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Everything posted by ensiform

  1. You want the test build from there, as 1.36 is from like 2009 or earlier. Which goes in your quake 3 installation folder, and includes the SDL dll necessary I believe.
  2. Compiling as 64-bit application does not magically make it use up all the ram though. The code base still is pretty much exactly the same as the 32-bit version and I'm not really sure what changed 64-bit wise, if anything. Your map sounds like it is too superior for what it is being created with
  3. https://icculus.org/gtkradiant/downloads.html Includes 64-bit q3map2 by default in a special directory fyi.
  4. No, in fact it is not a problem with the engine but it is a problem with your graphics stack with something on your laptop like I said previously. Unfortunately it is common for nvidia, amd and intel to provide shit support for OpenGL especially on older graphics cards and laptops. The Microsoft driver is not supportive of real OpenGL unfortunately, which is being used causing issue. MOH isn't even using SDL, which then disproves the theory that SDL is at fault here. It is highly, laughably implausible that JO works but JKA or MOH don't or even Q3. What link are you using to download ioquake3? It comes with SDL in the zip file downloaded. ioquake3 requires quake 3, it doesn't run separately either.
  5. Recast is being used internally with future Omni-bot development including Q3 BSP reading. I'm not really sure on it's progress though.
  6. https://github.com/recastnavigation/recastnavigation Can be made to work with JKA just fine but it might need a tiny bit of engine access. IMO this would be good to use for both bots and NPCs regardless of horde mode or not. @@Xycaleth @@Raz0r Limited bsp reading is all that you'd need, which could probably even be done without the engine and just load the file in mod code.
  7. How does it destroy mod features lol. This isn't the place to ask about KoTF though so...
  8. Kinda surprised nobody has come up with the idea to do a total conversion horde mode mod for JKA. Ala CoD zombies or something to that effect. I realize that its unrealistic and I don't have any kind of time to put forth nor am I artistic to create levels or anything. Just thought I'd throw the idea out there. "Hey let's just add zombies mode with trooper skins, making some kind of backstory of how all the clones got turned into zombehs for lulz."
  9. None of the OpenJK contributors care enough to test KoTF so, you're shit out of luck for seeing what the issue is
  10. server.cfg is never auto generated by the game or server itself. This is a construct of the server operator. with jampded jampserver is created and with OpenJKded this is openjk_server.cfg These are not the configs you would care about. As this is the same thing as your regular player config, but for servers.
  11. In theory yes but not necessarily as it was grafted to the jka engine and there are issues with modern compilers, saves, and such. If you have the pack files for glow you can have dynamic glow and such for example.
  12. OpenJK doesn't ship with JK2 support at all. You'd have to compile it yourself.
  13. cg_hudFiles 1 causes the simple HUD in MP (and also SP with OpenJK) It won't be set to 1 because of too many menus, it has to be explicitly set and shouldn't be an error only a message.
  14. Because you've not put it in the directory with the game. It's under lib/SDL2/bin and select x86 if older than vs 2015 otherwise you want the x86 2015 one. It's copied if configured to install. As the buildbot does include it for jka.
  15. That means jk2 built just fine. The assets part for mp dlls didn't package is all.
  16. Its not saying which executable was being used unfortunately so its difficult to say. This can happen if the game is still running if you're launching from the build directory, or it could be one of the compiler tools, cmake, etc. Did you turn on all 3 build jk2 things in cmake? You must use the JK2SP Client, JK2SP Game, and JK2SP Vanilla Renderer for JK2. There is no startup +set com_jk2 1 or anything like that. You still need to copy the SDL 2 dll to your game directory of course as per usual which is prebuilt for you.
  17. Serenity Jedi Engine source would be nice if the released version is going to remain online.
  18. Capture point game modes don't work so nicely in Q3 engine unfortunately unless you have it be instant-trigger with a goal or something. To have it be like TF2's where multiple players can capture etc, would not work so well. These points look really nice. They'd even fit for CTF too.
  19. OpenJK's SP allows custom weapon.dat with damage entries but the defaults of course are not in the weapon.dat file so you'd have to still go through the code to find the right values for SP.
  20. Sure but tf2 doesn't use the missile icon.
  21. The disruptor doesn't have separate MOD_ types though afaik? I think the weapon looks best for rocket.
  22. The icons with the person in it look eerily like they come from Portal for some reason. The alt fires are looking good. Concussion is a little bit strange though. I'd say use the sniper logo for the conc alt as the conc alt is an instant hit/hitscan laser like thing. Also forgot about the turbo laser... misc_turretG2 idk if those are the hoth turrets or the hanging turrets though. And I think the turret you're using is the player usable one. Sadly the turret and emplaced etc are all kinda mixed and mashed as far as what uses what. I think emplaced even uses the vehicle MOD :/
  23. Don't bother with multiple saber icons though. Its not separated as to what kind of saber or if you were kicked unfortunately, or even if it was a thrown saber.
  24. The point behind using the different for some of the alt fires is that they are rapidly different kill types. Such as the Repeater and Conc and flechette. Or maybe the addition to the weapon icon could look different like how TF2 has the extra imagery after the weapon icon on some.
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