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  1. For the recent Hekathon speedrunning event DrMeowington, a fellow jka speedrunner, and I have recreated the first Act of the JKA Singleplayer along the Speedrun route. You can see us run the map for an unsuspecting crowd of JKA speedrunning legends here: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1807641558?t=05h50m5s (at the Timestamp 5:50:05) We have implemented Quicksave/Quickload mechanics, Force Jump I, aswell as other small gags and referneces. In addition we have found an old Minecraft mod kept alive by ZeithComms that implements Quake1 movement into Minecraft. Since the Mod was open-source I have adjusted it to replicate Quake3 movement instead. Here is a more in-depth Showcase of the map You can download the map along with the modified Squake Mod and the Resource Pack we made for this here: Alternatively: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ll_7Opj3w--wZSvWTwmHnJ0WCldwJ8aD/view We plan on finishing the other levels aswell. First we want to finish up the Speedrun Route, then we'll tackle the parts of the maps that are skipped in the run and lastly once the maps are done we plan to turn it into a fully working Adventure Map with enemies and objectives. If you would like to help on this project or hava any questions,feel free to dm me at Laay#6969 on Discord.
  2. 37 downloads

    THIS IS NOT A MOD FOR JEDI ACADEMY THIS IS A MOD FOR MINECRAFT For the recent Hekathon speedrunning event, DrMeowington, a fellow jka speedrunner, and I have recreated the first act of the JKA Singleplayer along the Speedrun route. You can see us run the map for an unknowing crowd of JKA speedrunning legends. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1807641558?t=05h50m5s (at the Timestamp 5:50:05) We have implemented Quicksave/Quickload mechanics, Force Jump I, as well as other small gags and references. In addition, we have found an old Minecraft mod kept alive by ZeithComms that implements Quake1 movement into Minecraft. Since the Mod was open-source I have adjusted it to replicate Quake3 movement instead. Here is a more in-depth Showcase of the map
  3. 89 downloads

    The pk3 files in this zip include all assets made for the ESA Summer 2021 JKA relay race on the Hekathon block. The screenshots show only some of the assets, as you can see the rest in the VOD of the race. You can rewatch the whole race here: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1098077928 I have seperated out all the models (that were made by JO and me) used by the racers named them after the respective player for easy use. (The skins for both JaydenOwem and TaoSky come with the basketball TD model) Also included are: Levelshots - loading screen images from yavin1b to (excluding) vjun1 Supremes - Supreme blasters, demp, Supreme Kyle, Gucci Luke, SupremePO WideAlora - Wide Alora playermodel (replaces alora1 and alora2) BuffRagnos - model, texture and earrape voice lines (to remove earrape, just delete sound folder in the pk3) RoshTTS - all rosh dialouge from yavin1b is replaced with Text2Speech BeachTroopers - Beach Trooper reskin from Lego Star Wars
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