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Everything posted by Dusty

  1. For my mod I basically decided I think the weapon select screen should be replaced with inventory select. In JA, you're not a mercenary, but a Jedi. I figure a lightsaber and blaster pistol are enough, and rather you get to pick equipment like seeker drones, sentry guns, bacta tanks, etc. Maybe at the most you could take 1 extra weapon with you. Then like Circa said you actually have to raid weapons and find them during missions, which I think would be more fun anyway. In JK2 Kyle is more of a mercenary armed-to-the-teeth type anyway but JA I feel is a little different. I'm not advocating limited inventory or anything, but just that you start with equipment rather than all these weapons and rather have to find them.
  2. I think a comment in the code mentioned something too about how likely NPCs are to give up searching for you possibly? Or maybe it was just talking about chasing you, not after they've "lost" you. This honestly GREATLY confuses me... I always thought higher aim = better, except in special cases like rodians who seem to ignore their aim stat (and they are snipers of course). You seem to be implying to that an Aim of "5" is a "low" aim stat, isn't that the highest possible value? Or are you referring to some coded "aim" ability of NPCs that is influenced by their NPC file aim stat, as well as other things? You say generally a higher aim stat is better, is your main point that snipers simply follow their own rules? Doesn't affect how likely they are to run away or anything? Also, are you sure Aim and Move do nothing for Jedi? Aiming type things seem to be talked about a lot in Jedi AI, I didn't specifically track down any references to an NPC's aim stat as I got like 100 hits in the find results, but I'd find it hard to believe it has no effect. And the same thing for Move, this doesn't affect NPC movement at all? Like what attacks they use? It seems Rank serves the theoretical functions of Intelligence and Move, as this increases the complexity and intelligence of AI behaviour... And to comment on what you said Asgarath, it seems very strange that Move and Intelligence especially seem not to do anything. So did Raven basically lie to us? In their .npc helper files they say things like "Intelligence is how smart NPCs are in general" and "Move is how complex their moves are when evading or in combat" ...
  3. Perhaps we could "decode" this? Most of the stats are obvious enough for Jedi on the whole. But for gunners, the specific effects are kind of ambiguous. Perhaps we could document some specific effects as stated by the code that Aggression, Aim, Evasion, Intelligence, Move, and Reactions have? Like how does "Aim" affect a Jedi? Does Intelligence actually change gunner's behavior? Do Move, Aggression, or Evasion have any effect on Gunners that for the most part stand still except for retreating occasionally? To keep tabs: Gunners - Aggression: Seems to be references to how likely they are to attack or maybe how quickly they start firing once alerted. Since bad guys will ALWAYS attack you, I'm guessing this effects how quickly they start blasting. Aim: Seems pretty obvious. Probably don't need anything here. Intelligence: Doesn't seem to be any code anywhere that uses this. Maybe this was scrapped in favor of an NPC's rank affecting behavior complexity? Evasion: Move: Reactions: Jedi - Aggression: Aim: Intelligence: Evasion: Move: Reactions:
  4. When I say spellchecking I mean, checking for easily proofread errors/typos in my syntax, like if I write "inr" instead of "int", "swtich" instead of "switch", forget a ";" or something. Not rocket science, which is partially why I don't get why this isn't working... I'm not asking Visual Studio to do anything overly complex lol.
  5. Maybe I'll just list any and all planned features? Then we can discuss overlap/crossover/incompatibility?
  6. ^So it auto-lists members and gives you squiggles when you refer to non-existent variables or forget semi-colons and stuff like that? I mean, there is a database there for me where I can look up where variables are declared and what not, but the very basic feature of spellchecking by Intellisense seems to be broken. I've basically given up for now, I'll just have to make do I suppose... But... @@eezstreet: Is there anything I might have done in building the .sln file with CMake that would cause Intellisense not to work, and I could rebuild it? Or that's not even really related?
