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Posts posted by Vegeta

  1. @@AshuraDX
    Here's a link to the .map
    And the compiler log


    24 threads
    Q3Map - v1.0r © 1999 Id Software Inc.
    Q3Map (ydnar) - v2.5.16
    GtkRadiant - v1.5.0 Oct 8 2004 08:08:27
    Voter turnout
    --- InitPaths ---
    VFS Init: D:/Program Files (x86)/LucasArts/Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/GameData/base/
    VFS Init: D:/Program Files (x86)/LucasArts/Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/GameData/base/

    --- BSP ---
    Creating meta surfaces from brush faces
    entering shaders/shaderlist.txt
    entering shaders/shaderlist.txt (2)
    entering shaders/bespin.shader
    entering shaders/bounty.shader
    entering shaders/byss.shader
    Script file shaders/cairn.shader was not found
    entering shaders/common.shader
    entering shaders/danger.shader
    entering shaders/decals.shader
    entering shaders/desert.shader
    entering shaders/doomgiver.shader
    entering shaders/factory.shader
    entering shaders/flares.shader
    entering shaders/fogs.shader
    Script file shaders/h_evil.shader was not found
    entering shaders/hoth.shader
    entering shaders/imp_mine.shader
    Script file shaders/impdetention.shader was not found
    entering shaders/imperial.shader
    entering shaders/jnegretetest.shader
    Script file shaders/kejim.shader was not found
    entering shaders/korriban.shader
    entering shaders/models.shader
    entering shaders/mp.shader
    Script file shaders/narshaddaa.shader was not found
    Script file shaders/nar_streets.shader was not found
    entering shaders/quicktrip.shader
    Script file shaders/rail.shader was not found
    entering shaders/rbettenbergtest.shader
    entering shaders/rift.shader
    Script file shaders/rocky_ruins.shader was not found
    Script file shaders/rooftop.shader was not found
    Script file shaders/sandcrawler.shader was not found
    entering shaders/siege.shader
    entering shaders/skies.shader
    entering shaders/stu.shader
    entering shaders/system.shader
    entering shaders/taspir.shader
    Script file shaders/tests.shader was not found
    entering shaders/vjun.shader
    entering shaders/wedge.shader
    entering shaders/yavin.shader
    entering shaders/hd.shader
    entering shaders/hd_imp.shader
    entering shaders/hd_skies.shader
    entering shaders/door.shader
    entering shaders/clouds.shader
    entering shaders/skybox.shader
    1662 shaderInfo
    --- LoadMapFile ---
    Loading D:\Program Files (x86)\LucasArts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData\base\maps\skybox.map
    entering D:\Program Files (x86)\LucasArts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData\base\maps\skybox.map
    Shader textures/hd/concrete has
    NM textures/hd/concrete_normal.tga
    Entity 0 (worldspawn) has lightmap scale of 0.1250
    Entity 1 (func_group) has shader index map "skybox.pcx"
    1159 total world brushes
    1152 detail brushes
    0 patches
    3453 boxbevels
    2227 edgebevels
    2 entities
    6984 planes
    0 areaportals
    Size: -544, -544, -96 to 544, 544, 736
    --- ProcessDecals ---
    0 decal projectors
    --- CreateMapFogs ---
    0 fogs
    ############### model 0 ###############
    block size = { 1024 1024 1024 }
    BSP bounds: { -544.000000 -544.000000 -96.000000 } { 544.000000 544.000000 736.000000 }
    Lightgrid bounds: { 99999.000000 99999.000000 99999.000000 } { -99999.000000 -99999.000000 -99999.000000 }
    --- PatchMapDrawSurfs ---
    --- FaceBSP ---
    42 faces
    88 leafs
    --- MakeTreePortals ---
    0 tiny portals
    0 bad portals
    --- FilterStructuralBrushesIntoTree ---
    7 structural brushes
    26 cluster references
    --- FloodEntities ---
    14 flooded leafs
    --- FillOutside ---
    26 solid leafs
    48 leafs filled
    14 inside leafs
    --- CullSides ---
    0 hidden faces culled
    0 coincident faces culled
    --- ClipSidesIntoTree ---
    --- FaceBSP ---
    11 faces
    40 leafs
    --- MakeTreePortals ---
    0 tiny portals
    0 bad portals
    --- FilterStructuralBrushesIntoTree ---
    7 structural brushes
    26 cluster references
    --- NumberClusters ---
    14 visclusters
    31 visportals
    40 solidfaces
    --- WritePortalFile ---
    writing D:\Program Files (x86)\LucasArts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData\base\maps\skybox.prt
    --- FloodAreas ---
    1 areas
    --- AddTriangleModels ---
    --- AddEntitySurfaceModels ---
    --- FilterDetailBrushesIntoTree ---
    1152 detail brushes
    2334 cluster references
    ----- FogDrawSurfs -----
    0 fog polygon fragments
    0 fog patch fragments
    0 fogged drawsurfs
    --- SubdivideFaceSurfaces ---
    --- FixTJunctions ---
    24 axial edge lines
    0 non-axial edge lines
    0 degenerate edges
    0 verts added for T-junctions
    44 total verts
    11 naturally ordered
    0 rotated orders
    0 can't order
    0 broken (degenerate) surfaces removed
    --- ClassifyEntitySurfaces ---
    --- TidyEntitySurfaces ---
    0 empty or malformed surfaces deleted
    --- MakeEntityDecals ---
    0 decal surfaces
    --- MakeEntityMetaTriangles ---
    0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (0)
    11 total meta surfaces
    11 stripped surfaces
    0 fanned surfaces
    0 patch meta surfaces
    44 meta verts
    22 meta triangles
    --- TidyEntitySurfaces ---
    11 empty or malformed surfaces deleted
    --- SmoothMetaTriangles ---
    No smoothing angles specified, aborting
    --- MergeMetaTriangles ---
    0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10... (0)
    11 surfaces merged
    44 vertexes merged
    --- FilterDrawsurfsIntoTree ---
    60 references
    11 (11) emitted drawsurfs
    11 stripped face surfaces
    0 fanned face surfaces
    0 surface models generated
    0 skybox surfaces generated
    0 SURFACE_BAD surfaces
    0 SURFACE_FACE surfaces
    0 SURFACE_PATCH surfaces
    0 SURFACE_TRIANGLES surfaces
    0 SURFACE_FLARE surfaces
    0 SURFACE_FOLIAGE surfaces
    0 SURFACE_FORCED_META surfaces
    11 SURFACE_META surfaces
    0 SURFACE_FOGHULL surfaces
    0 SURFACE_DECAL surfaces
    0 SURFACE_SHADER surfaces
    54 redundant indexes supressed, saving 0 Kbytes
    --- FixBrushSides ---
    --- EndModel ---
    0 light entities stripped
    6986 BSP planes
    --- WriteSurfaceExtraFile ---
    Writing D:\Program Files (x86)\LucasArts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData\base\maps\skybox.srf
    Writing D:\Program Files (x86)\LucasArts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData\base\maps\skybox.bsp
    Storing lightgrid: 0 points
    Wrote 0.3 MB (282440 bytes)
    9 seconds elapsed
    24 threads
    Q3Map - v1.0r © 1999 Id Software Inc.
    Q3Map (ydnar) - v2.5.16
    GtkRadiant - v1.5.0 Oct 8 2004 08:08:27
    Voter turnout
    --- InitPaths ---
    VFS Init: D:/Program Files (x86)/LucasArts/Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/GameData/base/
    VFS Init: D:/Program Files (x86)/LucasArts/Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/GameData/base/

