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Everything posted by Botdra

  1. No clue, honestly. Don't you just love that? I think it may be because I was editing the shader then loading the .bsp again, instead of fully exiting JA. Here's the final shader file. textures/kb_map/candlesprites { qer_editorimage textures/kb_map/candlesprites qer_trans 1.0 surfaceparm nonopaque surfaceparm trans q3map_surfacelight 3000 polygonOffset cull twosided { map textures/kb_map/candlesprites alphaFunc GE128 depthWrite } { map $lightmap depthFunc equal } { map textures/kb_map/candlesprites blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO depthFunc equal } { map textures/kb_map/candlesprites_glow blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE glow rgbGen identity } }
  2. For some reason the candles and another shader I was tweaking randomly decided to start working. Well, alright then. Thanks for your help!
  3. I'm not sure how to use this info - is this just referencing the Build setting you select in Radiant or do I have to manually input this somewhere?
  4. That looks fantastic. It's wild what simply changing the menus and font can do to breathe new life into things.
  5. It is, I'm using a rectangular brush. Texture looks the way it should in radiant, but then in-game it ends up being distorted.
  6. Caulk didn't change anything. I even set ambient to 500, that didn't impact the shader at all.
  7. I'm trying to get a 2D sprite image to maintain it's direction, facing the player at all times no matter where they are. I know I can use "deformVertexes autosprite" for this in a shader, but that rotates the sprite in all directions. I only want it to rotate around a single axis, which autosprite2 does. The problem is that autosprite2 distorts the texture, resulting in bent, angled, or twisted sprites. Anyone know a fix for this?
  8. That could be. Here's my worldspawn: _color 1 0.71667 0.402228 classname worldspawn light 25 Yes, my shader is in the shaderlist, I've got other custom shaders in my shader file that are working in-game. My brush looks the same as yours in radiant, although it has nodraw instead of caulk, but I don't imagine that would be the problem.
  9. Thank you! This does in fact add light emission, but I notice your result is much more "clean" than mine. Here's what mine looks like in-game: My glow map is the same as yours, minus the top of the candles, so it's just a copy/paste of the flames themselves on a black background.
  10. Thank you, both of them work as you described. I just need to tweak it a bit and could use a hand. The glow kind of works, but doesn't actually give off any light. It applies my glow texture properly with the correct blend mode, but doesn't actually give off any light/glow. If I have the brush outside in direct sunlight, then it looks like it glows properly. But if it's inside or in shade it doesn't glow, just looks flat. I changed "rgbGen identity" to vertex, and added cull twoSided, otherwise I left the shader as-is.
  11. It's the candles as well, that's why that blendFunc did not work for me. It made them partially transparent.
  12. I have this basic transparency shader I'm trying to get working in my map, with no success. I have an image file with a candle and a transparent background, saved as a PNG in Photoshop with the "Transparency" box checked, which I assume means it exports with an alpha channel. However, when I apply the texture to a brush and compile, I get a completely blank image. I got the shader from this tutorial. textures/kb_map/candlesprites { { map textures/kb_map/candlesprites blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA depthWrite rgbGen lightingDiffuse } } I have tried messing with different blending modes and using a black background instead, but that makes some of the shadow areas of my sprites transparent which is not the desired result.
  13. Thanks, I'll give that a shot. Looks like it's the closest option.
  14. How would I need to set up target_delay to get the intended effect? I may be stuck scripting it but if I can do it in Radiant that would be preferable. I'm using netradiant so that's likely why. Probably doesn't exist in JA.
  15. I have two issues I'm running into with target_speaker entities in GtkRadiant. 1) I can't seem to set a sound to loop AND have a delay between each loop. I set my "noise" key to the audio file I want, and checked the "looped-on" box, then added a "wait" key. The "wait" key doesn't do anything, it'll just loop immediately without any delay, making sounds very repetitive. 2) For some entities, I want to use the "soundGroup" key so that it randomly picks from a group of sound files, but I can't seem to get it to work. The documentation in Radiant is unclear exactly how it's supposed to work: I'm unclear on what needs to be written in the "noise" and "soundGroup" keys. Using this example, I understand "sounds" should be set to 4 if I have 4 audio files numbered properly, but no matter what combination of things I try in the other two keys I can't get it working. I'm using the stock Yavin bird sounds for my testing, so there's no issues with improper export settings or file names.
  16. Conversion process is giving me a bit of a headache. Instead of wasting time I'll just drop the MP4 versions here for anyone who wants to convert them and get these in-game. https://www.mediafire.com/file/1wbov77z5gjjsev/UpscaledJACutscenes.zip/file
  17. Alright, everything is done. The only tricky part is that I can't seem to get them in-game as Quake Video Maker is crashing on me, so I may have to pass these files off to someone else for that step. Everything has been upscaled 4x, with the aspect ratio corrected, then converted to 60fps. The resulting resolution is 2664x2048. I'll probably add a touch of film grain at some point as well, but this looks pretty good for now.
  18. Just to update, I'm working on this, it just requires more time than you'd think. Based on the tests I did above, you'll see that the version where I correct the aspect ratio and then upscale looks great, but also ruins stars. They look horrendous. Square, tons of color bleed, just gross. The version where I upscale and then correct the aspect ratio stars look great, but everything else looks more pixelated and has more artifacts. So naturally, if you're gonna do something, do it right. I'm making both version of the files, and manually masking out the areas I want to keep from each set of files based on the scene. Only then will I convert them to 60fps. It's time consuming, but this will result in the best quality final product. Results so far are promising.
  19. This won't happen, unfortunately. JKHub cannot host these without legal risk, and they have no reason or desire to put themselves at risk. This is why Omega's mods need to be hosted off-site. I agree with you about the disorganization, but that's either on Omega to put together a nicer format for his downloads, or give someone else permission to organize them onto a more structured website than just a Dropbox link. I don't blame him if he's not interested in adding a lot more to his workload.
  20. I meant the Gamecube JKII files, if you wanted to do those as well. Otherwise, I can definitely handle the JA stuff.
  21. Film grain is a good idea, adds a bit of perceived sharpness as well. If you're interested, you could send over the source files along with any settings or film grain overlays you'd like me to use (I've also got several film grain emulation plugins etc. if need be) and I could process everything and send it back to you this weekend.
  22. Did a little dry run for you. This isn't quite optimized yet, but just a vague idea. The JA cutscenes are rendered at a very odd aspect ratio, something vaguely similar to 7:6, requiring about a 30% horizontal stretch to properly render objects that are supposed to be a perfect circle. The first photo is the original resolution, the second is what I consider the "best" workflow order (stretched by 30% first, then upscaled), and the third is what I consider overall inferior (I upscale the video, then stretch it by 30% to the correct aspect ratio), but it does have some perks. Stars look awful, very square and with more color bleed, but gradients like the one around the planet actually look a bit less block. Next step would be doubling the FPS to 60 FPS, which is a pretty cut and dry process compared to upscaling. https://imgur.com/a/C3OCt9N
  23. What did you want to see specifically? I don't have the same source files as you, and I'd be happy to use whatever settings you want to use. I just don't have the watermark issue so I'm happy to be the middle man so that we can get these to the public.
  24. Hmm, I wonder if we could source the game files for the PS4 release of JA, it may have better quality video as well. I'd dump my copy but my PS4 is not hacked, unfortunately. I've got an actual license for the upscaling software, so no watermark here. If you'd like to get in touch I'd be happy to use whatever settings you found luck with and export the finals so we can get them in-game. I've been working on increasing their FPS as well, so we could really get these looking much better than the originals.
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