This file adds a bunch of new heads, torsos and legs to the default jedi human female customization options. It's basically a 'frankenstein' made up of a parts from other characters, and some new textures. It includes: -Jan Ors's vest, belt, goggles and hairstyle -pants inspired by Jan's pants -An aviator hat inspired by the one Aphra wears in the Darth Vader comics, and the Naboo pilot hats -An additional face texture -Set of clothes inspired by the smuggler outfit from The Old Republic I always thought human female Jaden's face looked kind of too serious for her character, and that it would have been cool if she were more like a new younger Jan Ors, especially for the missions where Kyle Katarn shows up. I know Jaden's supposed to be her own character but still So I tried to make up for that with this mod. I could make this mod thanks to a great tutorial by Artemis and the people who posted in this thread: https://jkhub.org/topic/4905-frankensteining-with-blender/ The hat is made out of a modified Rebel pilot helmet. I also made a side shaved haircut option but it doesn't look too good (maybe some better textures can fix the bad model). Bugs: Some models and textures have issues that can be noticed from certain angles. I tested it quite a lot but there may be more bugs and errors I haven't noticed. Thanks for checking this out and I hope you like it!!