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The Commander

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  • Modding Interests
    Jack of all Trades
  • Gaming Specialty
    Competitive Play
    Moviebattles 2
  • Operating System
    RTX 3080

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  1. Commander's Log #5

    Started some work on the map using @Linken's mapping course.
    I think my mod will be based around hunting jedi as a lowly bounty hunter trying to earn a name for himself. Not just jedi but high profile rebels and such. But in the beginning, the hunter will be broke and only have a cheap blaster.

    The level im designing i plan to use to use as a Ladder-type wave level that will later serve as a test level for gun play mechanics.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ramikad


      Nice! Reminds me of Noodle's bounty hunter mod: 


    3. The Commander

      The Commander

      Oh thats awesome I never seen that! Yeah same gist haha now i feel like a thief 😛 XD.

      I can see if i can add somewhat of a twist once i finish my C++ classes. Give it an imperial feel like a bounty hunter Starkiller. A threat to the rebellion, eventually getting bounties on lore characters and such. Like an alternate history mod.

      Not sure if im advanced enough to handle what Noodle did but hopefully I can make something fun in due time lol

    4. Noodle


      More power to you if you can do great bounty hunting stuff!

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