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  1. Yes i saw the markings, i also examined the rooms in the beginning. What led me to use noclip was a combination of my impatience, partly the too dark corridors and the same looking rooms.
  2. good to know... what only surprised me is, i use the same mods for OpenJK as for OpenJk: Enhanced and when i open the game with openjk.exe i can change the combat style, so i thought it had something to do with OpneJk:enhanced.
  3. Hi, when creating a new character I noticed that I can not change the combat style, is this intended? because it works with openJK. Thanksb and have a good day
  4. 1. i had problems with the vent_plate_glw.jpg in the rancor level , right at the beginning the ventilation grid which you have to destroy to move on, the texture looks weird, so i deleted the file and it looked ok again. 2. T2_Rogue level Racto has no eyes, so i deleted the human_merc folder only deleting the skin didn't fix the bug. (this gives later problems with your map, because the skins are missing ) 3. more missions you can play in singleplayer are great, so it would be good if you could make your mod compatible with other singleplayer mods, for example "single player missions expansion" (https://jkhub.org/files/file/3838-single-player-missions-expansion/). i couldn't figure out what exactly i have to change in the ingamemissionselect2.menu. :-p I like the map, but the sewer section I did not like at all, at some point I turned on noclip. If I notice other errors I'll let you know, otherwise good mod c-:
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