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Status Replies posted by Bacon

  1. Found 4 makermod servers, all empty. :(

    1. Bacon


      I love to have a feature, block noclip :P or create "zones" that will either kill you or kick you out/spawn back at spawn if you dont have permission.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. Found 4 makermod servers, all empty. :(

    1. Bacon


      well when servers are empty and most people wont join servers that have no players on them, or they have the "empty server" listing off. add a bot in Spec at least.

      I joined one of the servers, like some crazy magic all the knowledge from making stuff came back to me, but I can't remember my mothers birthday.


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. Fixing clans wiki pages

    1. Bacon


      Updating what I find that needs to be fixed or changed. so much..work

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. How is the Weather kids? (its -10 here)

  5. Other clans these days become hostile toward other clans who visit their server now days.

    1. Bacon


      **them into the lava pit. Not my fault they decided to fight close to the sea. Its cheap sure but affective. Then you are kicked or banned for it.


    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  6. Other clans these days become hostile toward other clans who visit their server now days.

    1. Bacon


      But how can one have such fun when you can't even have a proper duel. Have to obey their server rules sure thing I can deal with that (even if they are childish rules).

      Refusing to chat with everyone and only use Pm to talk among your fellow clan mates. You are marked as "up to no good" For talking out of line...out of line, you are slept or silence so you can listen to "the adults" speak to you.


      My favorite is always, during a match on Taspir you flip kick...

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  7. I think I just might be able to squeeze in a full remap and setup of ex_jedi_temple before christmas. No more teleing between areas either. What does everyone think of that?

    1. Bacon


      Whats wrong with the teleporting between areas? I think that helps reduce lag.


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. So hard these days to be in an active clan in JKA.

    1. Bacon


      True true. But from my point of view with no disrespect, but all them clans that been "active" since the beginning(2003). Newer or smaller clans don't have a chance. Sure you can go and play on them populated servers(mainly by larger clans) but doesn't help them.(No recruiting) So difficult these days. That and then you be on on a random server with your own clan tags and have another clan member "try" to talk you into leaving yours for a better one.



    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  9. Hows the weather?

  10. Talking to love interests is....(insert your answer here)

  11. Skyrim leads to heartbreak, in the end.

  12. ent has been furiously working on the MBII-compatible version of jaMME help him get it bug free by testing! Details here: http://community.moviebattles.com/forum/public-area/modification-and-media-discussion/1160680-jamme-for-mbii-alpha#post1160680

    1. Bacon


      Maybe if he fixes the MBII version he can fix the rest of it.


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  13. Is it possible to become a game developer while at the same time sucking hard at math?

    1. Bacon


      Wow..man you just couldn't help boost his self-esteem.

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  14. Jkhub: News (series?) Got myself a good enough idea/layout. Stormtrooper*s will be the News anchors. Hope to make it fun.....so far my recent Mod and Clan choices have changed multi times. >.> and Featured picture :D (No Date of release)

    1. Bacon


      Well I had a thought of making the "time" be around Episodes 4-6 or something and announce like...the destruction of the Death star and one of the anchors Brothers was on that ship...start crying >...>


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  15. Jkhub: News (series?) Got myself a good enough idea/layout. Stormtrooper*s will be the News anchors. Hope to make it fun.....so far my recent Mod and Clan choices have changed multi times. >.> and Featured picture :D (No Date of release)

    1. Bacon


      any ideas on what you like to see would be helpful but I plan to make it short and not lengthy.


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  16. Is it possible to become a game developer while at the same time sucking hard at math?

    1. Bacon


      Einstein sucked at basic math. Had to get his wife to simply count money. (Random fact)


    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  17. So many dead links and pictures in some of the tutorials.

  18. Still waiting for Ja++ to be fixed. or useful guide.

    1. Bacon


      Correction, Ja++ and "moviemakers" mod both same level of messy ins

      tallion and exampling how to use.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  19. Still waiting for Ja++ to be fixed. or useful guide.

    1. Bacon


      Done all that. Nothing seems to work as told. It messy, nothing really explained. My clan members installed the client and crashes there game or non of the features work on ja+/ja++ servers. Server itself remains unfazed, admins are gone since none can be added without some file that isn't provided or clear example on adding them. server.cfg setup unexplained in what to keep/remove.


      Just a mess. What happen to, download, drag and drop, edit server.cfg and you are good to go....

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

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