    --- Vis ---
    saveprt = true
    Loading D:\Program Files (x86)\LucasArts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData\base\maps\skybox.bsp
    Loading D:\Program Files (x86)\LucasArts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData\base\maps\skybox.prt
    14 portalclusters
    31 numportals
    40 numfaces
    62 active portals
    0 hint portals

    --- BasePortalVis (62) ---
    0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (0)
    4 average number of passages per leaf
    0 MB required passage memory

    --- CreatePassages (62) ---
    0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (0)

    --- PassagePortalFlow (62) ---
    0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (0)
    creating leaf vis...
    cluster 0 : 15 visible
    cluster 1 : 15 visible
    cluster 2 : 14 visible
    cluster 3 : 15 visible
    cluster 4 : 15 visible
    cluster 5 : 13 visible
    cluster 6 : 14 visible
    cluster 7 : 15 visible
    cluster 8 : 15 visible
    cluster 9 : 15 visible
    cluster 10 : 15 visible
    cluster 11 : 15 visible
    cluster 12 : 15 visible
    cluster 13 : 15 visible
    Total visible clusters: 206
    Average clusters visible: 14
    Writing D:\Program Files (x86)\LucasArts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData\base\maps\skybox.bsp
    Storing lightgrid: 0 points
    Wrote 0.3 MB (282560 bytes)
    7 seconds elapsed
    24 threads
    Q3Map - v1.0r © 1999 Id Software Inc.
    Q3Map (ydnar) - v2.5.16
    GtkRadiant - v1.5.0 Oct 8 2004 08:08:27
    Voter turnout
    --- InitPaths ---
    VFS Init: D:/Program Files (x86)/LucasArts/Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/GameData/base/
    VFS Init: D:/Program Files (x86)/LucasArts/Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy/GameData/base/

