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Everything posted by Tx606

  1. Tx606


    Appears to be some kind of false positive and I've mailed them about this weeks ago.
  2. Tx606


    Our current focus is getting a release out. It's that simple. We've been getting development back on track the past months after it was pretty slow-paced for a while. Developing MBII doesn't earn us any money. We do it in our free time and all of us either have work or school. If you happen to be a millionaire, you're welcome to pay us so we can speed things up. I'm getting pretty tired of the whole open source complaining. It's not going to happen on the short term. Most people asking for the source also happen to be the people claiming our team consists out of amateurs and our code is shitty. I can pretty much guarantee that opensource is going to happen one day. What I can't guarantee is when. If adding support for openJK is as simple as a cvar, if statement or something else then sure I'm all for it. However open source isn't on the agenda until we're ready for it and until then that's simply the way it's going to be. Call us lazy, call us amateurs. We're just enthusiasts who like to mod a 10 year old game and have fun doing it.
  3. This pretty much. Ever since I've stopped using GT I've had a significant decrease in attacks aswell.
  4. Usually the best way to deal with this is to move said animation files to their mods' folders. (Such as japlus_gla_anims.pk3 to japlus, and mb_baseassets.pk3 to MBII). Then just start your game with a shortcut that includes +set fs_game. Both Japlus and MBII include these in .bat files, if I remember correctly. That way you can keep playing both mods without problems.
  5. Let me know if you need help or advice with any of the entity modding/icarus scripting stuff. Shouldn't be too difficult. Isn't the EULA against decompiling and (re)releasing original game assets though?
  6. That sounds like it could work actually, did you try increasing the height (for testing purposes)? The surfaceparm might do the same thing but as far as I know it's not necessarily a requirement if you make it an entity.
  7. Make sure there are no other brushes present underneath/at the same size, entities do not generate footsteps.
  8. You could simply make an entity like a func_static and use that as a surface -- as far as I know it won't display footsteps or make the sound on those.
  9. http://jkhub.org/files/file/1335-q3map2-2gb-memory-usage/ I think this is what you're looking for.
  10. I personally never use this because sounds end up sounding way different. Guess I'm used to the 22 ones. Why did Raven never make this an option in the menus?
  11. They've been around for over a year though. :3
  12. "$4000" o_o' Buy a good (but cheaper) laptop for 1000-1500, keep it for 2-3 years or whatever length you're comfortable with, and buy another laptop in the future? Whatever high-end hardware you can buy (for crazy prices) now is going to be slower in a couple of years and wayyyy less valuable. Of the two you posted, the MSI should probably be better for gaming, I'd suggest to go for that. Those novatech laptops however seem way better priced to me though. Ultrabooks look cool and are shiney and everything, but usually lack a good GPU which may suck if you don't have a decent desktop.
  13. You can vote for multiple mods. I already voted for MB2 and I just voted for JKG aswell. Link for mb2's moddb page if anyone else wishes to be nice.
  14. Not sure if anyone is interested, but I still have one giftable steam copy of JKA. Not sure how or why I have it. EDIT: Sent to someone already! Perhaps someone has a friend who wishes to try out JKA or lost their cds, I dunno. If you want it, send me a PM with your steam ID. Oh, if someone wants it, I also have 3 copies on dota 2 to give away aswell. Although I'm pretty sure anyone who wanted one should have one by now due to valve giving away loads of these.
  15. Kinda a late reply, but Qtracker already does this.
  16. Are you sure it's actually Tim? Seen a guy spamming loads in MB2 as Padawan mainly.
  17. Crazy idea here, and probably not possible. Would it be possible to fetch the serverlist from multiple masters, and mash them together into one massive list? Obviously (if possible) you'll only have one entry per server (in case its submitting to multiple masters that your client receives). Although I guess I can agree with Caelum, we don't want dozens of master servers popping up.
  18. Hasn't this been known for years and years though? =P http://forum.ultra-u....php?f=22&t=311 But aye, useful info, sadly I still see it being used by server hosts.. tehehe.
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