@@DT85 - Max6 project files sent. While removing Listener output code, I hastily made one quick code change so that statistics would show properly when only smooth groups present-- but did not have time to test compiled plugin. Also, another thing I forgot to do was change "Quake III" to "Quake III v2.1" Because I set the project version and dialog to version 2.1.
@@DT85 - OK... everything is fixed now. I did decide to add an export statistics dialog: I just need to remove all the troubleshooting lines of code that printed out information to the Maxscript Listener... so I should have it zipped up and to you later today. Huzzah!
I have a 3dsMax plugin called Foley Studio for rendering sound FX... (it has doppler shifts, etc.) http://boomerlabs.com/fsm https://vimeo.com/137026749 I was planning to create some new dynamic saber sounds (one day... far, far, away).
you can compare the same exported scene as 3.0 and 3.5 in Notepad++ (using the side-by-side compare plug-in). The main difference is in shaders and materials. But you can keep using v3.5 , my 3dsMax import maxscript can import 1.1/1.3/3.0/3.5 formats.
Carcass v2.2 can process dotXSI 1.1 and 1.3 formats (Star Trek Elite Force) as well as 3.0 and 3.5. Version 3.5 adds no additonal useful information for this game engine... so might as well use v3.0 imo.
@@DT85 - I added another enhancement (thanks to @@eezstreet for the optimized code) that checks the texture size to ensure it is a power of 2 (because MD3View and game engine will give an error otherwise). 3dsMax Viewport: Open3Mod Viewer: I also added code to check material slot name for "models" in the case the textures are not in the proper "models" directory-- so all options are now covered. The very last thing to do is... just create some exports statistics-- true vert count due to extra normals, smoothGroups, and UVs; so artists will see the final result and not wonder why their 1000 vertex model fails in-game. ...sorry for the delays.
@@DT85 - Ok... it's all fixed now. I decided not to add the export statistics as a dialog box-- too much extra coding for so little information... instead I plan to just simply write it out to the listener. I will send you the code tomorrow. Would you like me to generate a new plug-in GUID number so it can sit side-by-side with the original exporter and the Dark Places exporter-- avoiding plug-in conflict?
@@DT85 - okay I have the normals fixed and exporting properly now and the UV texture coordinates are good... ... but I have done something to mess up writing the texture map name in the file-- it is only writing the texture file for one object and not the others. So I need to investigate what I messed up and get it sorted out. I hope to have it fixed in a few days; then I'll send you all of the updated project files.
I think there should be a small platform elevator for those lower and upper levels there for moving cargo crates. the stairs width/floor opening should also be wider than one crate as well.
@@Jedi_Mediator and @@eezstreet... if you need any complex brush/map-object animations (falling objects or exploding debris) that use a ROF file let me know and I can generate the origin brush animation in 3dsMax and export with my ROFF2 exporter.
you modified hour dropbox upload then? @@DT85 - right, I looked at the code using my cellphone. It should be straight-forward to implement my snippet. I just need to wait until Repair guy replaces the phone line to house.