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Everything posted by DisneyOnAcid

  1. 5,138 downloads

    This file adds a bunch of new heads, torsos and legs to the default jedi human female customization options. It's basically a 'frankenstein' made up of a parts from other characters, and some new textures. It includes: -Jan Ors's vest, belt, goggles and hairstyle -pants inspired by Jan's pants -An aviator hat inspired by the one Aphra wears in the Darth Vader comics, and the Naboo pilot hats -An additional face texture -Set of clothes inspired by the smuggler outfit from The Old Republic I always thought human female Jaden's face looked kind of too serious for her character, and that it would have been cool if she were more like a new younger Jan Ors, especially for the missions where Kyle Katarn shows up. I know Jaden's supposed to be her own character but still So I tried to make up for that with this mod. I could make this mod thanks to a great tutorial by Artemis and the people who posted in this thread: https://jkhub.org/topic/4905-frankensteining-with-blender/ The hat is made out of a modified Rebel pilot helmet. I also made a side shaved haircut option but it doesn't look too good (maybe some better textures can fix the bad model). Bugs: Some models and textures have issues that can be noticed from certain angles. I tested it quite a lot but there may be more bugs and errors I haven't noticed. Thanks for checking this out and I hope you like it!!
  2. I love that picture of Kyle you picked as main screenshot xD
  3. Hi, I've been googling this for a long while but haven't found the answer. I was wondering, where is the lighting/darkness of a map defined? I mean what makes the map appear dark like it's at night as opposed to daytime? Is it something that can be changed by editing shaders or the .bsp file's entities? Or does it need to be defined before compiling the map? I'm not a map maker but I want to try to make small changes to the game's original maps and I'm interested in how this works. Thanks!
  4. @dark_apprentice Well I'm still very new to modding JKA and from what I just checked the drivable vehicles have bones so I need 3ds Max to make them, which I don't have yet, sorry! I'll try to get 3ds Max. That model is looking awesome btw!
  5. Thanks! Those are good reference pictures, better than what I could find before. I'll edit the model.
  6. Version 1.1


    This is a very small mod that simply replaces the parked Millenium Falcon from the Tatooine Mercenaries level into the one from Episode 7. Basically it's the same 3D model and textures except for the radar dish that I replaced with a custom rectangular one to make it look like the TFA one. This is my first mod so let me know if it caused any issues with your game or if it didn't work. Thanks for checking this out and I hope you like it!
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