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The Commander

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  • Modding Interests
    Jack of all Trades
  • Gaming Specialty
    Competitive Play
    Moviebattles 2
  • Operating System
    RTX 3080

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  1. Im always open to volunteer or help with whatever you guys need!
  2. YES! I finally finished it haha Took me a minute but i finally got it lol. Looking forward to making more and ready for part 3! This tutorial made it so easy (despite my own struggles lol)
  3. Commander's Log #5

    Started some work on the map using @Linken's mapping course.
    I think my mod will be based around hunting jedi as a lowly bounty hunter trying to earn a name for himself. Not just jedi but high profile rebels and such. But in the beginning, the hunter will be broke and only have a cheap blaster.

    The level im designing i plan to use to use as a Ladder-type wave level that will later serve as a test level for gun play mechanics.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ramikad


      Nice! Reminds me of Noodle's bounty hunter mod: 


    3. The Commander

      The Commander

      Oh thats awesome I never seen that! Yeah same gist haha now i feel like a thief 😛 XD.

      I can see if i can add somewhat of a twist once i finish my C++ classes. Give it an imperial feel like a bounty hunter Starkiller. A threat to the rebellion, eventually getting bounties on lore characters and such. Like an alternate history mod.

      Not sure if im advanced enough to handle what Noodle did but hopefully I can make something fun in due time lol

    4. Noodle


      More power to you if you can do great bounty hunting stuff!

  4. Commander's Log #4

    Thanks to @mjt, I was able to actually create a depository for my mod. That way I dont have my mod stuff all clumped up with my MB2 and other mod stuff (Which is great, I dont want to be a hoarder).

    I also was introduced to The Ladder mod, which is a wave level mod originally made for JO by JediNight and recreated for JA by Circa:

    This mod inspired me to create a similar mod but with guns and have that serve as like the starting point of my Mod. Basically have a bounty hunter against waves of smugglers and other gun-carrying factions. I have solid ideas for a narrative (Coming from a writing background) that could potentially be set in a EU timeline. I'm very open to suggestions and tips as i am always!

    Also, if anyone has a strong understanding of the OpenJK source, please reach out! I really want to be able to better understand the code so I can manipulate it and improve my overall understanding of contributing to an open source and c++.

    Shabalaba Ding Dong,
    The Commander

    P.S. Thrawn > Vader

  5. Commanders Log #3

    This is when I say "Lol I thought my text sent yesterday, my bad!"

    Well Im back after dabbling in Unity a bit (Didnt create anything releasable but learned alot) and now Im coming back to try my hand at working in the OpenJK source. My brain still gets fuzzy around big files and I need to practice working on premade code (To understand code better).

    I feel like coming from a self taught background, alot of stuff still tends to fly over my head. But nevertheless, I stay learning and truck on. But I ahvent stopped game developing and am likely to go back to building a c++ game engine after completing a mod (STILL BOUNTY HUNTER THEMED). Might post some plot I've been brainstorming.

    That being said, reach out with advise or a hand and I'll take it!


  6. Commander's Log #2

    Started planning on what my single player mod will be and started some work on the mapping (Radiant). I got a guide on how to do mapping from:


    Anyways, A rough outline of my project as of now:

     A Alternate Universe Star Wars Mod Where you're a bounty hunter who rises in rank after every target. All original Characters, small cameos (killable maybe just cuz alternate universe), cutscenes, dialogue, choices, etc.

    I want this gunplay to be semi-realistic to where 3 shots can kill you but you can buy armor to reduce that up to maybe 5-6 shots. I want to make strategy and tactics a big part of the game and put in a multiple approach system.

    Then I want there to be 2-3 different endings depending on choices you made or targets you killed/missed.
    I plan to study game cutscenes and some deeper Star Wars lore in the era I'd like to set my game to create immersion.

    Will give updates as I go along. Gotta study some programming for escuela in the meantime.

    1. Noodle


      Sounds like a really awesome idea. 

    2. Linken


      Sounds like a very interesting concept! I wish you all the best with your project!

  7. This sounds ideal for my situation, Thanks! I really do appreciate the feedback.
  8. Hello. I just compiled OpenJK and started modding and have no idea what I'm doing but hopefully this threat will come in handy for me and any other aspiring mod/game devs that stumble across this: I'm looking to create a simple single player level with nothing but a player and an NPC. Later I plan to add more AI elements and a cutscene in the begining. But for now, where should I start to accomplish this and what should I understand? Any help appreciated!
  9. Commanders Log #1


    I created this account to log my modding progress.

    I currently know little to nothing but got help making some slow ass rockets from @Bruceleet so that's a start. Tried to make them bigger afterwards but they didn't change too much. But its a start, nonetheless lol.

    Hopefully Ill be able to start working on this single player RPG mod idea I have with all original characters. But before I do that, I need to know how to make a level in single player. Looking at all these files makes my brain fuzzy so I'll likely be asking for help on this forum. Maybe some of the findings will help future modders and reignite and interest in this game again.

    Games these days have been lackluster lol.

    1. Futuza


      Welcome and good luck!

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