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Everything posted by Seven

  1. Oh yes, I've been busy doing many projects on here lately. I'll get back to maul in the next few days and give you an update then.
  2. I think we really need to remodel the head before that guys gonna look anything like seb.
  3. No don't start bringing up issues. Drama sucks, keep it away. In my opinion, we are all here to contribute what we can with no expectation of gaining anything besides the satisfaction of the community, so variations of work with credit don't have very much reason to not be approved for upload. But at the same time, it's the authors decision and you gotta respect that.
  4. As is most peoples work, but still you should make some stuff.
  5. Seems you know what you're doing. Why not do some modelling work?
  6. Can you make a list of things left to do?
  7. Ok I've got the droid sounds from Republic Commando. They are quite different from the usual but I like them.
  8. I'll look into it, but there's enough stormtrooper sound here to make st3,4,5,6,7,8... Same for rebels. Problem being it includes all 8 languages unorganized. I'm slowly sorting through it.
  9. I actually found all the voice files for battlefront a few days ago, forgot about them. I'd put some on luke but not much else yet. Maybe I'll make stormtrooper and rebel pack
  10. This video has the sounds.
  11. I'm thinking we need to try and get the sounds heard from the graflex (Anakin's saber) in TFA. We've spent so much time on Kylos it seems we all forgot about it.
  12. Healthy Arcann and Thexan are in the works.
  13. Do you know the actor name?
  14. I have stuff of them playing, but I'm assuming thats not what you were looking for?
  15. It sounds good. Although some don't make sense. The confuse and suspicious sounds shouldn't be so aggressive, because the troops don't see the enemy they just hear something. It's changing "who's there?" to "on my mark!"
  16. I was thinking like the relationships seen in multiplayer, but with sounds. So like specific lines for Luke to Vader and so fourth. Anyone know a way?
  17. Oh I know. Half my modding time has consisted of finding workarounds for mac. Computer sucks too, at least for what I paid for it. 3 years old and its slowing down considerably. I've been trying to get the money for a good pc with good enough specs to last me 7 or so years, but you know. For now I'm stuck on here and its good enough. Dual booting is an absolute nightmare through all the bugs and lag. And contacting support usually goes like this "Sorry, we can't help you with windows, call microsoft." "Sorry, we can't help you with mac, call apple"
  18. Well then go ahead. Just don't burn out.
  19. No you're misunderstanding me. Focus on making the animations for the character and don't worry about the cloth and belts.
  20. I think you may want to stick to the characters animations. Animating each cloth on each outfit will take a hella long time.
  21. Well, softimage isn't for mac, so not everyone.
  22. Is that possible? I don't know gmods format.
  23. We really still need this. Who's good at animations?
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