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  1. I made this tutorial, because i remember having a really hard time in the old days trying to export the models from Blender to Radiant. Mirror video Have a nice day!
  2. Omg... you are a genious, it worked! You saved me! haha THANKS
  3. Thats a point there, there is not a very big community to play our maps... Im an old player, i just recently re-hooked to jka and mapping, i had forgot how much i enjoy it! My idea is to "remake" Tristram (and part of the dungeon, till the Butcher) i wanna make it as faithfull to the original Diablo 1 as possible, thats why im taking my time, this problem that you help me solve, had my hole project stopped... i lost a lot of time with this, but thanks to you and the others i can continue. Here is a image of the Cauldron in place! haha: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1vv1ss340x9rerp/adriashut.jpg?dl=0 An this is an old video with almost no light but it gives an idea of the thing:
  4. You are officialy my hero... It worked: https://www.dropbox.com/s/udqe0wrwxhzacvh/shot0075.jpg?dl=0 I swear i'm gonna make a tribute to you on my map, i'll let you know when its finished. BIG THANKS!!!
  5. Im not sure if this is what you are asking (im too new, sorry) but here it goes, i made a test map and only added a model with the problem: A thing that bugs me a lot is that by accident i just loaded the map in singleplayer mode and for my surprise i can see the model textured! I checked proyect settings in Radiant, and they are fine, im mapping for multiplayer. Im now reading your new post! Haha, nop, its not on a pk3, will do that right now. Thanks again for your time!
  6. Checking on the internet i saw the thing about "not save as progressive", im using Adobe Shotoshop CS6, and this are the settings im using: - https://www.dropbox.com/s/7vpbe1de3ey910e/photo%20settings.jpg?dl=0 Thanks for your kindness.
  7. Excellent job DT!!!! Thank you!
  8. First of all thank for the awnsers. Im really new at modeling, and to be honest Asgarath83 i do not know how to send the shader code of the wooden archway. I tryed changing the texture, and for my nasty surprise, the model seems to work with CERTAINT textures... For example i used this "gold" image for the texture ( https://www.dropbox.com/s/557nammvu24ysw4/gold.jpg?dl=0 ) and you can see the model ingame ( https://www.dropbox.com/s/85imh9dpnh1x5pw/shot0069.jpg?dl=0 ). - The old texture i was using for the cauldron: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1bjudnhjyegy4u6/textcald.jpg?dl=0 - The thexture wich works fine on the model: https://www.dropbox.com/s/557nammvu24ysw4/gold.jpg?dl=0 This is the thing, i cant figure out what's the diference between te textures. Im missing something that i cant figure, and its driving me crazy (im making tristram from Diablo 1) and whats missing is all the modelling, and im stuck here, in this bottomless pit (ouch) jaja. Thanks again for your advices!
  9. Hi guys, i got a problem with custom models. The texture on the model wont work on THE GAME, but works just fine in RADIANT. As the screenshots shows... Im clueless... Any idea what may be? The image for the model is .jpg 512*512. Screenshot in game: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7fy5md9ojhw0lld/ingame.jpg?dl=0 Screenshot in radiant: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fjjqkdbod0j21fl/inradiant.jpg?dl=0 Screenshot of blender: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7ev4ihym9b9j7zo/inblender.jpg?dl=0 Thanks for reading.
  10. Hi everyone! Its been like 4 days im dealing with this, so... if some kind soul can extend a hand i'll apretiate. When i export a model from Blender to Radiant, this is how it looks: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ua6d99pqnjhzeyd/01.png?dl=0 Also, ingame it just doesnt appear, not even that blue textured thing. I have try this 2 addons to export/import form blender to MD3, and no luck: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bx23q2fh1h44r4g/Captura%20de%20pantalla%202015-10-31%2017.13.10.png?dl=0 Looks like the problem is with the textures, im guessing maybe those addons are out-of-date, hell i dunno. Thanks for reading!
  11. Wow! looks great!
  12. ShoSeijuro


    Strange bug: I can only open o file inside paskape, with folders no problem. But files? can only open 1. LoL.
  13. Incredible work.
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