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D A R K S ! D E

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Everything posted by D A R K S ! D E

  1. You are very welcome. To be honest crashes really only occur when you try to load the models that don't use "_humanoid" as their base but instead use for example "_humanoid_luke,_humanoid_obi, _humanoid_ani, _humanoid_galen, _humanoid_ben, etc" outside of Movie Duels 2. An example would be a Movie Battles II character replacement, since some models use their own _humanoid such as _humanoid_ani, when trying to load the character in Movie Battles II, the client will crash as it does not recognize the new _humanoid file. I believe that the affected models could easily be fixed, but I do not possess the knowledge on how to do so. Nor the permission. Other than that, so far everything looks brilliant! Keep up the great work guys!
  2. So far I have played every remastered mission in Movie Duels 2 beta, and I must say BRAVO! You all have made a massive improvement, personal favorite missions of mine so far were the Jedi Temple and Yoda's duel with Palpatine. It's extremely cool to see the new cutscenes! Tho if I could give some constructive feedback it would be to perhaps beef up the enemy hero's a bit and maybe polish the swing animations a little to reduce a bit of jenkyness (blue stance particularly). I was also very curious about some of the models which seem to be unplayable and cause crashes? Namely the character models like Luke ESB, The Clone Wars models, Darth Vader, or any that do not use the base _humanoid. So I was wondering if these models may or may not be made compatible with the base _humanoid and released as standalone downloads in the future? I know I'm not the only one that would love to be able to use these models elsewhere like Movie Battles II or OPENJK for example, with permission of course.
  3. Well duh... Usually what occurs when a better model crops up. No offense to Prefx, but the jump in quality is clear to see, things like this should be seen as an upgrade.
  4. Would anyone mind posting a few links to some tutorial videos? I would think that might help people who would like to have ports, make the ports themselves. I personally wouldn't mind learning how to port a thing or two, I would need to learn weighting as well, but if it really would only take about 15 minutes of work to complete once I learned the ins and outs of porting a model, then I (along with a few others I would imagine) would be more than happy to learn.
  5. That actually isn't Hayden Christensen's voice, it's the old 2003 Clone Wars Anakin voice Actor, Mat Lucas. Same with Obi-Wan, whom is portrayed by James Arnold Taylor. (Obi-Wan's voice actor actually carried over to the newish Clone Wars animated series. Ani's however, did not.) But they do sound close!
  6. Looks awesome! any idea on when this Luke model may be released?
  7. Well alright, it does however in my opinion seem a waste to spend all the time to port a fantastic Kylo Ren character model and then not release it for download because another player-created Kylo model may or may not be completed sometime in the future... In my opinion the port of an accurate, professionally modeled Kylo Ren is the highest quality character model that has been made available in Jedi Academy to date, not saying Plasma's isn't amazing being completely made out of enjoyment and love for the craft, with no pay. But if you do believe that Psyk0 will hop back on the horse and blow us all away (SW Pinball character modelers included), then I will do as you say and wait. I have seen Psyk0's Kylo, and he is an extremely talented artist!! But I do also think there was a reason he never completed his Kylo model. (ex: It would be a ton of work finishing a whole new character model, etc...)
  8. Ahh I see... Is there any way that I can get my hands on the TFA Kylo Ren character model from the SW Pinball TFA game? Would anyone be able to send me the file? I would appreciate it so much! *edit* I'll just message The Punisher since he is the one who ported it
  9. Where can I get my hands on this model?? It is sooooo awesome!
  10. WOAH WOAH WOAH! Where did all these new Kylo models come from!? I NEED THEM ALL! FANTASTIC WORK!!!!!!
  11. Alright gramps calm down ports are awesome! No one is going to bring anyone to court over something as meaningless as a 20 year old video game character port either, nobody has time for that... Unless you are a petty loser with nothing better going on in your life that is. Most people have simply forgotten about the Jedi Knight games anyways... So in my opinion it's better to have as many neat ports of cool characters as possible than have none at all. Most ports are miles better than anything created by community members anyways. Personally I would rather have a port of a cool character than not. Also most people don't have the time to make any good character models for free. What you said about improving ports is very true and very cool tho! Helpful advice and tips are always a lot more productive and helpful than belittling others by calling them children. That is all, carry on with your thread.
  12. I was never the one insulted. You forget what thread you are on, I simply defended his right not to have a guy like you come along and belittle his work. I say leave constructive advice because what good really is you bragging about how easy it is for you and your 4 year old nephew to make new custom models. Oh right, it makes you feel good. So in all honesty, what have I done that is childish other than notice another childish thing take place and take an action to not let it go unnoticed. An adult knows what he/she is capable of, they do not need to brag to others. That's all I needed to say. Continue with your work Punisher. Well done so far on your current Luke. (Small side note, I was never the one asking for constructive criticism, I was suggesting you pass some down to The Punisher, instead of brag. Maybe I am not the only one reading between the lines.)
  13. I am completely calm. You just made a snarky remark about modeling being easy for even a 4 year old. Now you backtrack saying "but this "so easy" was actually pretty hard when I was new." Why not just leave positive and constructive feedback? Or do you just enjoy to belittle people?
  14. Then why haven't you created more of them? Maybe you could touch up some already existing characters? I'm sure many Star Wars fans would love new characters to use, and to you it is so easy. Or maybe we should commission your 4 year old nephew to make some new toons?
  15. Where is that Luke head from if you don't mind me asking? It is really, really well done. Good job porting!
  16. Wow! He looks amazing! Just like Mark Hamill!
  17. I have been thinking of recreating a more modern Revan one of these days. Hopefully I can make it turn out alright...
  18. IMO if Jyn Erso and Rey ever met up, Jaina Solo would be their love child.
  19. Yes but I have heavily edited the face, hair, and body suits.
  20. I have been wanting to make a new female character for the female Star Wars fan out there, and with the nudge and suggestions from KimmyMarin, I made Jaina Solo. As I said in the beginning of this thread all credits will be given with the file themselves should I choose to upload. Concept In game
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