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Everything posted by mrwonko

  1. It's just that the bloody forum software here sometimes doesn't notify me of new replies. The only alternative would be to get a mail for every single new post, but why the hell would I want that? I want one mail until I visit the thread again, but apparently the coders didn't know the difference between a thread and a forum. Blargh. Please upload the file somewhere I don't have to install some stupid application to download it, say Mega.
  2. Won't hurt, also post a screenshot of the settings you use to export.
  3. If you're using my plugins, read the manual. It describes what it has to look like to properly export, and what settings to use when exporting.
  4. Click the fork button on github to create a copy (a so-called fork) on your own profile, upload the changes to that fork and github will display a "create pull request" button.
  5. Yeah, I thought of this and didn't mention it due to the running backwards thing. Not a reasonable solution. I still stand by the "just use a target_activate" thing.
  6. You can probably fake it using multiple triggers that (de)activate each other... Like have 3, one that activates the middle one when you approach it from the correct side and one that deactivates it when you approach from the other one (using a target_activate/target_deactivate).
  7. It can be changed it in the source code, just like pretty much everything you could possibly think of.
  8. Yes. Well, the format itself imposes no limit, but JA will refuse to load anything with more than the aforementioned 1k verts.
  9. I'm only aware of a vertex limit per mesh, which is 1000, but a hilt can consist of multiple meshes and I'm not sure if there's a limit on their number.
  10. You're presumably using some custom model with that NPC spawner? Then it's probably a shoddy one where the author just didn't bother to properly rig the mouth so it can't move.
  11. Animate in some external Tool like Blender, export as ROFF, play using camera ( /*@CAMERA_COMMANDS*/ PATH, "my/roff/file" );
  12. /*QUAKED NPC_spawner (1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 40) x x x x DROPTOFLOOR CINEMATIC NOTSOLID STARTINSOLID SHY SAFE DROPTOFLOOR - NPC can be in air, but will spawn on the closest floor surface below it CINEMATIC - Will spawn with no default AI (BS_CINEMATIC) NOTSOLID - Starts not solid STARTINSOLID - Don't try to fix if spawn in solid SHY - Spawner is shy SAFE - Won't spawn if an entity is within 64 units NPC_type - name of NPC (in npcs.cfg) to spawn in targetname - name this NPC goes by for targetting target - NPC will fire this when it spawns it's last NPC (should this be when the last NPC it spawned dies?) target2 - Fired by stasis spawners when they try to spawn while their spawner model is broken target3 - Fired by spawner if they try to spawn and are blocked and have a wait < 0 (removes them) If targeted, will only spawn a NPC when triggered count - how many NPCs to spawn (only if targetted) default = 1 delay - how long to wait to spawn after used wait - if trying to spawn and blocked, how many seconds to wait before trying again (default = 0.5, < 0 = never try again and fire target2) NPC_targetname - NPC's targetname AND script_targetname NPC_target - NPC's target to fire when killed NPC_target2 - NPC's target to fire when knocked out NPC_target4 - NPC's target to fire when killed by friendly fire NPC_type - type of NPC ("Borg" (default), "Xian", etc) health - starting health (default = 100) "noBasicSounds" - set to 1 to prevent loading and usage of basic sounds (pain, death, etc) "noCombatSounds" - set to 1 to prevent loading and usage of combat sounds (anger, victory, etc.) "noExtraSounds" - set to 1 to prevent loading and usage of "extra" sounds (chasing the enemy - detecting them, flanking them... also jedi combat sounds) spawnscript - default script to run once spawned (none by default) usescript - default script to run when used (none by default) awakescript - default script to run once awoken (none by default) angerscript - default script to run once angered (none by default) painscript - default script to run when hit (none by default) fleescript - default script to run when hit and below 50% health (none by default) deathscript - default script to run when killed (none by default) These strings can be used to activate behaviors instead of scripts - these are checked first and so no scripts should be names with these names: default - 0: whatever idle - 1: Stand around, do abolutely nothing roam - 2: Roam around, collect stuff walk - 3: Crouch-Walk toward their goals run - 4: Run toward their goals standshoot - 5: Stay in one spot and shoot- duck when neccesary standguard - 6: Wait around for an enemy patrol - 7: Follow a path, looking for enemies huntkill - 8: Track down enemies and kill them evade - 9: Run from enemies evadeshoot - 10: Run from enemies, shoot them if they hit you runshoot - 11: Run to your goal and shoot enemy when possible defend - 12: Defend an entity or spot? snipe - 13: Stay hidden, shoot enemy only when have perfect shot and back turned combat - 14: Attack, evade, use cover, move about, etc. Full combat AI - id NPC code medic - 15: Go for lowest health buddy, hide and heal him. takecover - 16: Find nearest cover from enemies getammo - 17: Go get some ammo advancefight - 18: Go somewhere and fight along the way face - 19: turn until facing desired angles wait - 20: do nothing formation - 21: Maintain a formation crouch - 22: Crouch-walk toward their goals delay - after spawned or triggered, how many seconds to wait to spawn the NPC */ In short, place an NPC_Spawner and set its NPC_Type to the name of your NPC.
  13. Not with icarus. You can just link the spawnpoint to the vehicle entity using target/targetname like you'd link a trigger to a door. You may have to set the vehicle's count to -1 to get it to respawn.
  14. No, I'm talking about the angle. If its 90, make it 270, so it moves in the opposite direction.
  15. This happens because the lighting is pre-calculated into a so-called lightmap when you compile the map. There is (practically) no dynamic lighting. So you'll have to choose which light you want for your door. If you'd prefer to have the light in its final location, move it there in Radiant, reverse its direction and set it to start open.
  16. One texture & UV map and 1000 vertices per mesh.
  17. Why do you need to work with Steam JKA? Why won't a different one do?
  18. Well the problem is that there is no debugging information for jamp.exe since the Binary was not built with debug information. So build your own jamp.exe with debug information. What are you trying to achieve?
  19. None of those statements are true.
  20. Evidently not or they would've posted.
  21. A question: Is it so hard to use a more useful title than "A question:"? Sabers are coded to work like they do, so outside of a custom mod what you're asking for isn't possible.
  22. I highly doubt this, it should be technically impossible. You could try my Blender Plugin Suite, it has an ASE importer and an MD3 exporter. Just make sure to read the manual to find out how to properly set the textures for MD3 export. https://jkhub.org/files/file/1413-blender-264-jedi-academy-plugin-suite/
  23. Where is the "I don't care about MP at all anymore" option? Alternatively, where's "no saber, no force"?
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