    --- Light ---
    Fast mode enabled
    Phong shading enabled
    Ordered-grid supersampling enabled with 4 sample(s) per lightmap texel
    Map has shader script D:\Program Files (x86)\LucasArts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData\base\maps/../shaders/q3map2_skybox.shader
    entering shaders/shaderlist.txt
    entering shaders/shaderlist.txt (2)
    entering shaders/bespin.shader
    entering shaders/bounty.shader
    entering shaders/byss.shader
    Script file shaders/cairn.shader was not found
    entering shaders/common.shader
    entering shaders/danger.shader
    entering shaders/decals.shader
    entering shaders/desert.shader
    entering shaders/doomgiver.shader
    entering shaders/factory.shader
    entering shaders/flares.shader
    entering shaders/fogs.shader
    Script file shaders/h_evil.shader was not found
    entering shaders/hoth.shader
    entering shaders/imp_mine.shader
    Script file shaders/impdetention.shader was not found
    entering shaders/imperial.shader
    entering shaders/jnegretetest.shader
    Script file shaders/kejim.shader was not found
    entering shaders/korriban.shader
    entering shaders/models.shader
    entering shaders/mp.shader
    Script file shaders/narshaddaa.shader was not found
    Script file shaders/nar_streets.shader was not found
    entering shaders/quicktrip.shader
    Script file shaders/rail.shader was not found
    entering shaders/rbettenbergtest.shader
    entering shaders/rift.shader
    Script file shaders/rocky_ruins.shader was not found
    Script file shaders/rooftop.shader was not found
    Script file shaders/sandcrawler.shader was not found
    entering shaders/siege.shader
    entering shaders/skies.shader
    entering shaders/stu.shader
    entering shaders/system.shader
    entering shaders/taspir.shader
    Script file shaders/tests.shader was not found
    entering shaders/vjun.shader
    entering shaders/wedge.shader
    entering shaders/yavin.shader
    entering shaders/hd.shader
    entering shaders/hd_imp.shader
    entering shaders/hd_skies.shader
    entering shaders/door.shader
    entering shaders/clouds.shader
    entering shaders/skybox.shader
    1662 shaderInfo
    Loading D:\Program Files (x86)\LucasArts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData\base\maps\skybox.bsp
    Loading D:\Program Files (x86)\LucasArts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData\base\maps\skybox.srf
    Shader textures/hd/concrete has
    NM textures/hd/concrete_normal.tga
    --- LoadMapFile ---
    Loading D:\Program Files (x86)\LucasArts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData\base\maps\skybox.map
    entering D:\Program Files (x86)\LucasArts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData\base\maps\skybox.map
    0 light entities
    --- SetupBrushes ---
    1159 opaque brushes
    --- SetupDirt ---
    48 dirtmap vectors
    --- SetupSurfaceLightmaps ---
    11 surfaces
    11 raw lightmaps
    0 surfaces vertex lit
    11 surfaces lightmapped
    11 planar surfaces lightmapped
    0 non-planar surfaces lightmapped
    0 patches lightmapped
    0 planar patches lightmapped
    --- SetupTraceNodes ---
    476 trace windings (0.12MB)
    923 trace triangles (0.08MB)
    506 trace nodes (0.03MB)
    254 leaf nodes (0.02MB)
    1 average windings per leaf node
    17 max trace depth
    --- SmoothNormals ---
    --- SetupGrid ---
    Grid size = { 42, 42, 85 }
    6250 grid points
    --- CreateLights ---
    0 point lights
    0 spotlights
    0 diffuse (area) lights
    0 sun/sky lights
    --- TraceGrid ---
    0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (0)
    25 x 25 x 10 = 6250 grid
    0 grid points envelope culled
    0 grid points bounds culled
    --- MapRawLightmap ---
    0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (1)
    305420 luxels
    216745 luxels mapped
    82213 luxels occluded
    --- IlluminateRawLightmap ---
    0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (0)
    305420 luxels illuminated
    --- IlluminateVertexes ---
    0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (0)
    44 vertexes illuminated
    0 lights plane culled
    0 lights envelope culled
    0 lights bounds culled
    0 lights cluster culled
    --- StoreSurfaceLightmaps ---
    76355 luxels used
    32768 luxels stored (233.02 percent efficiency)
    11 solid surface lightmaps
    10 identical surface lightmaps, using 101200 luxels
    0 vertex forced surfaces
    0 vertex approximated surfaces
    2 BSP lightmaps
    2 total lightmaps
    1 unique lightmap/shader combinations
    Writing D:\Program Files (x86)\LucasArts\Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy\GameData\base\maps\skybox.bsp
    Storing lightgrid: 6250 points
    Wrote 0.4 MB (393424 bytes)
    11 seconds elapsed




