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Posts posted by RAILBACK

  1. The fog really added quite a bit to the room, even brightening it up a tad. I've narrowed it down to to 4 fog types which I've posted here below. I'm leaning towards the green. I still have to add some type of liquid to the brain chamber but this room is pretty much finished.











    A lighter green fog with red beams coming from those red lights above. A bit Christmasy but might look good.

  2. As people might be more likely to make SP maps if there's a more comprehensive guide, I'm going to try and do some kind of step-by-step making a SP map thing, hopefully covering all the stuff that's already been covered in the very good tutorials people have written, and maybe some other things too.

    You sir, are awesome!

    Lazarus likes this
  3. Sigh. Its a good thing I come and check up on you people hey? Are there NO working adults besides myself that come here? Where are they hiding? Reply to this thread and I will donate $100.00 through paypal. That's Canadian $ btw.

    therfiles likes this
  4. Just so you know, Bespin textures are not brown and red. They TURN brown and red from the sunset later on in the movie. Daylight textures seem to be more white, grey and blues, minus the outer doors. Hence why I chose daylight colors for my Bespin level. What I'm trying to say is, don't be limited by the default textures from someone elses ideas. Your map has that old school JK2 feel from using the old textures. I think you can do better. I do like the visual of your map though. Very cool.

    Omicron likes this
  5. Good gawd. 10 years later they still complain about laming. Pathetic. When you leave the server you lose your score anyhow. How 'lame' is that? Sleeping players because they didn't follow rules or Admins doing whatever the hell they want because theres no way to police judges? This is why I love spectating or playing S/P or creating my own server. I just read that JAWA post there. Its hard to believe we put SO much energy into make-belief. And yes, I'm sure we all have better things to do.

  6. How about Ford Dye? Hes still a lead designer at Ubisoft I believe. His site takes forever to load but it's pretty cool. I used to ask him questions about design and Radiant itself as he's a former level designer of JK games. @ levelforge.com

  7. I've never donated to sites or the upkeep of servers. I have always rented my own server since money usually isn't an issue. I find websites and servers fairly inexpensive. But again, if there's no use it's not feasible. What I would like to see is MY kids or a younger generation start to take more interest in the JK games as well as modding. But maybe I'm encouraging them to sit in front of a screen as opposed to being outside....


    I just read the posts about makermod. That sounds cool and would really keep a player interested. I guess I'm obviously behind the times and have not played all the 'newer' mods out there. Waaaaayy back when we played JK2, the servers were flooded and you often had to wait to get on the popular ones. Clans.....websites....files...oh my.

    Rooxon likes this
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