lucky, a friend help me to root all NPCs and monster of bo2 and defiance O.o ) well, how i told, defiance and bo2 have the same trouble. the maps are too many complex in terms of polygon, mesh etc etc, because are not the map project, but the compiled map ripped file,. so the unique fin is to recreate on radiant the location of Legacy. O.o My friend has help me to do as md3 and also a map file, the Nupraptor Retreat that's appear in blood omen, the first game of saga. blood omen was in 2d , so NOT exist a 3d version of nupraptor retreat dungeon LOL. in any place, not rexist. there is a project of rremake of lok blood omen: blood omnicide. team is very kind and the map of pillars is the 3d remake of blood omnicide. That's is the trouble. LOL, some location of Nosgoth are very... nasty to recreate. :\ also using JA map and crediting the autors, is very problematic because the places are however very different. in every case, was better to redo the map, the original map are copyrighted by eidos square enix. so can get some troulbe to using. in every cose, is impossible to use the map of original games. except the soul reaver maps, but the soul reavers map are very bad with the texturing. the game is pretty OLD. :\
  18. No, i not have a proxy, and i not know how get a proxy, how to configure, and how set without do troubles. My internet is shared with my father and he use for work, so use a proxy can be problematic. the maps i need is the maps of all categories, yes. :S If the map are still presente here on JKhub is better, but i use the some search keuword and many maps are missing. Thanks for Circa if he\she decides of help me. MMM, stop. yu was rights boyz. i am a dumb. many much of maps are here in JKHUB. also, seem look like better of old map as quality. thanks however.
  19. Someone can help me to download these maps? Is for a project about legacy of kain, i need ancients places etc ect. Villages http://jediknight3.filefront.com/files/search/?search_category=all&fields_name=1&fields_filename=1&game=38-7&keyword=village#results Cities http://jediknight3.filefront.com/files/search/?search_category=all&fields_name=1&fields_filename=1&game=38-7&keyword=city#results Towns http://jediknight3.filefront.com/files/search/?search_category=all&fields_name=1&fields_filename=1&game=38-7&keyword=town#results Fortresses http://jediknight3.filefront.com/files/search/?search_category=all&fields_name=1&fields_filename=1&game=38-7&keyword=fortress#results Temples http://jediknight3.filefront.com/files/search/?search_category=all&fields_name=1&fields_filename=1&game=38-7&keyword=fortress#results Forrests http://jediknight3.filefront.com/files/search/?search_category=all&fields_name=1&fields_filename=1&game=38-7&keyword=Forest#results Swamps http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Swamp_Training_v2;62202 http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Yavin_Swamp_Duel;4477 http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/TW_Swamp_Training_v2;62203 Montains http://jediknight3.filefront.com/files/search/?search_category=all&fields_name=1&fields_filename=1&game=38&keyword=valley#results aves http://jediknight3.filefront.com/files/search/?search_category=all&fields_name=1&fields_filename=1&game=38&keyword=cave#results Cathedrals http://jediknight3.filefront.com/files/search/?search_category=all&fields_name=1&fields_filename=1&game=38&keyword=cathedral#results Churchs. http://jediknight3.filefront.com/files/search/?search_category=all&fields_name=1&fields_filename=1&game=38&keyword=church#results http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Silent_Hill;82455 Korriban http://jediknight3.filefront.com/files/search/?search_category=all&fields_name=1&fields_filename=1&game=38&keyword=Korriban#results Yavin http://jediknight3.filefront.com/files/search/?search_category=all&fields_name=1&fields_filename=1&game=38-7&keyword=Yavin#results Ord Mantell http://jediknight3.filefront.com/files/search/?search_category=all&fields_name=1&fields_filename=1&game=38-7&keyword=Ord+Mantell#results Lava and magma zone http://jediknight3.filefront.com/files/search/?search_category=all&fields_name=1&fields_filename=1&game=38-7&keyword=lava#results http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Pit_of_Doom;45416 http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Rooms_of_Doom;18974 http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/The_Crack_of_Doom;26219 Crypts and graveyards http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Cas_CrypteV2_By_HCFAthanor;99552 http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Dark_Crypt;23198 http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/OmNi_Crypt;21611 Ok stop, the other planets are too much tecnologicies for Nosgoth. Alls files in the categories. :\ i am sorry, in italy download is precluse. ç_ç
  20. Oh, thanks very much Circa. :3 Well, all maps withs temples, ancients ruins, cripts, catacombs, magic, spells, skill and special effects of magical, and cities in old stylies, church, cathedrals, the styles of city and village i need is like "Bluice Nightfall" map in that's site. :\ I am doing a mod about legacy of kain, so i need material for ruin, forests, swamps, montyains, frozen lands, temples, elemental forges, and for rebuild the city of the land of nosgoth. but nosgoth city are in the stirles of the sniper city of filefront, or the city of blueskies nightfall. For weapons and blade and models i am okay, i have the soul reaver model, kain, raziel, all model ripped and rooted and weighted by soul reaver 2, defianbce and blood omen 2, so i am okay. i need also the version oif the mod called "dark forces mod" that add new weapons and new force powrers in multiplayer. pity that autors of dark forces mod NEVER put the source code edited used for do the mod ç_ç so i not know how to create new force powerr in SP for creeate the vampires dark gift of blood omen. :\ thanks for all you can find, i have 2 giga of maps mayterials by massassi temple, butare very little and short and the quality of map of filefront was ever the better. stupid download restriction. :\ a very helpful map should be some map similar to the abyss of soul reaver 1 game . you can find in youtube "soul reaver intro" for understand what i mean. is a giant gorge of green water with gorge and montains arounds. well, legacy ofn kain is a fantasy horrror gothic survival games of 10 years ago. i am working on a The dark projphecy project making in JA for end the saga, i have a lot of map downloaded years ago, but i am sure that's shoul can be some very good map that is missed to my sight. :\ my expansion shgould be for SP, but not worry, i can work also with MP maps. with monsters models i am okay. and for md3 object i have all i need. Ty for all things you can found. :3 (i have many temple, but i think in the last years has been done some good map that are missing for me. >_> )
