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  1. try to fix it, but failed.
  2. I have searched from the source code in OpenJK. It doesn't look like there are any more keys to change move. Sadly find that I can only solve my problem through coding. But thank you very much for your reply!!!
  3. So there is no more move parameter?
  4. Thank u so much! It's a great idea. I never thought there was such a way like it! That's amazing, but I was wondering if there were any other move parameters like "kataMove" which could be adjusted. (I wanna change the entire fast stance into staff) Thank a lot! This 2 blades saber is trowable but it can't use the staff style. (Somehow I dont wanna cheat myself)
  5. Does anyone know how to get a staff style saber thrown? I've tried many ways in .sab file to achieve it, including defining throwable as 1 & singleBladeThrowable as 0, trying using a random combination of these and the definition of the three variables twoHanded, saberType, and noManualDeactivate. As far as i am concerned, the only way to make a staff throwable is to not using staff style, but I wanna make it happen while using staff style. By the way, defining noKicks as 1 have no effect in staff style. For God Sake, I just want to throw it out...
  6. I don't know why. It just doesn't work.
  7. just search "JA+" in you browse. Sounds great! can u upload it?
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