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  1. I wish you the best of luck with this project. Regarding the name, well... http://www.moddb.com/mods/jedi-knight-enhanced
  2. I always forget that it takes place in Coruscant because it's (in my view) the worst level ever made. Nothing in this screenshot reminds me of Coruscant. [/Cranky Old JK Fan] At any rate, good luck with this project! 8)
  3. Yeah, he's known as Zell at the Massassi Temple forums. I guess you could reach him for there, but if I remember correctly, he once told that he didn't have the files for his JK level remakes anymore... but I can't remember the exact situation :\ Level 1: http://forums.massassi.net/vb3/showthread.php?53704-side-project Level 4: http://forums.massassi.net/vb3/showthread.php?55819-let-s-see-what-this-saber-can-do
  4. 2,435 downloads

    Enter the Dark Lord was a Jedi Academy Single Player project started in 2004 by Anthony Piggott, famous for his single player levels for Jedi Knight, Mysteries of the Sith and Jedi Outcast (e.g. Birth of a Mercenary and Tales of a Mercenary for MotS, Party Crasher for JO). The player takes the role of Darth Vader in this mod. Sadly, it was not finished and the project files were retrieved by the folks at LucasForums in 2009. The mod was hosted by myself on my server for a long time, but I think it benefits from a new hosting place here. The original uncompiled .MAP file is included in the .PK3 file. This mod has been reposted here with the permission of Anthony Piggott.
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