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The Commander

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  • Modding Interests
    Jack of all Trades
  • Gaming Specialty
    Competitive Play
    Moviebattles 2
  • Operating System
    RTX 3080

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  1. Commander's Log #2

    Started planning on what my single player mod will be and started some work on the mapping (Radiant). I got a guide on how to do mapping from:


    Anyways, A rough outline of my project as of now:

     A Alternate Universe Star Wars Mod Where you're a bounty hunter who rises in rank after every target. All original Characters, small cameos (killable maybe just cuz alternate universe), cutscenes, dialogue, choices, etc.

    I want this gunplay to be semi-realistic to where 3 shots can kill you but you can buy armor to reduce that up to maybe 5-6 shots. I want to make strategy and tactics a big part of the game and put in a multiple approach system.

    Then I want there to be 2-3 different endings depending on choices you made or targets you killed/missed.
    I plan to study game cutscenes and some deeper Star Wars lore in the era I'd like to set my game to create immersion.

    Will give updates as I go along. Gotta study some programming for escuela in the meantime.

    1. Noodle


      Sounds like a really awesome idea. 

    2. Linken


      Sounds like a very interesting concept! I wish you all the best with your project!

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