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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. They work fine for me in MP.
  2. My god I can't look at the first pic, the sarlaac was bad enough.
  3. You need to make a shader file with this in it. Replace "pKota_Elite/visor" with "your model name/texture name" for each texture you want to be transparent. models/players/pKota_Elite/visor{ { map models/players/pKota_Elite/visor alphaGen const 0.5 blendfunc blend }}
  4. I know how to do it, I just don't care if they're weighted, his complaint is legit, I'm just lazy.
  5. Oh you can ask, I never have a problem with people asking.
  6. @@Lord Of Hate This has nothing to do with criticism, you and I discussed the hands on Scourge not being weighed in a PM, in which I said "As far as the hands they take a long time to weigh, and to be honest it never bothered me, so I don't think I'll be touching that up." I only got bothered because I gave you an answer, but you're still bringing it up in this thread.
  7. Then don't use it, these aren't released to the public, they are WIP (it's in the title of the page) in an obscure thread that about a dozen people follow. Not to mention you and I have had PM's about the weights on the hands, why are you bringing it up in here. I mean I can just not release anything, it's not going to bother me I'll save time by not posting this stuff.
  8. Here's Cassus Fett from TOR https://www.dropbox.com/s/uq5wyarfvhzb82k/Cassus%20Fett.pk3?dl=0
  9. Chewy cause I wanna rip arms out of sockets.
  10. It's possible but most of what is in the game we already have models for. If there is someone specific in there you want let me know, but I'm not doing anything that already has a model made.
  11. The skins look really good, nice work man.
  12. It has nothing to do with textures, it's for animation.
  13. Great stuff, I really enjoyed these.
  14. I can't find it either so fuck it, I'll upload him and two others. EV-9D9 and Shae Vizsla. https://www.dropbox.com/s/velrd7kj55wxzwa/Boba%20Fett%20%28Clone%20Wars%29.zip?dl=0
  15. Congrats to the two of you.
  16. The lightsaber combat, nothing has come close and I doubt anything ever will. Also the ease of modding the game.
  17. I love the ROTS soundtrack, but my favorite single track is the one that plays during Vader and Luke's duel in ROTJ.
  18. @@Newmodder here you go. There's a sith and regular version. https://www.dropbox.com/s/zvso1my7jbu9eml/Naare.pk3?dl=0
  19. Since @@Droidy365 did most of the work, I'll slap it together.
  20. These are awesome, great job.
  21. Yeah I get the same thing.
  22. I did this as a skin years ago and if you use the saber that comes with it looks better. Note I didn't make the saber. https://www.dropbox.com/s/z6adiio2gy1fx8a/Arden%20Lyn.pk3?dl=0
  23. Trouble is the content keeps getting smaller in each one.
  24. Here's a small pack containing Ashara Zavros from TOR, Talon Karrde and Princess Leia in Honoghr outfit. https://www.dropbox.com/s/cc4g0akm4d8lmvc/5-29-2018.zip?dl=0
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