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Everything posted by Almightygir
i've just read through this entire thread. the amount of carebears in here is sickening. nut up and learn to take criticism, it will only help you grow as an artist and a person.
WIP Kain - Legacy of Kain series
Almightygir replied to minilogoguy18's topic in WIPs, Teasers & Releases
and now Autodesk is killing XSI. -
Substance Painter, the software i've been using for texturing has just gone into open beta/early launch on steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/273390/ very worth the money, especially if get it while it's in beta and 50% off!
I'm not allowed to show any videos of Substance Painter at the moment as it's in closed beta =[
hahahaha yeah for sure!
another update: if anyone has anything to say about the cloth style, colourings etc. now is the time to do it, because i'll be wrapping everything up soon!
had a bit of time to play around with the Substance Painter beta software:
No, sorry man no other wip shots, i think there's a really early wip of a walk cycle for him, but that's it. He's part of an ongoing long term collaborative project which has kind of stagnated of late. we wanted to recreate a chapter, or a snippet from the Silmarillion, and do Glorfindel and the Balrog.
i made this like 2 years ago... hope it helps with whatever tutorial you decide to make! http://wiki.polycount.com/Roguedevelopmentdiary it's not so much a tutorial as a "i made this, and this was my process while i made it". i find those more useful to read than straight up tutorials so i made something similar.
just about all of the stuff before he went darkside just shows him wearing a short sleeved jedi robe with some kind of armouring underneath, so i've had to come up with something aesthetically pleasing. the greaves/bracers are based on images i posted further back. I'll be making the mask as well, it's just not a priority at this point. I also need to add facial hair, and belt buckles etc... And i think i want to change the cloth around the belt a bit as well, i'm really not happy with it. Once the jedi version is done i'll move on to the sith version, which is where i'll be making the helmet. It should all fit together in a way that you can switch between naked head and helmet head even on the jedi model.
Here's the base textures generated from Substance Designer. solid base to start from definitely! will finish up in Substance Painter =]
Someone needs to make Tenebrae/Vitiate so i may smite him mightily for what he did to T3 =[
Hey guys, thanks for all the support, and especially things like @@Zappa_0, I wish i could share all of my processes and tools but some of them are under NDA which sucks. The funny thing is though Zappa, i've worked maybe 12 hours on the high poly... which is crazy fast and if this were a freelance job i'd have taken a lot longer and polished out a lot more. Typically a character model for current gen takes ~4 weeks to complete, with an entire week (40 hours) dedicated to the high poly alone. Progress is going to be a bit slow this week, an uncle of mine passed away this weekend and the funeral is on friday. I'm going to be using Substance Designer, and Substance Painter (currently in beta) for the texturing.
hahaha, the hair has been uh... fun! i've basically made my own zbrush hair IMM brush, the downside to that is that it doesn't UV any of the hair strips, they still need to be UV'd manually. my next task will be writing a script that does that for me, but that won't be easy at all. until then i'll have to do it the good ol' fashioned way (which is what i've done). everything you see there is UV'd already, i'm UVing as i retopo. =]
retopoing like a boss... he's not even finished and he's over 30k triangles hahahaha. gonna have to optimize so hard for the jka version, sadly jka just won't live up to my vision for this guy i don't think. but i'll do my best!
It'll at the very least be "Rend2 ready", in that i'll be producing (in the first pass) all the same maps that the default rend2 shaders use. I'll probably need to change those maps for a base jk release though, even if i can do some magic with the base jk shaders.
I won't have any LOD's. and i'll be including a minimum spec in the files because i'm hoping to do some shader wizardry
Rather than treat it like a mask, i'll be making an actual helmet, as according to this: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Unidentified_Mandalorian_female that's what it was!
Done bracers, blocked in hair... need to do jedi robes, then i can work on his Starforge Armour set. I'll probably low poly + texture this one before i work on the sith version though. Think i should make the mask now? or wait until the sith version? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VcD8bo96C44
for the belt, i made an "insert multi-mesh" brush. i created a basic low poly (but subdivision ready, this is important) belt in max, imported into zbrush, and separated it into the correct polygroups, info on how to make these brushes can be found here: http://pixologic.com/zclassroom/homeroom/lesson/insert-mesh/ for the armour, i started by masking off a portion of the chest, and then in the subtool rollout choose "extract", play with the values until you have something you like, and hit accept. this will create a new subtool with your extracted mesh. i mirrored it, dynameshed, and sculpted using mostly move/pinch/trimdynamic brushes. then when i had a shape i liked i went into max and did a proper sub-d mesh for it, and imported that in in its place. i had originally tried to record both of these things, but the software i was using to record max decided to record audio only and no video!
Glad you guys are enjoying these! I have to say, recording these timelapses is actually very rewarding, it puts a lot of pressure on you to "get it right", and when you don't you can go back and review where you fucked up... So that's pretty awesome! Here's a little update, made the greaves and added some straps to keep them on. need to do wrist-straps next. I also made the chest armour (going for the jedi version first) but unfortunately the video i recorded of the hard surface 3dsmax work didn't come out properly, i'll make sure it does next time! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjjQ7VNQN0Y
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awXQ7n8grWA Cleaned up the clothes and worked on defining them as separate materials. next up is the leg and wristguards. and then the armour.
yeah i'm still undecided whether i'll be sculpting or modeling the armour right now.
it's update tiiiiime! just blocking out some clothes. need to refine them but so tired.