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Files posted by Kalek

  1. AoF Arena

    This is a massive arena map I made years ago for the Angels of Fire gaming clan. Turns out I never released it publicly, and given the literal size of the map, and the amount of work it took, I decided to upload it today. It's got a few spawnable vehicles for extra chaotic goodness. There may or may not be Easter Eggs (there are).


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  2. Kalek's FFA Base

    This map takes a break from my usual clan based maps to something else. I've always used custom textures in every map that I have released, that is not the case here. I did my best to try to make this map look as if it could pass for a base map. I think I've gotten pretty close. I hope others will be able to enjoy it as much as my friends and I have these past few days.
    This is pretty straight forward, it's just what you see in the screenshots, plus a few little easter eggs
    Ok not so little.


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  3. AoF Council

    This map was made in two days for my clan, the Angels of Fire. It is a map for council meetings/promotions/other rp related things. We are a semi RP clan. We are recruiting. No, this is not a recruitment attempt, I've seen many clan maps before and they rarely mentioned how the clan can be found, and now it can be.
    There are enough seats for everyone on the council, and an onbservation area where the large statues are located.This is only the first version.


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  4. Tuxedo Noghri

    This skin is 3 different Noghri, the only difference between them is the skin tone, One is pink, the other's blue, and the third's brown. This was made because my friends and I Like to kick people into dark corners on our clan's server when they go afk, put on these models and just stand there waiting for them to come back to spook them. Having a noghri stare you down is a bit weird especially if it's the first thing you see. Originally, we used only the base noghri, but then I get the idea for this hopefully hilarious idea. Each noghri has a tux skinned to the torso, the shoulder and lower robe bits are just recolored dark, I think it fits nicely


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  5. Umbrella Operative

    This is not a character from the Resident Evil series first off. Its just a guy I made inspired by the Resi games. After watching all of the Resi movies in one weekend, I was in a mood for more Resident Evil. This skin is Umbrella yes, but it is also inspired by the RPD uniforms by the armor on its back and torso.


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  6. Kalek's SP Skin Changes

    his includes 2 new skins, both replacements. One for Kyle, and one for the Jedi Master. This is sort of a, preview, Of my Oni's Kyle V2, which I will release soon. My original Kyle reskin was to make him look more like a merc, this reskin, is meant to make him look more like a jedi master, and less like a moisture farmer. The second skin is a Jedi Master, I felt that the original was too light, so I darkened it up a bit, and added parts from other base skins, I think the overall result was good.


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  7. Oni's Jan



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  8. Oni's Kyle

    I remember someone suggesting to me in the comment box of my last skin (Oni's_Jan) To redo Kyle as well. When I saw that comment I decided to give it a try. It took several hours and I stood up until 2:30am working on it (I started around 7). Finished it up the next day. Personally I think it looks good. And to me, it give Kyle more of a Badass feel. Included is a replacement file for Kyle. You may put all the files the zip into your base folder. It will still work. And lastly, I forgot to make this for Oni's_Jan, a replacement file . There is one here. It
    Simply replaces Jan with the Oni's_Jan look. Jan will still have her normal sounds . I think its possible that these will work in JK2....The replacements at any rate...Well enjoy!


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  9. Oni's Apprentice

    This is my third released skin. At first I wanted to make something darth vader-ish, but not vader itself. I was thinking of vader trooper..That idea didnt fan out. The result was this skin here. I just call it the apprentice. It has Full NPC Support. I of course showed it to my clan, the angels of fire. One of my clanmates suggested I put the clan logo over the Imperial Symbol. I said "Why not" And decided to do it. I have two different versions. The clan version does not have team support, but the regular one does. When you put this file into your Base folder it will give you both skins.
    here are the "Npc spawn" commands for the npcs.

    Single Saber Apprentice: Npc spawn Oni's_Apprentice
    Dual Saber Apprentice: Npc spawn Oni's_Apprentice_2
    Double Bladed saber Apprentice: Npc spawn Oni's_Apprentice_3
    For a single bladed enemy Apprentice: Npc spawn Oni's_Apprentice_Enemy
    The [AoF] Version npc: Npc spawn Oni's_AoF_Apprentice


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  10. Oni's Jaden Bonus

    I took a look at the models for Jaden. Looking at the robes, I noticed a possible change that could be done. Placing the lower part from one robe to the other.I did so, and the result is this skin. This is my first REAL attempt at working with textures. The other male head is a baldish jaden. Please I did not try to make it look like starkiller. The third is a tattooed female head. That comes with its own torso.
    Mod contents:
    Jedi Human Female:
    One new head: Everything is almost the same as a base head, has tattoos on it.
    One new torso: Self explanatory

    Jedi Human Male:
    2 new heads: One bald, one with a modified version of the bergundy hair. The bald was my first time working with skin texture As you can see, I had to add the shading myself to it >_<
    2 new Torsos: The first is a pretty basic reskin, nothing that special. The second, when combined with the goatee head in this mod, Transforms into the sexiest thing I have ever seeen. This head comes with a glove on the right hand.
    1 new Legs option: A darker version of the tan pants. Works nicely with the other skins.


