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Everything posted by Mandalorian

  1. Hopefully with help I will be able to make, a game oriented around Boba Fett, I'm surprised that there is no mods out there for a fett tc. His equipment makes for a great number of game features in ever game to be used n a way that makes sense Example : he has a hud in his helmet. I have already modded the game heavily but i cannot map so i am held back greatly.
  2. Another way would be to mod the force jump anims to what you want then to mod the animevents file of your character to run jet efx from the back torso tag or whatever works for you best whenever you execute a force jump. I did this method for the default boba fett model and ran efx from his jet tags when he jumped, a way to not have unlimited jetpack. Hope this helped. There are also tutorial on animevents if you search around.
  3. Hmm sure i misunderstood you there, sorry you make sense. I want to ideally have it as a starting point in the menu and have an animation when you start game or go into options to stand at different part of the ship. I know it can be done but is very hard work. not sure if a screenshot of a cockpit and a animated character is the way to go rather than a full model but at the same would like to have a level where you hunt a target and force them at gun point back to the ship up the ramp and into a cell.Any way I'll start my own topic as im distracting from topic here, thanks for sharing, Moondog.
  4. FInally someone has done this! amazing and good effort, may have to go play with this for a few hours now. may i use this to vary my npc's?
  5. UPDATE: I have been working out blender recently, just tweaking corto's model for now, as well as skinning it. hopefully if I get good enough, I can get permission from him to use it in 1313. this is made in modview and gimp, its not the best but I hope it conveys coolness. Hey Members of JK HUB. Here's some screens of my Boba Fett. It's the vanilla model at 110% scale. re-skinned, with reference work from mb2's Boba Fett and swbf2's Boba. It has shaders from mb2 temporarily until i make my own.Un less i secure permissions of course Here are some screens and i hope to get some feedback, If you would like some more screens to judge the work, let me know. Hopefully this topic ends with a thank you list for helping me mod jka successfully. I will try to keep all my progress to do with this matter in one place as this may be image heavy, if people want screens of various things I mod. One of the first members on here i have come across joining this last few days that has been really helpful is Ibonek. an extra thanks to you! he has gone to a lot of extra effort to help me with decent references to boba fett from the get go and other topics and given me encouragement doing so
  6. Yes there definately are models.Not quite what I was getting at tho. I was thinking of basically a platform, skybox, an attached corridor leading to a cockpit,I don't have nearly enough experience in mapping so if you have the time, do you mind explaining why it has to be large in radiant i.e. what specifically. is there a simpler way to make a small corridor and cocpit and have the rest an illusion so that you never leave the ship. I will definately have a crack at mapping soon, (couldnt get lighting to work even with a simple tutorial lasttime, I admit to my shame) I will need to if i want to get the work done i feel. My Npc's and character on average are 110% scale. is that completely none effective a scale to map in? So many questions there I apologise, I am new to forums and a little nervous.
  7. I found this amazing and useful. Thankyou for your efforts.
  8. That is some cool stuff, is it a possibility to build a Slave one with an interior with that kinda detail? would love to use it for my menu and a start level.
  9. Hi my Name Is Mandalorian, I'm glad to join this community and hope to both share my knowledge and learn from this site. I have a passion for jka and it has been my intrest to develop a Boba Fett T:C which i have many fleshed out ideas for as well as a bit of content I am working on. I would like help with this main goal of mine and would be happy to trade my time and small modding capabilities as well as knowledge of JKA in general. Hope to be productive and the modding community stays alive. Mods away! - Mandalorian
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