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Everything posted by katanamaru

  1. Here are some screenshots of some styles I'm interested in making. I've wanted a saber and gun ever since the Quinlan model came out. Saber pointed out. Better for looks, but less tactically sound: Saber pointed in: Just teasers for now. I'll post some more next weekend. Hint: <<<<<<<<<<<<}+++++{>>>>>>>>>>>>
  2. Yeah I'm trying to learn things looking at the code. I did a semester of BASIC about 10 years ago in college so I'm not completly lost. Just mostly. I'm finding variables that will be worth changing for some test mods. It's fine to keep this here. I'll help in anyway I can.
  3. Man I can't wait to dl this tonight and start looking at it! I always told myself that when JA SP code was available I'd make an honest attempt at learning it. Keep posting little things you find related to sabers, force, and/or animations in general you may find please.
  4. WTF to the saber only option. Where? Mod maybe? MP?
  5. Yeah the breaking of the gaurd is a little silly, but that will be useful for saber styles I'm pondering right now.
  6. I was mostly certain that ALL styles did damage when in transitions. I know I've killed many enemies with transition moves. That was the bases for my idea of doing Makashi with attacks in the transitions.
  7. I use a key bind for some of my sabers like this: "bind f1 saber gray; setsaberstyle medium; addsaberstyle fast; addsaberstyle strong" That way if I switch between a couple of different sabers I don't a bugged saber cycle. This resets them and gives me the styles I want.
  8. I've known about mp being able to get styles. I refer to SP for my enthusism! I'm willing to work with mp and others, but when it comes to what I play I stick to sp only. This was the original idea of Open Jedi Projet (OJP), which I'd be willing to join again if we start it back up.
  9. I still use my original disc for the whole jk series. Heck, I bought another copy of JA when I left for the Navy so that I'd have a backup just in case. It's still in its shrink wrap.
  10. Okay time to start thinking up things I want to get done. Reanimate both backhand styles transitions, reanimate shield style's transitions. Fix bug in JA SP where if you have a gun or holstered weapon and use two-handed lighting it doesn't play the loop animation. Things I'll need: Ability to add saber styles to the game for single, dual, and staff. Ability to use a saber in one hand and a gun in the left. Things I want: Working sp vehicles. Ability to make vehicles npcs so I can "transform" into one via playermodel command and key binding. See my avatar Did I mention the styles I'd like to make? 2 new staff styles; blue (like Maul in Ep 1) and red (like Exar Kun) Form 2 Makashi with attacks in the transitions. This will be based off my experience in fencing with sabers and arming swords. A style based off my German longsword system. One more dual style. Probably blue so you'll attack with one and cover yourself with another. 2 saber and gun styles.
  11. That's a good question. Will Disney outsource the different series or shelve them all?
  12. http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2013/04/03/disney-closes-game-publisher-lucasarts.aspx Just posted. 4-3-13 so it's not an April Fool's joke.
  13. OH GAWD YES!!! That's one o' my favorites! Ksk H20's I mean. There are a couple of others that weren't too great. That model with the shadowtrooper skin looked like a guy in a suit ready to throw down. Default Shadowtroopers just didn't have the right dimensions.
  14. SP yes. All the weapons share the same both_runback_2 animation. All the weapons have different walk_back_# animations. So I was thinking of making the run animations into "hauling-ass-like-a-mofo-jedi." And the walk animations into the run animations. Then I'd make new walk back animations for the single, dual, and staff sabers. Use the g_speed 200 in an auto exec or bind it to a key. All that would work, but I'd lose the ability to roll while walking. This would be very similar to the original JK and MotS games.
  15. If you haven't tried it you can put your shadowtroopers skins on the Greyfox model. The Greyfox model is a mod of the shadowtrooper's mesh so everything but the head lines up. I've done that in order to make a "Super Shadowtrooper."
  16. Here are the fighting animations I made: http://jediknight3.filefront.com/file/Katanamaru_Backhand_Styles;117204
  17. I tested out g_speed and it works! Changing speed only affects the player, and not the npcs. Changing the speed affects jump speed and walk speed, but not the roll speed. I had a neat idea while doing this: I thought about increasing the speed so that walk was the run speed, and run was very fast. This would be more like the original JK and MotS which had the play running superfast. This would also allow me to have custom run back animations for single, dual, and staff movement. The only downside is that the player cannot roll while walking. Regardless of the speed. Unless anybody knows a way to fix that?
  18. Not exactly what I want, but you are correct. I could use timescale along with g_saberanimspeed to slow the game and speed up the swings...interesting.
  19. Thanks much guys! I'll give this a try and get back to you with results.
  20. Okay so I'm looking for a way to slow the run speed of my character and enemies down a little. Is there a console command that can do this? I know I can adjust npcs individually via their .npc file, but I'll have to adjust all of them. I don't know if this will affect the player character or not. I know there is a console command that lets me slow down the speed of all characters when they swing their saber.
  21. There is a samurai/ninja model that has scabbards on the back. They are part of the model. So you'd have to make a model with the scabbard and then use a mod like JA+ that could holster the sword on the back/hip.
  22. I'll double check my reload and see what it looks like. That may be something better animated with Mini's rig.
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