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  11. Zolteg

    Everyone has their roots in modding/skinning. Mine is this. As you can see in the screenshot verson one was not very good. It was not until I joined my clan (AoF) that I found a use for it. The Zolteg are villains that I created, that are a sort of disease of the force. They infect people with their shroud, and after a short while, they become a Zolteg. They all think as one and such. I hope to make different Zolteg skins sometime in the future. I have included NPC support and shaders, but no team support, as I always used this as a personal skin to be in the pictures of my RP logs. Maybe V2 will have team support (I Know this may upset many people as they believe that team support is vital to a skin), but for now, I am not sure how I can do it without ruining the skin itself, and that is the last thing that I want to do. Ruin the skin I mean. Well, enjoy!


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  12. Kalek's Mercenary

    A friend of mine asked me to make him a skin, I started working on it, and this happened, I ended up going into a completely different direction with this, and well, here we are now. I'm not exactly sure what it is, I am hoping the staff member who reviews this may describe it better then I can. >_>


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  13. Kyle Jedi Master Options

    This file takes my most recent Kyle skin, and creates options for which way you want to have it. There are three options, the first, overwrites Kyle completely with my skin, for both singleplayer and multiplayer. The second option, uses my skin in the .Npc file (You will need Kalek_KyleMP.pk3 in your base for this to work). And finally, the third option adds my Kyle into MP as its own skin.


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  14. Human Jedi Addon Pack

    In this pack there are 4 heads, the original jaden blonde head with no facial hair and a variation to the facial hair, And two heads are Arkanian offsets, eye variations, with and without pupils. Also two torso's are included, a dark sithish torso, and
    one based on the clothing worn by members of the Order in the game Freelancer. They add into Jedi_HM and are not their own race, so don't worry about having another one filling up your slots. Well, that's it I guess


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  15. Kalek's Rancor

    This is a simple reskin I made, there are two variations. One that is simply the regular rancor spikes and horns, and the other with different skin tones. That is the cuddly one. These two rancors both have 5000 health, so they are tougher than the normal one, (Half the health of the mutant) and in terms of scale between the mutant and normal, they should fall right in between.


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  16. God (He hates grovelling)

    This is god. He is always watching you. Always.


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  17. Platform Training 2010

    This map started off as a bit of a joke between me and one of the Council members of my clan. A map where can ust torture our members with traps and all that. Strange enough, I took that joke, and turned it into something real. I got rid of all the gimicks, and that just left me with this little arena here. It's all in all good for dueling, lms, training.
    Two things. In here is a file for my previous rancor release, I put it in this pk3 mainly so that the members of my clan would be able to drop this guy all over the place, to spawn it, just type in '/npc spawn kmd_mary' in the console. Secondly, beneath the main platform is a cage. There is no way to get into this cage unless you use noclip, or a teleport command. Here are the coordinates: -680 2816 -1064
    Yes I realize that this map is rather dark, but that was the intention, as it is indoors. And the only sources of light are small blue lights, and well, the lava. Yes there is a light in the cage without a source, but that's mainly because i just needed a light there. It works with the gameplay, but if you really have a problem with a scary ghost light from the beyond, I assure you. It is not to be feared. It doesn't want to steal your cabbages and eat your shoes.
    ....But I do.


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  18. Noghri Knight

    This is a knight skin to go with Vlalok. Enjoy yourself! A noghri armored up in plate armor and chainmail. Nothing much else to tell, it has team support, the armor becomes entirely red or blue, depending on the team, the default is a silverish white.


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  19. Noghri Jedi

    This is a Jedi Skin of the noghri, very simple. I gave it some robes and the skin is brown.


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  20. Vlalok

    This uses the reborn_twin model, Vlalok is an armored version ofthe new reborn, he has a mighty beard and a mighty roar. This is a very fun skin for me to use. My friend also uses it and enjoys it greatly. The Default skin is brown, the red is red, and blue is blue. Enjoy!


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  21. AoF Inferno Trial

    This is another map for my clan, the Angels of Fire. Unlike the previous one, this one is meant for dueling, jedi knight trials to be specific, or just training in general. I originally started this last year, and only a few months ago decided to use it again, after finding it again, I finished it in two to three days. There are several seats for council observation and normal player observation. This map is nothing too fancy, but I feel it gets the job done well.


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  22. Pacman

    Reelo's head was removed and body was repainted with a solid color to give you the result you see now. The ghosts are tuskens without legs arms or heads with faces on them. I used C3P0's shader. This is why they look so damn shiny and awesome. The map is just 2 textures Black and Blue. I took the blue out of the colors folder and gave it its own so I could put a glow shader on it. It now glows
    I've been meaning to make a Pacman skin for a very long timeNever really took it seriously so I never did it. My friend verl came to me today and told me that I should, since this usually results in something, i decided to finally do it. Later on I decided to also add in the ghosts and map.


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