    I'm not sure what you mean by my version of the .map versus the original, sorry

  2. I've recently encountered a new problem, in which terrain entities become invisible, yet structurally still active, after compiling maps.  I've never had this sort of issue before, and typically incorporate terrain developed in Easygen in my maps.  I've already determined that there's nothing wrong with my shader or alphamap files, yet for some strange reason any terrain entities become completely invisible in game.  I believe it has something to do with my compilation process, perhaps q3map2 isn't recognizing my shaderlist.txt?


    In troubleshooting the anomaly, I downloaded the "Terrain" prefab, placed the alphamap pcx in my base folder, the shader in base/shaders, added the shader to shaderlist.txt, and compiled the map.  The terrain was invisible in my compiled .bsp, yet visible in the already compiled bsp that comes with the prefab.


    This has been a very annoying problem to suddenly arise for seemingly no reason, and I would very much so appreciate any assistance or advice.  Thanks in advance.

  3. @


    Sorry for the late reply, I kind of assumed this topic was already dead.  I haven't actually checked to see if the sprites were being rendered on the inverse side of the texture, that had not occurred to me as a possibility.  Is that a common shader problem that I was unaware of?  Either way, I'll have to check and see.

  4. I was near completion of my newest map, when I realized that grass sprites weren't present on the group entity used for terrain.  Everything else functions as desired, all other shaders have been successfully integrated without error, and even my grass sprite texture functions as desired when applied to a standard worldspawn brush, yet when applied to terrain, the sprite portion of it fails to load.  I have determined that this failure is caused by the fact that the terrain brushes are part of a single group entity, and in some way this disables the ability of the shader to include sprites.  The q3map_material was obviously retained regardless of the entity status of the brushes the shader was applied to, along with a few other lighting properties, excluding only the sprites.


    This ability for the map to include grass sprites on the terrain is fundamental to the concept of the map.  I spent quite a long time perfecting the functionality of the grass shader specifically for the purpose of applying it to the terrain brushes.


    I have already attempted making the terrain brushes part of the worldspawn, but this results in an unavoidable safe_malloc error during the light portion of compilation (the pc used for compilation has 8GB of Ram and a 4 core 2.8GHz processor, and the >2GB Memory Q3map2.exe was used) , and as a result is not an option.  Precautions to avoid excessive lag (such as detail v. structural brushes, use of patchwork when possible, etc.) have already been taken as well.


    To emphasize, the only problem is the grass sprites not loading on terrain brushes.  Any ideas or assistance are greatly appreciated.



    Grass Shader:



    	q3map_normalimage	textures/2_modernist/grass_normal
    	qer_editorimage textures/2_modernist/wildgrass
    	q3map_material ShortGrass
    	q3map_shadeangle 120
    		map $lightmap
    		map textures/2_modernist/wildgrass
    		blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO
    		map textures/2_modernist/grassprites1
    		surfaceSprites vertical 15 12 20 225
    		ssFademax 1500
    		ssFadescale 1
    		ssVariance 1 2
    		ssWind 0.5
    		alphaFunc GE192
    		rgbGen vertex
    		map textures/2_modernist/grassprites2
    		surfaceSprites vertical 15 15 24 275
    		ssFademax 150
    		ssFadescale 1
    		ssVariance 1 2
    		ssWind 0.5
    		alphaFunc GE192



  5. @@mrwonko


    Do you know of any OpenJK mods that include "trueview" in their source code?  I've never understood code very well, but I'm fairly confident that the set of .dlls that I'm currently using are what allow for "trueview."  It would be very nice to have a more efficient renderer, but at the same time I can't really afford to lose the nice camera effects in my current set of code.

