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File Comments posted by kalamaray

  1. I keep getting some black boxes on top of the saber blade and also in the blade itself. And also a very long red error code. Can you help please? :)


    Sounds like what happens when the .shader file with the animations is there with no blade line JPG's for it to use, Is it doing that with all the blade colors or just one? I made sure to add all the JPG's for the animation frames into both pk3's that had the .shader file for them to avoid that (Blade_Animations.pk3 and Blade_Animations+Kylo_red.pk3 which is the same but with Kylo Ren's instead of the normal red saber), so my first guess would be maybe something in your base folder is taking priority over the gfx/effects/sabers folder and canceling the ones in my mod out but leaving the shader sitll active. Are all the p3k's you're using from my mod on the bottom of your base folder below any other mods, and are you using any big mods/conversions etc?

  2. @The Punisher I only really play SP too nowadays (mainly tinkering with mods or working on one and just messing around), for the starkiller base and other MP maps you just throw them in the base folder and use devmapall mapname command to use them in SP. Makes it alot easier for doing screenshots hehe. With that particular map though you needa turn on the snow manually (r_we snow command a few times).

  3. @The Punisher How do you like the regular blade animations compared to the blue saber in the movie? I tried to get the speed of the ripple effect and everything as close as possible but the scenes showing the blade in a static position were all pretty short.


    @Rilobax12 I don't know that there's any sound mods for the regular sabers from the movie yet, but Darth Martyr's kylo hilt has awesome sound effects for Kylo Ren's saber https://jkhub.org/files/file/2609-kylo-rens-lightsaber/

    Darth Sion likes this
  4. Is there a way to get the cores to work for RGB sliders?

    You can replace the blade lines for them with one of mine, granted the sabers won't have the same color contrast/depth but yes it's pretty simple to add a blade line. Same file destination gfx > effects > sabers and rename one of my blade lines to rgb_line to replace the existing one, and i assume to use whatever the black_line is for, just invert the colors on my blade to replace the black_line. I did this with an older set of blades i made for someone but i haven't used JKA Enhanced myself.


    Oh also you'll probably want to remove the color saturation from my blade line before you do it, if you aren't familiar with dealing with files like this i can just edit/rename the lines and send them to you. Just let me know.

  5. Remove the torso (keeping the arms) in the .skin file on those last two and you'll have first person view skins hehe. Then copy and paste this in-game   "cg_thirdPersonRange 0;cg_thirdPersonVertOffset 0.50;cg_thirdpersonpitchoffset 7; cg_thirdPersonCameraDamp 1;cg_fov 89;cg_thirdPersonTargetDamp 1"

  6. very good. For next version maybe fix a floating part (leftover) on top of all the blades?


     The floating flat top is caused by the bottom of the saber blade extending to close to the bottom of the jpeg, just trim it down having around 10 or more pixels of completely blank space below where your saber blade ends to get rid of it.

    White Hood likes this

    Tavion Extreme Makeover

       1,088    11

    The television program "Extreme Makeover" takes average people and gives them thousands of dollars worth

    of aesthetic (plastic) and surgery, professional hair and makeup styling, and a new wardrobe, to make them

    as attractive as possible.


    I decided to give my favorite bad-BOY LUKE an "Extreme Makeover" with laser tattoo removal,

    hair and makeup changes, and some wardrobe "improvements" to make HIM as attractive as possible.





    In 1977.....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZR7FjIrW8I

    KyleKatarn1995 likes this

    SWTOR Movie blades

       2,707    17

    Someone should try out Psyk0Sith's Darth Malgus (https://jkhub.org/files/file/2296-darth-malgus/) with this mod. I imagine the end result would be VERY interesting, in replicating the actual SW: The Old Republic cinematic

    The first person version of that model i used in the screenshot is pretty awesome to play as, the metal shoulder pads and arms are positioned just right to be visible and not in the way for a good first person view. it's kind of funny now when  i consider downloading a model/skin my first priority is examining the arms haha. The Sith Stalker model for instance (https://jkhub.org/files/file/617-sith-stalker/) makes a really badass first FPV with all the crazy detail on the arms/hands.

    Darth Sion likes this

    SWTOR Movie blades

       2,707    17

    Very awesome dude!


    Hey, do you think there is a way to get your saber FX's to work with RGB?

    I actually made some files for that the other day for someone else to try, i don't use the mod for it though so i wasn't able to test them with the actual RGB system (i tried the non-colored blade for them in the base game though) but i can send you the files. Unfortunately the RGB sabers don't seem to allow for color or variation in the blade lines so they won't have the same contrast/color depth but they should still be alright.

    Multi Player Views

       443    8

    I'm just going to include the Single Player files as an extension/addon to this mod here for those who are interested:


    Remove Player Character Mod




    Put both files in your base folder to install.


    Run "exec views" in Single Player game mode to bind the view switch keys (same as for Multiplayer).


    When you want to play the whole game in full first person view mode, run this line in the console, and switch to the first person view setting (using the ' key):


    exec clearmodel


    It will remove the player model from sight, but leave all your player progress, abilities, and settings untouched.


    Unfortunately it still keeps the lightsaber hilt(s) visible at all times, but that's a small price to pay for some FPV SP fun...


    Enjoy. ^_^

    Turning off the torso/head on a models .skin file and using the camera commands to get a first person view in single player ("cg_thirdPersonRange 0;cg_thirdPersonCameraDamp 1;cg_thirdPersonTargetDamp 1" etc) with arms and legs also a cool alternative, i actually prefer it to JK2's first person saber view.

    Cerez likes this

    SWTOR Movie blades

       2,707    17

    What is that Anakin skin on one of the pictures?

    It's the HS_anakin model with one of the outfit textures from the jedi kyle pack https://jkhub.org/files/file/622-kyle-katarn-in-jedi-robes/, it was the closest thing i could put together similar to the zabrak jedi in the clips hehe.



    These are beautiful! Quick question though: How are you getting that lovely first person view with a lightsaber?

    To get first person on JKA you need to edit a .skin file for the model you want, turning off the head and torso parts (and caps for them) and use a mixture of view commands. for instance my favorite lately is one of the starkiller outfits so i have a hotkey for it that looks like this 


    bind PAUSE "playermodel starkiller_clone;cg_thirdPersonRange 0;cg_thirdPersonVertOffset 1.5;cg_thirdpersonpitchoffset 7; cg_thirdPersonCameraDamp 1;cg_fov 89;cg_thirdPersonTargetDamp 1"


    I actually prefer this to Jedi Outcasts first person view cause you can have the legs/shoulders and do all the acrobatic moves. the only drawback is force speed doesn't work well in it. Guns also look really cool in this view.

  7. After doing some basic texture editing on this i got it to look just like one of the simpler hilts at ultrasabers (i think it was the dark initiate/apprentice or something) and it's actually been one of my favorites to use lately. Nice work.

  8. Thanks, i made the trails on these more saturated to match the blade cores. You could replace them with the trails from my last blade package though if you prefer more white brighter trails (they're basically the same ones just tweaked a bit).


    Forgot to mention if you were talking about the trail shapes, running an older pc with even a little bit of hardware lag/fps drop trails don't "unfold" properly and look really messed up, happens to me alot with my old laptop.

  9. The blades have the file that remove the yellow aura around dropped sabers, and i only added a few things when i changed it to version 2 so it would be simple enough to remove  a few files for it to be the original release. No reason to though unless you didn't like a particular effect/graphic.

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