  7. Where would this file be? In the folder where the OpenJK solution file is? EDIT: NVM, I think I found it, it was labeled as an SQL Server Compact Database or something file, deleted it, now I'm starting up visual studio, and it seems to be parsing all the files in the solution again... still no error reporting from Intellisense though, I think I'm going to have to look it up on the internet more. I have all the proper settings on so I don't know why it's not working... What are ctags?
  8. So, any chance of being able to merge my mod with this? Or no? Perhaps some of the code-side features I had planned could be part of the "Custom Game" options?
  9. And the difference between Jedi Master and Jedi Knight difficulty except for HP and Shields is? Yes it can. And no, you can't deflect primary fire, at least in one of the games, JK2 or JA, and I'm assuming it was both of them. It cannot be deflected back at you, does ridiculously high damage = eats reborn for breakfast. Secondary fire can be deflected back at you of course, but not the underused primary fire
  10. Pfff, Saberists are so easy to beat with guns. You just load them full of shots when they start to slash at you. Better yet just use the bowcaster primary fire which can't be deflected back at you and does like 50 damage.
  11. Can anyone vouch that VS2010 (or 2008) on Windows XP has had working Intellisense for them with OpenJK?
  12. So, without Windows 7 I can't use VS 2012 or 2013. Any suggestions? I never changed anything with Intellisense apparently, still says No Additional Information Available. Has anyone gotten Intellisense working in VS 2010 for OpenJK?
  13. Don't think we have MBII set up for VS2013 yet
  14. Didn't do it. I never really had Intellisense to begin with... is there anything I had to do special for OpenJK to get it going? I saw some stuff on the internet about enabling intellisense for makefile projects but none of the options they had showed up for me :/
  15. Would VS2012 have better Intellisense support too? I tried cleaning the solution, VS still won't tell me though if I forget a semicolon though and stuff like that... not getting the "No additional information" message though anymore... also I did try double-clicking on it a bunch of times but that didn't take me anywhere it was just a plain message I guess...
  16. Giving him a boss class like Desann, or Kyle may help a bit.
  17. ^Oh no, I don't do simple key binding my friend. Very complex ones! And more may be possible with ICARUS, but therfiles would have to fill in there.
  18. Wow... that was cray... Anakin and Yoda totalyl screwed those clones though in the beginning... how did they think the clones were going to be able to help them besides just needlessly getting killed?
  19. ^ICARUS might be cleaner than me writing scripts, and by scripts I mean chains of commands. As you can write a variable using the "runscript" console command, so your icarus script no longer needs to be tied to a map. However if you don't want the player to have to use the console or cheats at all, we could use menus to have them select the saber, then the menu would set a variable such as "vstr evolvesaber" to the correct .sab file set using a .cfg based on what button the player presses.
  20. Any map mods I'm planning on doing with ent-modding. Nothing hardcore, too lazy for that anyway even if it was doable through decompiling without breaking the map I won't be making any bonus missions, at least, not yet. Only adding awesome ones made by other people. @@katanamaru: Like I said, I can be dictator over what sabers people are allowed to use without cheats in SP (not that making .sab files is that difficult...) but I did think of a more comprehensive solution. Perhaps for the player we could use save game cvars that control the 4 saber attributes (parrybonus, breakparrybonus, etc.), and then for NPCs just use custom sabers with modded stats...
  21. Visual Studio 2010 doesn't seem to want to help me with Intellisense... Herm. Any non-complex way to fix this? It's not because of how OpenJK is set up is it? I don't see why no matter how it's set up it can't tell me if I forget a semicolon or something...
  22. Coding? I can write you some configs for that. Only thing is without code you can't compare values of cvars, you can only modify stuff in a more round-about way. I'm sure with a little cleverness we could make it work though.
  23. I mean we have the source code. It actually may not be a big deal. Whereas the code only turns on currently for the specific mutant rancor NPC, it could probably easily be added to other NPCs?
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