  6. @@Ramikad


    That q3map_surfaceModel option seems as though it may work.  I have an idea.  Perhaps I could make a grass model that is a single surface with a grass sprite texture, then animate that texture in a shader to simulate wind.  I could then use that model in a texture shader that makes use of the surfaceModel option.  Unfortunately I foresee this method as causing more fps drop than before, due to the high amount of models that would be rendered, regardless of their simplicity.


    Still, I feel as though there must be some kind of loophole that we could exploit in order to get more realistic grass in game.

  7. I was creating a new grass texture/shader and realized that I didn't know how to change a few of the sprites' properties.  I want to know what determines sprite size (height of grass blades), and density (how many there are per brush).
    Below is an example of one of my shaders.




    	q3map_normalimage	textures/2_modernist/grass_normal
    	qer_editorimage textures/2_modernist/wildgrass
    	q3map_material ShortGrass
    	q3map_shadeangle 120
    	tessSize 2048
    		map $lightmap
    		map textures/2_modernist/wildgrass
    		blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO
    		map textures/2_modernist/grassprites2
    		surfaceSprites vertical 15 10 20 250
    		ssFademax 1600
    		ssFadescale 1.0
    		ssVariance 1 2
    		ssWind 0.5
    		alphaFunc GE192
    		rgbGen vertex




    This functions well in game, yet the grass is almost as tall as the player, and density is not very desirable.  I tried changing the ssFadescale value, but anything above 3000 lags.


    The cause of lag is somewhat of a mystery to me, since my PC is able to run GTA V and SWtoR at maximum graphics without issues.


    For those who haven't seen it, below is an image of SWtoR grass.







    Finally, this is what I'm attempting to achieve with my grass shader.






    NumberWan likes this
  8. @


    Unfortunately modelling and animation are what I'm worst at in modding, otherwise I would offer to help.  There are however, still some very skilled modellers that remain active in the JK3 community to this day, such as mrwonko, or minilogoguy18, who may or may not be able to finish the project.  I could even make the texture for the model if needed.

  9. I'm not sure if this has been answered before, but how do you get functioning, rotating, moving, destroy-able, asteroids into a space-themed map?  I know that it uses a script, and I planned on using the one made for the "Asteroids" mod, which I'm pretty sure is a modified version of the one used for the Siege Destroyer map.  I also decompiled both the Asteroids map, and the Siege Destroyer map to see how the scripts were put into effect in game.  After a few attempts to replicate the setup, I was unable to get anything functioning correctly.  Asteroids pop into and out of the map at random times and at random coordinates, travel through solid brushwork, and when shot at, split into fragments large enough to fill the entire map.  Not sure if anyone knows how to help, but I figured that it would be worth it to ask regardless.

  10. @@AshuraDX


    Ah, that makes so much more sense.  I thought that it only worked that way with .pk3, but if the individual .shader files load in an alphabetical order, and two .shader files define the same shader with different properties, then the one coming afterwards would likely have dominance over the other.  Although, I'm still not quite sure, because the new .shader was titled "new_water", while the old one was "gfx", so I would assume that the new one would come first.  Perhaps there is something else that I'm overlooking.

  11. Oh, sorry.  I suppose I read your question incorrectly the first time.  I place the .shader files in the folder titled "shaders" within the .pk3s.




    I'm not sure why, but your suggestion worked.  The game must have been determined to use the original gfx.shader file over the new one that I created, because as a result, overwriting the old gfx.shader worked.  Do you have any idea why the new .shader files I was making could not overwrite the old one?

  12. Well, I've placed the .pk3s in both the base folder and my personal mod folder for testing, and both yield the same result.


    As for the .jpg format, it was my understanding that Jedi Academy doesn't support progressive .jpgs, so I've been leaving that export option unchecked after creating new textures or gfx.

  13. @@eezstreet


    Yes, I've been placing the new .shader file in a pk3.  The shader file is titled new_water.shader, the pk3 is titled module5.pk3, and I did remember to add "new_water" to the shaderlist.txt.


    The original wake shader is the third shader defined in gfx.shader.


    And I'm not really sure why I left "blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE" in the new shader, I suppose because it was part of the old shader and I was basing the new one off of the original  in this instance.

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