  21. Thanks Eez. i am a disaster as coder, but i have a long experiences in the classic JA modding.
  22. The first map of the game are the Pillars, obvious, Here Kain start his journey for restore the balance. the pillars appear corrupetd and raised in this map, but i will do ruined and devastated. I think i begin the story with a roq video of cinematic event of the end of defiance and after with an arrive of kain in the area with the Bat Forms. after, a biiiig battle Kain vs some legions of Hyldens and Demons. and at the end, a cutscene with Ariel ghost and, later, with the Hylden Seer (blood omen 2 game) the Seer is the guide for Kain for give istruction about the action for rebuild the pillars and return to the original era of soul reaver. Ariel sure not help kain. was little furious for the missing immolation of his young contropart of this era. XD.
  23. Well, in original, i using the Kain Raziel XIII models, yes, as the first release, maaaany years ago. i use for making some wraiths of Alliance as raziel descendent. yes the mod shoul be a great show, the models i am using now are the original models ripped by the game. is a freeamatortial project and i will credits the software hgouse. some models i recretae in HD (soul reaver 1 corrupted vampires zephonim clan was the more BAD to do.) they passed ten years, the eidos not has more the right of lok, now they go the square enix and square enix is now busy in the new game of nosgoth. The mod is freeware so what's is the problem? O.o Models of defiance, soul reaver 2 and bo2 are very nice and detailed. i get some issue in the physic and weight, but they work on modview all pretty wells. And yes, should be a great show, i am trying to contonue a story ended ten years ago. Ashura: NO, i am not using google traslate, is my bad english. sorry Minis: at moment i not need models, the unique model i need is the Hylden King, but a friend is still working on that. also for external of Vorador Mansions, and for a Soul Chatjhedral created on the ruin of Sanctuary of clan of soul reaver as residence of the wraith clan. how is possible that's be other wraiths i explain at the end of the story. Elder God jokes. >_> However, my more horrible trouble is for the coding, because i am a disaster like coder and SP code is again a new territory for every programmers. :\ f someone can give me a little hand on the code, can contact me. i NOT want someone do the job for me,. is not correct. but if someone can explain me how to create the class damage weapon, the saber charging reaver and the new force power\dark gifht of vampires with a tables like that: https://github.com/srcanseco/JKCup/commit/4721050089fb9b1bc43fcd44a3fa86659912ee2d i use visual studio 2010 and open jk code. i l know some rudiment of C++ but i am not a programmer. in real life i am a science fiction writer, but the book i publish for moment is not again traslated in english. is in a leterary banishment. if goes to final, (12th of 64 places in top ten ... i need again a 50 of votes >_> ) maybe i can do a translation. Italian market of book is saturing and sf is not a kind of book for my land. ._. and really, i not like much to live and to be italian, but i cannot change that, sorry. Here a screnshot of a model: is a pries of avernus of defiance, of the Mortanius cultist of Hash Ak Gik, rigged and animated with JA skeleton. i do the same thing with ALLs lok models O.o i pass all summer to do the rig works. now i am doing the MD3 objects for the New temples.
  24. You can do simply with a little pack that substitute jaden_male and rosh penin model. watch out to the address of the .Skins files. also, reset the parameter of Sound.cfg files of two models. Yes, should be VERY FUN Jaden apperenace is too much of a "perfect superman \ superwoman" that's for me suck. I loved the old movied of SW, because the characters are not superbeautiful like in the new trilogy. they seem like normal peopls in a smaller conflict. a rebel pilot, porkins was very fat. XD Ah, nice time, when movies's hero was not all Supermen :\
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