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  1. Maybe there could be a different area to implement this? I've gotten nothing checking the script. Since ragdoll only applies to humanoid npcs, maybe there's a point in the code where that is laid out, and I can do the check there?
  2. Yes, but for that it would be set as ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_NO_RAGDOLL", 0); Since my solution for that involves directly changing the cvar for broadsword, as you suggested.
  3. Yes sorry I should have clarified, this is for the NPC change. I accomplished the global change, but it wasn't satisfactory for me. And my script is called when the NPC is spawned, along with the other behaviors its spawned with, which are all base game and work fine as they did before this addition. Here's the script call. set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_NO_RAGDOLL", /*@BOOL_TYPES*/ "true" );
  4. I managed to accomplish the global change, but just like I thought it would affect later sessions if you didn't reset it. I haven't managed to figure out the scriptflag for specific NPCs unfortunately though. Here's the relevant parts of what I wrote: Q3_Interface: ____________________________________________________________________ ENUM2STRING(SET_NO_RAGDOLL), ----------------------------------------------------------------- /* ============ Q3_SetNoRagdoll Description : Return type : static void Argument : int entID Argument : qboolean ragdoll ============ */ static void Q3_SetNoRagdoll(int entID, qboolean ragdoll) { gentity_t *ent = &g_entities[entID]; if (!ent) { Quake3Game()->DebugPrint(IGameInterface::WL_WARNING, "Q3_SetNoRagdoll: entID %d not a client\n", entID); return; } if (ragdoll) { ent->NPC->scriptFlags |= SCF_NO_RAGDOLL; } else { ent->NPC->scriptFlags &= ~SCF_NO_RAGDOLL; } } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- case SET_NO_RAGDOLL://## %t="BOOL_TYPES" # NPCs won't ragdoll on death if (ent->NPC == NULL) { DebugPrint(WL_WARNING, "GetFloat: SET_NO_RAGDOLL, %s not an NPC\n", ent->targetname); return false; } *value = (ent->NPC->scriptFlags&SCF_NO_RAGDOLL); break; g_main: ____________________________________________________________________ //rww - game interface for the ragdoll stuff. //Returns qtrue if the entity is now in a ragdoll state, otherwise qfalse. //(ported from MP's CG version) qboolean G_RagDoll(gentity_t *ent, vec3_t forcedAngles) { vec3_t G2Angles; vec3_t usedOrg; qboolean inSomething = qfalse; int ragAnim; //int ragVar = gi.Cvar_VariableIntegerValue("broadsword"); int ragVar = g_broadsword->integer; if (!ragVar) { return qfalse; } if (!ent || !ent->inuse || !ent->client || ent->health > 0 || ent->client->noRagTime >= level.time || ent->client->noRagTime==-1 || (ent->s.powerups & (1 << PW_DISRUPTION)) || !ent->e_DieFunc || ent->playerModel < 0 || !ent->ghoul2.size() || !G_RagWantsHumanoidsOnly(&ent->ghoul2[ent->playerModel]) ) { return qfalse; } if (ent->NPC->scriptFlags & SCF_NO_RAGDOLL) { return qfalse; } So not sure if something I did here is off or not. Oh and of course I declared the SCF_NO_RAGDOLL in b_public.h and the SET_NO_RAGDOLL in Q3_Interface.h. I noticed that, for g_main, any level won't start if I put the last if statement I created before the previous if block
  5. Well hey I greatly appreciate this! I'll be sure to give this a go when I have some time soonish. I'll probably opt for the specific NPC one since setting it globally would probably get messy if other users prefer it differently and having to change it back afterwards could alter those preferences. Happy Holidays!
  6. In this case either would be fine, it would be during a duel and going back to what it was after the duel
  7. Possible to make this scriptable? Only want it to occur in a specific situation. Even just toggling this on/off would work, but I'm not looking for cheats
  8. You know that service tunnel underneath the big elevator you and Jan ride down, that you can use to sneak into the booth where the officer is? You don't have to destroy the power generator by shooting at it, in order to get past the deadly electricity. There's this panel shown in the image at the other end of the tunnel. Press the use key on it, and the generator will stop running, and you can walk past it just as you would have before. No need to shoot, wait for the explosion to pass, and then move in. Something I hadn't noticed playing JK2 for many years now, and only found out through my conversion mod.
  9. 22 downloads

    Have you ever noticed that the action music for Bespin in Singleplayer and Multiplayer doesn't play the full track its from? I did, hence this mini-mod! By far John Williams' BEST soundtrack piece in all of Star Wars, IMO, I decided that it was a travesty to not bring this full track into these amazing games. Featuring the full latter half of The Clash of Lightsabers, Bespin's action music is no longer abridged. Comes complete with transitions into appropriate sections of the music, to make every part of the track just as dynamic as the rest of JK2's soundtrack. This mod comes in two versions: The standalone .pk3 for JK2 base music, if you haven't modified any of the other music and just want to pop it in your base folder and play. The edited part of the music file, so you can replace any mod's modified music that has Bespin in it with this version. This also works for JKA and any mods for it. I tested it with my JAO Enhanced mod for JKA, so I know it works If you don't know what I'm talking about, please bless yourself by listening to this phenomenal soundtrack. Look up Empire Strikes Back, Clash of Lightsabers on Youtube. Skip to about 1:40 for the track, 2:53 for the newly added half for this mod. Once you're blown away by that, consider downloading this mod for you
  10. Was wondering if its possible to prevent an NPC from using ragdoll upon being killed. Preferably it would be a scripted behavior that I could assign to any NPC, but I didn't see any that sounded like that when I perused Behaved.
  11. Do you mean the cutscenes in Jedi Academy? I didn't modify any of the JKA campaign, at least not in the base mod. I did in the custom add-on, but not any of the cutscenes with Luke. I'm not sure what could cause that. And I never noticed anything in the Academy game when I went through it to test before
  12. What problems exactly? Also this mod is used with JK enhanced, and the OG mod. Make sure you have both!
  13. Just tested the download version and didn't get any errors. I recommend you create a backup of your gamedata, and do a clean install.
  14. Happy to report update 1.2.5 is available!
  15. I messaged the staff about this, hopefully it gets fixed soon. EDIT: was fixed! Thanks for the review btw
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